The Walking Dead - Official Thread

Y'all dudes are wil with all these damn spoilers. :lol: Not gonna enter the thread until after the season finale. Just to play it safe.

I'm actually glad I've read the spoilers, hate to be spoiled, but at least I get to prep my heart....don't want to sit in front of the TV for 30 minutes straight starring at the screen in disbelieve
The more I think about, the more obvious it was going to be Glenn all along. The fake out of Glenn's death was a nod to Kirkman and the comics. Kirkman stated he wanted to kill Glenn off much earlier than issue 100, I think around the 70s.
I just REALLY hope they follow through with the iconic scene from the comics and don't leave it a cliffhanger.  They gotta let that scene ride out in all its gory awfulness and then.....nothing.  The emotional impact of abruptly ending the season on that type of note will legit be one of the most devastating TV moments ever.  If they wait until S7 to reveal who caught Lucille's wrath, it'll weaken Negan's entrance and the impact of that scene.  

Knowing TWD they'll screw it up somehow.
Y'all dudes are wil with all these damn spoilers.
Not gonna enter the thread until after the season finale. Just to play it safe.
Man how do you post spoilers so that it shows up in this pyramid format?

Gonna catch the TWD finale after WrestleMania. This is gonna be like the Red Wedding all over again. 

Looking forward to it.
Heres what i think

It cant be any of the girls because in todays world beating a woman especially with a bat is a no no .. but i do hope its maggie because we dont need another baby pregnancy storyline in this show

I say ABRAHAM bec. He is big and that blow to a frail person like glen will just cause him to drop dead HE WILL NOT be able to TAKE IT LIKE A CHAMP .

Eugene to keep everyone happy
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Heres what i think

It cant be any of the girls because in todays world beating a woman especially with a bat is a no no .. but i do hope its maggie because we dont need another baby pregnancy storyline in this show

I say ABRAHAM bec. He is big and that blow to a frail person like glen will just cause him to drop dead HE WILL NOT be able to TAKE IT LIKE A CHAMP .

Eugene to keep everyone happy

Negan doesn't get down with violence against women so Eugene is out.
its just my guess and not official or confirmed but i dont "think" daryl will get offed.. he is my favorite character so if he does get indeed get offed ill be devasted... ill be disappointed if glenn gets offed but its inevitable when looking at the comics... i wish it was abe though... i know this episode will end in a cliffhanger but i wish it didnt :smh:
I no longer think is gonna end on a cliffhanger....makes no sense because is pretty clear who's catching the fade.
- Cliffhanger

- Abe and Glenn

- We find out S7:E1

My predictions. Not saying that's what I want, but that's what I think.
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+1 on thinking it will be a cliffhanger. Not knowing who's getting beat up.
Sad that these writers think it is a brilliant idea.

Not mad if it is Glen& Maggie.

Or even Carol :tongue:
Is it possible to watch the East coast stream while on the West coast on AMC.COM? I'm not trying to get tonight's episode spoiled but someone catching the early stream?
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