The Walking Dead - Official Thread

Son I'm so pissed at Morgan, dude is such an asset just ***** wasted with his dumb ***** ideals....
How many episodes left in this season?...***** feels as though next week is a wrap....I hope they don't off Carol man, makes no damb sense to do so..
Good episode!!! Lots of action! Didn't expect them to take it over to easy though and nobody got killed (from the team) So sick of Morgan!!!!!

P.S - I was binge watching House Of Cards this weekend! Couldn't help but notice how low quality this show is compare to HOC! I know it's totally different shows, just the quality its filmed in.
Son I'm so pissed at Morgan, dude is such an asset just ***** wasted with his dumb ***** ideals....

I thought he was gonna be more of an asset but I don't know what his deal is this season. How you wanna talk to people who were bout to kill Daryl, Sasha & Big Red. Then you try to save wolves when they straight Jason Voorheesin people in the streets? Then they go to the Saviors and he stays behind welding God knows what? He better be upgrading his Donatello staff and get ready to get his hands dirty.
Wow amazing episode. Every character got their share of screen time without having to split them into different episodes
" when I first met you I thought you were the only woman on earth, turns out you're not."

HOH hall of fame :pimp:

last brother to get some action was d'angelo

Great episode. too much complaining
Yoooooo my dude Gabriel though....

Was I the only one loving the religious speak and offing dude in the grass.

He just made a massive jump on my character list.
So Negan is just chilling somewhere

good episode
nah they made Negan the girl that kidnapped Carol and Maggie #PlotTwist
Rosita a free agent now? Word?

:lol: Abraham trippin' leaving her for Sasha.

Good episode.
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nah they made Negan the girl that kidnapped Carol and Maggie #PlotTwist


In the aftermath of a tragic blow, Eugene falls captured by Dwight, a member of the Saviors, whom are hell bent on getting even with Alexandria, Negan teaches Rick and co a brutal lesson, which shows that Rick and co finally have something to fear.
Wonder if the Negan story will be pushed out over the next season.

Morgan looking like he's gonna cry in the car every episode. So damb useless.
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