The Walking Dead - Official Thread

I thought they said there were plans to have the two groups cross eventually. I remember discussing it in this thread the possible ways of making it happen.
^ I thought that was dispelled early. I thought they said at the onset of FTWD that we will never see FTWD meet TWD.
This show is frustrating to me , I feel like they missed the mark on season 1 by spending most of the show in a military camp environment instead of showing more of the fall of society, this season premier just added to my frustration by how dumb most of the main cast is the only two that get it are the black dude and the Cuban dude the rest of the crew are a bunch of idiots,cliff Curtis is slowly moving to understanding, but honestly I could care less if they all get eaten
FTWD and TWD take place at different times. I don't think we'll see a crossover unless they fast forward the timeline in FTWD. At the most I could see them having a TWD character show up as an earlier version of themselves in a cameo. They could bring back dead characters and create some backstory for characters from TWD. I doubt it'll happen though.
I dunno if I want or care about survivor groups at this point.

We've already lost what interested me, a major metropolitan area getting hit. I wanted to see LA fall, I saw maybe 2,000 people locked in a gym. Outta 10+ million people.

City full of kids, but no kid walkers.

Thousands of cops, FBI, government officials, we saw like 10 soldiers post u some chain link fence.

Then they jumped on a boat and bailed.

Multiple countries, worldwide, closed the border (?????????) How, why?

Where the president at? No countries started shooting off nukes? Military bases with unlimited ammo, all fell? Prisons?

Why would the island turn to death? They had a bunch of live bodies layin around that turned asap? That island should have been safe as hell.

I don't need another survivor series, I want to see the social structure disintegrate overnight. How billions of people were reduced to thousands in an instant.

Beverly Hills and gated communities, how they get infected and overran?

That's the show I was hoping for. :frown:
Sundays just ain't the same. :smh:

I might have to give up on this show. I have so many problems with it it's getting unbearable and it's not getting better.

The characters on the show are so annoying. There doesn't seem to be any payoff.

Good point.

I hate that old dude so much, if I were Strand I would've stand for this nonsense anymore. Dude snooping around the boat, not giving him any privacy. Every time they run into people the group is trying to get them on the boat. :smh:

This guy was just torturing people and is some sort of war criminal and the black guy who saved them is the one who is suspicious :smh:


Wait so the military's solution to all this is napalm the entire planet? :lol:


Maybe they think the fire will draw them in
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I like FTWD but AMC is trippin leaving it on at the same time as GOT

Next week I'm watching GOT and catching FTWD rerun whenever
The quality of FTWD is leaps and bounds ahead of TWD, in my opinion.

Namely character development.
The quality of FTWD is leaps and bounds ahead of TWD, in my opinion.

Namely character development.
I feel like Ska and i are the only ones who like this show 
 CP does have a point that there are plenty of other routes they could have gone with the show that they're really missing out on. 
Walking Dead's been stale.
Go out for supplies. Kill walkers. Find a few baddies here and there. Kill them. Rinse, repeat.
Fear the Walking Dead actually has the "****'s about to go down" vibe. Walking Dead is just predictable as hell.
The quality of FTWD is leaps and bounds ahead of TWD, in my opinion.

Namely character development.

Can you help me with this?

We have one guy, shady, stole a boat, talkin on a phone/walkie talkie, won't let anyone be helped, barely tolerating who he has with him now.
We have the old guy, and his daughter, he was a barber a few weeks ago, also tortured soldiers back in the day apparently.

We have two adults, with 3 kids total between them, tryin to save their family. One of the kids is a druggie with a good heart, and the other is the token hot chick.

How have they been developed overall, outside of survival, same as the OG TWD cast thru the first 2 seasons? Group of survivors searching for shelter and safety for their little group.

Just no boat.

And again, we were promised a more complete reveal on what the hell happened to Earth. Instead, we seem to have the exact same scenario playin out that we saw in Georgia. Only, in Georgia, they showed tanks outside of hospitals, and crashed jets, etc. Where this at, in LA. The second largest city in the country, where is that action? How, exactly, did all those soldiers with a million guns and unlimited ammo get overtaken by a bunch of slow walking dummies that can't climb or fire back? Christ, the US military couldn't put 5 snipers on a ladder and let them headshot til their fingers bled?

It's not adding up. I loved LOVED some of the ideas they had early, the civil unrest, the police brutality angle, really smart, but since then, it's been a carbon copy of the first series. Small group of survivors, just no Rick Grimes yet.
So that asian girl from flight 462 is going to join the group next week, it'll be interesting to see how Strand will allow her to get on board since he doesn't usually like new ppl
I feel like Ska and i are the only ones who like this show :lol:  CP does have a point that there are plenty of other routes they could have gone with the show that they're really missing out on. 

i like it better than TWD....TWD has become meh
[quote name="Foamposite XI"]Walking Dead's been stale.
Go out for supplies. Kill walkers. Find a few baddies here and there. Kill them. Rinse, repeat.
Fear the Walking Dead actually has the "****'s about to go down" vibe. Walking Dead is just predictable as hell.[/quote]Yep!

Every situation that they can't possibly get out of is more precarious than the last, and they get out of it. Their current situation seems insurmountable, but the show is not going to end, so they will get out of it, plant a field, run out of rubbing alcohol or something, go get some,... just like you said.
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