The Walking Dead - Official Thread

Someone explain how?

FTWD takes place as everything goes down. The show is only a month into the apocalypse.

And the originals is already what, 2 years in? So how are they going to manage a crossover?
Yall think the hype for TWD is dying? This is the first time I recall not seeing people excited for the new season on social media. Usually when October comes around, TWD hype is all I see on my timeline. I think people are finally starting to get tired of this show. I'm still in tho... for now :lol:
I agree with most people's sentiment that the show is beginning to lose popularity or interest among fans.However when I speak to my group of friends and co-workers,they all complain about the "filler" episodes but still show as much excitement for the new season.Their will always be hardcore horror fans like myself who grew up watching Night of the living Dead and other zombie movies that will watch until the series is cancelled.I think with this crossover it'll create new hype for both series bringing back the casual fans who stopped watching temporarily.Sorry for the long post hopefully this is the best season yet!
Im sure because of the timelines some from TWD will be in FTWD.
Because TWD doesn't start till a month or two after the apocalypse
did anybody have west coast ties?
So I'm reading on Reddit that it's been confirmed that they're filming the new FTWD season in Texas. And people think it's either going to be Aberham or Morales (yeah I forgot who that was) that will crossover into FTWD from the original show
Yall think the hype for TWD is dying? This is the first time I recall not seeing people excited for the new season on social media. Usually when October comes around, TWD hype is all I see on my timeline. I think people are finally starting to get tired of this show. I'm still in tho... for now :lol:

It’s absolutely dying. Even if the show was still in its bag, it’s dumb hard to maintain the levels of viewership it had over an extended period of time.

That said, the numbers probably haven’t fallen off too much, which justifies dragging the story out season after season. But in real life I rarely see people discussing it like they used to. I think it’s a combo of it becoming super predictable and having no end game in sight—like how long are we gonna watch the same stories with different characters before we don’t care anymore?

I’ll say this though—they really botched that Glenn death by making us wait until the season premiere to find out. That **** move turned a lot of diehard fans off to the show. It also started last season off on a high note that could never possibly be matched by any episode that followed. They totally killed any momentum they built up prior to Glenn and Abraham’s deaths.
i binge watched FTWD over the past 2 weeks. I wont say its better cuz the first season was cool, 2nd season was trash cuz everyone is stupid beyond all reason. 3rd season has picked up and things got interesting but then people got stupid again. for instance:

1. nick was the most critical of troy. now all the sudden theyre birds of a feather and hed even sacrifice jake to save troy? wtf? but at the same time is blaming troy for the horde when they fully coulda stopped it if he let jake do what he came to do. nicks motivation in general makes no sense. he starts out hating troy for being a murderer and because they spend some time training, he basically loves him and is a ok with whatever he does. including leading the herd to the ranch. and STILL lies for him when they get back. WHY? why would u lie for the person who you just finished saying tried to kill literally everyone in the camp?

1a. he sees troy lure the herd using the grenades to the ranch... but doesnt think to lure them away using the grenades? they instead overlook the herd for 30 minutes before deciding to use the grenades to......blow up gas tanks? which never happens cuz troy literally decideds to just drive into a truck. WHAT?!

2. everyone has already established that covering urself in walker blood makes u invisible so why do NONE of them ever do it? nobody ever wears any kind of armor either a la rick and greg in previous seasons of TWD. hell even a phone book on ur forearm would make u walker proof damn near.

3. why does ophelia suddenly feel like shes so tough? shes as useless as beth was and now thinks she knows who's worthy and who isnt.

4. what the hell was the point of killing off travis like that? why did travis and jake... the only two likable characters in the whole show, die for literally nothing?

5. alicia has once again fallen in love in a span of under a week. so much so, that she is now going to split off on her own just to go to a cabin jake mentioned in a place shes never been to? word? and her motivation is that madison is too hopeful that things will be ok? MAKES NO SENSEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
i binge watched FTWD over the past 2 weeks. I wont say its better cuz the first season was cool, 2nd season was trash cuz everyone is stupid beyond all reason. 3rd season has picked up and things got interesting but then people got stupid again. for instance:

1. nick was the most critical of troy. now all the sudden theyre birds of a feather and hed even sacrifice jake to save troy? wtf? but at the same time is blaming troy for the horde when they fully coulda stopped it if he let jake do what he came to do. nicks motivation in general makes no sense. he starts out hating troy for being a murderer and because they spend some time training, he basically loves him and is a ok with whatever he does. including leading the herd to the ranch. and STILL lies for him when they get back. WHY? why would u lie for the person who you just finished saying tried to kill literally everyone in the camp?

1a. he sees troy lure the herd using the grenades to the ranch... but doesnt think to lure them away using the grenades? they instead overlook the herd for 30 minutes before deciding to use the grenades to......blow up gas tanks? which never happens cuz troy literally decideds to just drive into a truck. WHAT?!

2. everyone has already established that covering urself in walker blood makes u invisible so why do NONE of them ever do it? nobody ever wears any kind of armor either a la rick and greg in previous seasons of TWD. hell even a phone book on ur forearm would make u walker proof damn near.

3. why does ophelia suddenly feel like shes so tough? shes as useless as beth was and now thinks she knows who's worthy and who isnt.

4. what the hell was the point of killing off travis like that? why did travis and jake... the only two likable characters in the whole show, die for literally nothing?

5. alicia has once again fallen in love in a span of under a week. so much so, that she is now going to split off on her own just to go to a cabin jake mentioned in a place shes never been to? word? and her motivation is that madison is too hopeful that things will be ok? MAKES NO SENSEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Care to share where you watched it?
havent watched the last season of FTWD, has things picked up? last time i watched the son and dad split from the group. was that end of season 2?
After Glenn caught that L I was traumatized to keep watching and lost interest in keeping up week to week, just binged the second half of season 7 and the last 3 episodes were perfect...JDM is a hell of an actor and really does a great job as a villain...RIP Sasha, would have rather watched her die guns blazing, but her sacrifice wasn't in vain....really wanted Negan to catch an L but dude is immune to those, seeing Carol City get back on her savage horse was gratifying as hell, did not enjoy her farmer Rick phase at all....anywho, I'm hyped for season 8...gotta watch Fear since they planned the crossover and don't wanna be lost..
Yall think the hype for TWD is dying? This is the first time I recall not seeing people excited for the new season on social media. Usually when October comes around, TWD hype is all I see on my timeline. I think people are finally starting to get tired of this show. I'm still in tho... for now :lol:

I think a big part of the fan base died wth Glenn, I've been watching from the beginning and I just couldn't watch the show after was too big of a me he's always been the heart of the show....after that they shoulda taken a GOTs approach and said F it and kill off major characters every other episode :lol:
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