The Walking Dead - Official Thread

Abraham might be next to go.

Dude is too greedy. You smashing Rosita but you want Sasha too :smh:

Rick always ends up bloody and looking crazy :lol:

I was cracking up when he looked around and was like "what?' :lol:

I think Rosita is gone eventually
think it's gonna be both Abraham and Maggie that die, just seems like the perfect scenario. Can't have two babies on the same show and with all the blatant foreshadowing of Glenn being the one to die the producers gotta switch it up
another good episode. i still dont know who exactly will die...but the suspense is killin me

by the way did anybody catch the rerun of ep:9 (no way out) last night. right before negan's crew got blown up by daryl, there was a car that can be seen in the background that a lot of people thinking its negan. well in last night's rerun, it was edited out.

Is crazy because at this point there are a lot of like able characters whos deaths will hurt in some way or form....Abe is always good on screen, Maggie will hit the feels because you know Glenn will lose his **** and that's my man from Day 1...if Glenn goes im gonna be hurting for a expecting Darryl or Michone to go :nerd: imagine that curveball.
They wont kill off Glen for a while imo

I thought so, but I just don't know anymore...lmaoooo guess that's a good thing on the writers part...

Killing off a pregnant woman to introduce Neagan is ballsy, almost as ballsy as Carol shooting what's her face in the
Maggie will get injured and prob lose the baby. I dont see them introducing another newborn into the storyline either. But who knows. My buddy mentioned theyre trying to repopulate so we'll see what happens next week
I think that

its gonna go the same way as it did with the comics but Daryl gets it instead of glenn
How so? Please elaborate

When Rick and Darryl first met Jesus, I thought they shouldve killed him. But Jesus proved to be trust worthy and not a killer. Dude def has a lot of skills.

Yesterdays episode was ok, not as good as the previous. Rick loves tasting peoples blood, low key.
Shane was ahead of the curve as far as doing anything to protect what is his. Rick was more of a pacifist and became battle hardened(Shane had that action/rick not getting washed in fights anymore), started pulling other dudes girls(Lori/drunk guys wife) and later went crazy(Ricks phone convos/Shane being shane)...Old Rick wouldn't do to Otis what Shane did. Current Rick wouldn't flinch at taking dude out if it meant survival for Judith, Carl etc.:lol:
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foreal tho, where a was carol at this whole episode? Didn't even get 30 sec screen time.

That fat doc girl had more screen time.

Was a great episode. This has actually been my fav season since the prison
foreal tho, where a was carol at this whole episode? Didn't even get 30 sec screen time.

That fat doc girl had more screen time.

Was a great episode. This has actually been my fav season since the prison
We didn't see Carol, Tara, Dr. Dre or Aaron or Spencer this ep
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