The Walking Dead - Official Thread

If this Strand payoff doesn't hit, hard, this show gonna be in trouble.

He can't keep cutting people loose and not grow.

I assume that lady will be back at some point, but gettin old with this lost at sea ****.

Druggie Def figured out the blood/guts cammo angle. Startin to like the kid.

How the **** you get pinned against a cliff with slow *** walking zombies walkin in sand? Two get cut down and they can reach the boat now. Come on.
I yelled at the TV when Alicia and Nick hugged while everyone was trying to push the raft back in the water. First yall get pinned, then waste time hugging while zombies approach? 

You're def gonna see the girl from the Flight again. You don't build all that up with the webisodes to have her offed like that in one episode. It'll be interesting to see how they bring her back tho. 
Dope episode. :pimp:

I think next ep Daniel might forgive his pops for putting his mom out of her misery after he "helped" that guy on the plane.

Strand was def foul for cutting that raft loose, but that girl killed two of her own people from her last crew because they wanted to mercy kill Two Face. (Who already said it was okay.) Why is she riding so hard for that kid? I don't think they were safe with her there. They'll meet again though. You know how TV shows work. She might link up with the folks trying to chase them.

Think you meant Chris for the character of the son on forgiving his dad. Daniel is the old Hispanic dad :lol:

As far as why the girl from the plane was riding hard for the burned kid, it was in one of those 1 min Flight episodes where she reveals that she was the passenger who bumped the kid's mom off their flight and why he was having to fly home by himself or something to that effect.

She said something about feeling guilty for separating him from his family while this zombie apocalypse was going down and presumably with highly probable chances of them all dying.

And agreed on seeing them later down the line, the Talking Dead episode didn't really seem to imply the girl from the plane was done for from the first 10 min I watched.

Yeah. That's who I meant. My bad.

Didn't know all that, but she really killed two of her people to save one guy who is barely alive because she took his moms seat on a flight? :smh:
That beach plane crash wreck scene was awesome. The crab infested zombie looking like a scene out of The Mummy. Chris killing dude who was alive was the right thing to do....he was clearly paralyzed and would've died anyway.
Me and my girl were trying to figure that out: was his spine broke THROUGH his skin?! 
TWD has fallen into a similar hole as SOA.

I think Strand is part of some rich prepper network. People who pay a lot of money to setup a group in case of an end of world type situation.

Nah Strand def a drug dealer IMO :lol:.

Son got a safe house in Mexico? He about to go roommate with El Chapo.

Apocalypse or not, somebody gotta move that dope.

Michelle Ang can get it. :evil:
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Solid episode.

We already know so much about Strand now, and he's the newest regular on the show.

Gonna be a problem when Connor comes looking. 
 Mexican dad already has experience with torture, on that military dude last season. Fileted his arm up. But this is going to be all kinds of different.

We'll see.
Best episode of the series so far.

That opening tent scene was really eerie.

The flashbacks were cool. I wonder what this area they tryna get to looks like. :nerd:

I really didn't get the shooting at Strand, losing the cell, drifting at sea angle. That needed to be cleaned up.

Didn't know Dougray Scott was joining the show. That's a good add.

Ummmmm......old dude was workin on gettin free the whole ep, but how did Madison and Chris get free at exactly the same time????? :lol:
Best episode of the series so far.

That opening tent scene was really eerie.

The flashbacks were cool. I wonder what this area they tryna get to looks like. :nerd:

I really didn't get the shooting at Strand, losing the cell, drifting at sea angle. That needed to be cleaned up.

Didn't know Dougray Scott was joining the show. That's a good add.

Ummmmm......old dude was workin on gettin free the whole ep, but how did Madison and Chris get free at exactly the same time????? :lol:

Yup, great episode. Tent scene was hella dope. Lots of info.
Good episode. Maggie snapped on OG Bieber with the crowbar. Then Chris too. :lol: :rofl:

I just knew that guy was bad news as soon as I saw his haircut. Chris shouldn't of hesitated.
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