The Wire...

I finally got the dvd set.

Need to catch up and finish it. This snow storm let me sit down and watch about half
Originally Posted by copped

Originally Posted by McFlyyy

Originally Posted by copped

a lot of what happens with the wire is people 'reading in' too many conclusions and themes into a show...

in depth this in depth the end of the day anything can be analyzed anyway...and just because one person analyzes it one way and another doesn't...does not necessarily mean that that person missed the 'point' of the show...

a lot of people in here are 'reading in' themes into the show, and trying to justify that its what made the show 'the greatest of all time'...

at the end of the day everyone has their own opinions and their own lifestyle, which allows for certain shows to be more appealing than others...

and the acting is NOT good in the wire...

some of the better actors are stringer, mcnulty, avon, brother mouzone and omar, and the greek's seocnd hand man if orgot his chracters name

the rest of the 'crews' and ghetto gangsters are not good actors...pick people off the street and could do the same job
comments like this negate anything important or intelligent you could've possibly had to say.
way over your head buddy boy...

at the end of the day everyone has their own opinions and their ownlifestyle, which allows for certain shows to be more appealing thanothers...

what the %#*$ is this kid talking about

you make it sound like people are over analyzing the wire and just filling in their own interpretive blanks.... like WHAT?? You are basically describing the sopranos, the wire is pretty damn straight foward. It's analyzed so intricately for good reasons. It's ***$!%@ INCREDIBLE. the realest show ever by far.

nobody is "reading into anything" it's very obvious what the point of the show was and how it ended. The themes are obvious and the writers have discussed the themes publicly over and over again.

it's the story of an american city failing and the cycle will continue to repeat unless there is drastic change. how hard is that to grasp?

"anything can be analyzed" you some dumb as hell
go analyze a dog turd and tell me what you come up with.
Just finished all the seasons of The Wire (I know im late)

But seriously this show was great... haven't seen anything better in this genre ever... a few things though

Does anyone else absolutely hate McNulty?? I really couldn't stand him... dude just loved his job wayyyy to much.. I mean he was great for the show... but he just pissed me off... if you know I mean lol

Also at the end when Marlo left that meeting and ran up on those boys on the corners... was that basically saying he was getting back in the game?? And if so how could he if the whole Co-Op already got his connect

Michael becoming the new Omar and Dookie becoming the new Bubbles were great.. kinda gives you a glimpse of how both Omar and Bubbles might of grown up

Marlo is a boss

Bunk was probably my favorite cop along with the fat white guy thats always crackin jokes in the office... as far as gangsters go... Wee Bey, Slim Charles, and Chris were all loyal and the perfect choice for a right hand man

Overally this series was great... pissed I can't watch anymore episodes though
Originally Posted by Theta

Breaking Bad !#%$* on The Wire

So does Dexter

Lies. Those are two good shows too, but saying they "%+$% on" The Wire makes me doubt you've seen the whole series.
Originally Posted by philly5fan

Just finished all the seasons of The Wire (I know im late)

But seriously this show was great... haven't seen anything better in this genre ever... a few things though

Does anyone else absolutely hate McNulty?? I really couldn't stand him... dude just loved his job wayyyy to much.. I mean he was great for the show... but he just pissed me off... if you know I mean lol

Also at the end when Marlo left that meeting and ran up on those boys on the corners... was that basically saying he was getting back in the game?? And if so how could he if the whole Co-Op already got his connect

Michael becoming the new Omar and Dookie becoming the new Bubbles were great.. kinda gives you a glimpse of how both Omar and Bubbles might of grown up

Marlo is a boss

Bunk was probably my favorite cop along with the fat white guy thats always crackin jokes in the office... as far as gangsters go... Wee Bey, Slim Charles, and Chris were all loyal and the perfect choice for a right hand man

Overally this series was great... pissed I can't watch anymore episodes though
haha dude is the only thing that made the show difficult to watch, he pissed me off for no reason haha I just hated him. Every episode I wanted him to get killed.
Originally Posted by DontStepOnMyShoes

Originally Posted by philly5fan

Just finished all the seasons of The Wire (I know im late)

But seriously this show was great... haven't seen anything better in this genre ever... a few things though

Does anyone else absolutely hate McNulty?? I really couldn't stand him... dude just loved his job wayyyy to much.. I mean he was great for the show... but he just pissed me off... if you know I mean lol

Also at the end when Marlo left that meeting and ran up on those boys on the corners... was that basically saying he was getting back in the game?? And if so how could he if the whole Co-Op already got his connect

Michael becoming the new Omar and Dookie becoming the new Bubbles were great.. kinda gives you a glimpse of how both Omar and Bubbles might of grown up

Marlo is a boss

Bunk was probably my favorite cop along with the fat white guy thats always crackin jokes in the office... as far as gangsters go... Wee Bey, Slim Charles, and Chris were all loyal and the perfect choice for a right hand man

Overally this series was great... pissed I can't watch anymore episodes though
haha dude is the only thing that made the show difficult to watch, he pissed me off for no reason haha I just hated him. Every episode I wanted him to get killed.

Dude was just the worst..... especially that last season where he was hiding all the bodies... like damn is it really that serious to break the law just so you can catch some random drug dealer and in the process you are hurting a lot of other people
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