The Walking Dead - Official Thread

Yeah but when are we going to get to Tara and Dr Dre.?  Are they still out on the supply run?  Did they make it back to Alexandria, did they run into any of the saviors scout teams?
[quote name="thenewjs23"]Breaking Bad and TWD are so popular because of Netflix, imo. Iirc both were at least 2 seasons deep before they got their buzz.[/quote]No way. BB hit the ground running.

Now if we could stop comparing a masterpiece like BB to TWD, that would be great.
[quote name="thenewjs23"]Breaking Bad and TWD are so popular because of Netflix, imo. Iirc both were at least 2 seasons deep before they got their buzz.
No way. BB hit the ground running.

Now if we could stop comparing a masterpiece like BB to TWD, that would be great.[/quote]

Breaking Bad most definitely did not hit the ground running.

TWD was more popular and had higher viewship numbers than Breaking Bad did at the start of either pilot episode.

Breaking Bad is the series that benefited from binge watching on Netflix and that's what started the binge watch craze.

Breaking Bad didn't start putting up high numbers until like around season 3 or 4 I think.

I read this somewhere on the Internet so not sure on the accuracy on it.

I do remember BB not having a big following in the early seasons though.
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Not saying Breaking Bad isn't good though.

Loved the show and think it's up there as one of the GOAT along with Friends, Lost Season 1-5, Ducktales, Wonder Years, OG Thundercats and other's.

But, I will say a knock on Breaking Bad.

When you watch through the series for the first time you are amazed by how good it is and can't help but like Walt and hate Jessie, at least on my end.

But, when you watch it back knowing everything it's the opposite you despise Walt and feel bad for Jessie because Walt's ego caused almost all of the issues they had, but when you first watch it you think everything is Jessie's fault.
I had that same feeling when I rewatched BrBa, and it was actually refreshing seeing it from a different angle this time.

Maybe I'll do that one day with TWD and hate Glenn like y'all do :lol:
I couldn't get in to the Breaking Bad series. Maybe it's just me. I watched like 2 episodes and I just wasn't feeling it. I watched the Walking Dead for the first like 2-3 and have since kinda fallen off. I would catch episodes here and there but haven't been captivated by this show as of recent seasons.
I couldn't get in to the Breaking Bad series. Maybe it's just me. I watched like 2 episodes and I just wasn't feeling it.

I got up to the second episode in season 2 and it didn't connect with me either. Stopped there.

Now, The Wire tho? I watched the first episode and was hook, but banged out like 4 episodes in a row. That's probably my longest binge marathon ever :lol:
Why do you want Carl to live?

Cause Carl is my G. He's been growing up over the years and his character is all about business these days. After he put a bullet into Lori ( my most HATED char of all time) he's been stone cold carl since.
Carl sort of has been a G, I just need him to step up and have a shining moment. I can't get away from the pudding episode :smh:

Not saying Breaking Bad isn't good though.

Loved the show and think it's up there as one of the GOAT along with Friends, Lost Season 1-5, Ducktales, Wonder Years, OG Thundercats and other's.

But, I will say a knock on Breaking Bad.

When you watch through the series for the first time you are amazed by how good it is and can't help but like Walt and hate Jessie, at least on my end.

But, when you watch it back knowing everything it's the opposite you despise Walt and feel bad for Jessie because Walt's ego caused almost all of the issues they had, but when you first watch it you think everything is Jessie's fault.

Did you really leave out The Wire?
Shane couldn't handle Negan, only Merle could
Look at how much Rick changed over the seasons. 

Shane could have become Negan-esque in that amount of time.

Especially, had he chose to drive away with what's-her-name.

Shane finds a new group>becomes the leader>befriends Negan>compliment others' jacket.

Rick killed 40+ of Negan's posse, so Shane might meet a much more mellow Negan.

Had he not made the same mistake as Rick.
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