The Wire Season 5 - Early Viewers of Last Episode - DO NOT ENTER IF YOU HAVE NOT SEEN - SPOILERS!!!

Oct 30, 2007
My apologies if this is something I shouldn't be doing. Lock if need be, I was just looking for an outlet to discuss the last episode with those whocouldn't wait to view.

What were your thoughts on the way everything was packaged together to finish the series.

I was seriously about to shed a tear for Dukie, I know thats how life is ...still sad nonetheless.

Was that Omars shottie that Mike had? They had been setting up for Mike to replace Omar for a while now so that wasn't too surprising.

Funeral scene had me going for a minute, the bottle of Jameson on the table was getting me worried at first, but I thought it wasn't The Wire style to justjump ahead to McNutty already being dead.

Was glorious to see Bubs get his life together and being able to eat with his family like a normal human being instead of being locked down in the basement.That scene was total satisfaction to me.

Wasn't too happy to see Templeton actually benefit from his lies / deception. I thought for sure Jimmy was F'd when he blabbed about lying to him.Thats how I thought the story was going to get out despite the City's efforts to keep it under wraps.

What was up with the Marlo scene...was that supposed to tell us the street will never fully be out of his blood, regardless of how much he tries to become abusinessman? I'm curious to hear other opinions on this scene. I was actually disappointed that this was the last we saw/heard of Marlo.

Cheese/Slim Charles had me going, was very happy to see that. The Prop Joe line was necessary.

All and all I was very happy the way things ended, although VERY sad to see the show gone for good. Seriously I don't know if another show will have me asintrigued / wanting to discuss it as The Wire did. How do you guys feel about it.
very good finale... i was happy the way most things turned out. Im glad mcnutty only got fired because like some otheres on here i thought he was gonna offhimself. I was hoping that Templeton would be exposed tho. i hate dude. im also glad cheese got popped. its crazy how he was Randys father. i wish they wouldashowed avon tho in the last part where they show chris and bey. sad to see this show end.. im regoin thru sopranos right now but once im done ill prolly startback up wit the wire.
Whats the deal with Cheese being Randy's dad? I watched the finale twice already and didn't notice them mentioning that at all....
david simon spoke at USC and some1 asked him what the relationship was between the two and he said cheese was randys dad. its not in the show however
Word I cant believe Randy and Cheese were related but I guess thats what happens....

I was actually kinda surprised to see Mike become the next Omar... I'm just hoping oh boy he was robbing with wasnt his new boyfriend lol.

I was also kinda shocked to see that as the final scene for Marlo I was hoping to see him back on the block at least one time but i guess his days of crime areover like he said he gave up the crown.
Only thing I didn't like was Kima ratting mcnulty out. Kima, what a butt.
Originally Posted by Kiss My Airs 33

That scene with Marlo was all about him going back to his roots. As a boss he wasn't even in the streets anymore. People knew the name Marlo but nobody knew him. That's what the rant was about in episode 9.

YUP, He aint never gonna be on some Stringer Bell Business man %%#%.
" U know who I am, "

My %$%%! Chris Ate them 22 Murders justl ike Weebay.

and end up parlayin with that %$%%! on the yard

Slim Charles is that %$%%!, he know how to survive no matter what the turnover is at the top. thats a real G.
i just loved the role reversal.
just goest to show you that this cycle never ends.

- for being a "company man" daniels got outta the dept. with integrity.
- must suck to be the main muscle (you either take the years or die)
- kinda upset that clay davis wasn't in the final episode.

thats it for now.
Season 6 anyone?

I think there are still some open story lines they can play on.

What was the scene with Sydnor in the Judges office about?

Will Marlo stay straight or will he try to get his "name" back? That scene shows me Marlo is out of touch and not respected or even known by FACE,but still has the thirst for the street. The young boys he walked up on were glorifying Omar, while treating Marlo as they were his equal, hence the reply"you know who I am?" After the little confrontation you can tell he got a rush out of it, then he stuck his chest out like that was still his corner.Marlo IMO definitely doesn't walk away.

Lester still wants the money.

McNulty will just be bored.



Chris and Wee-Bay together


Come on Simon make it happen.
You got any examples of that?

Well from my perspective, I felt they were setting that up in a couple of different ways. Mike got down with Marlos crew but always had questions with some ofthe moral aspects of the game, asking why certain people got murked, questioning if the reason they were killed was really worth it much like Omar who statedhow he felt about the game numerous times (Never turning his gun on civilian, only those in the game). Also when he staked out Snoop before killing her. OmarALWAYS had the surveillance down pat. Michael always showed he had the guts to do the dirt, but when it didn't feel right to him seemed like he didn'twanna be there. Maybe me saying "set that up for a while" was a bad choice of words, but I def felt like they were setting it up in the last seasonbig time.

Will Marlo stay straight or will he try to get his "name" back? That scene shows me Marlo is out of touch and not respected or even known by FACE, but still has the thirst for the street. The young boys he walked up on were glorifying Omar, while treating Marlo as they were his equal, hence the reply "you know who I am?" After the little confrontation you can tell he got a rush out of it, then he stuck his chest out like that was still his corner. Marlo IMO definitely doesn't walk away.

I read a couple opinions on that scene on IMDB. The one I most can agree with even in death Omar still lives on as a legend on the streets,even if just in chatter from the corner boys. Marlo had survived the ordeal, basically "won" and the people on the corner didn't even know who hewas.
What was the scene with Sydnor in the Judges office about?
I believe this is also part of the "full circle". Sydnor was the first brought in on the wiretap with Jimmy and Lester. At that timethey gave him the choice to do it or not , he chose to do it and risk everything. He also went blabbing to the Judge behind the scenes. McNulty isgone...Sydnor is his replacement. Like the final episode description says ..."the seeds of the future are sown throughout Baltimore"

yessir, its just how McNutty came at the Judge to get the ball rolling on Avon.

Simon, said this is an on going cycle and everything in season 1 was coming back at the end of 5.

Mike shootin Vincent in the Leg with the Shotty is like Omar shootin homeboy in the Low Rises stash house ...

Last Episode was very Good. but it seemed so short.
I guess it was knowing this was coming to an end.

Commissioner Valchek... Disgusting
I called mike as omar months ago. Their complexes were too similar. A killers instinct with compassion for those undeserving.
Ok I came in this thread to ask how ya'll seen it. It's not ondemand yet right?
PM me please
[bodie] this game is rigged [bodie]

- Levy is going to use Herc as his new leak
- You can see how the suits ran game on Stringer with the Marlo waterfront scene.
- Dookie is not necessarily Bubbles, rather you can see the road ahead of him through Bubbles story
- The last Bunk and Kima scene outside the PJs was ill
- I'm really glad that Daniels didn't end up being Burrell
- Nerese is going to be another Mayor Royce

and seriously, how u can you not connect the sydnor -phelan scene?
as far as Marlo, I just see it as they didnt know his Face..if he would of said his name they would of known,i mean more then likely those boys that he ran upon were movin Marlo work,Marlo had the city on lock..if you were in the game in the Bmore area,you would of had to know Marlo but prob not by face butdefinitely by name..

Marlo became the King, so he didnt have to show his face anymore, he wasnt putting in work anymore he had soldiers for that unlike Omar who was still in thestreets
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