The Wolf of Wall Street Trailer

Seen when Hills character is fapping at the party had me dying. So many great scenes dudes life was wild.

I'm not big on watching movies over and over, but this is one I could. There's so many epic scenes.

from the people i've talked to who have seen this flick, its either they loved it or hated it.

I don't see how anyone with any sense of humor and who wasn't a nun or priest and younger than 60 could hate this movie
I'm not big on watching movies over and over, but this is one I could. There's so many epic scenes.
I don't see how anyone with any sense of humor and who wasn't a nun or priest and younger than 60 could hate this movie

Seriously, how could somebody hate this?

The movie was basically 3 hours of non stop :wow: :lol: :wow: :lol: :pimp: :pimp: :pimp:

Almost shed a tear when he gave his 'stepping down' speech talmbout how he loved everybody. :lol:

Spent 3 hours watching it, 3 hours later feel like watching it again. :lol:
Liked the movie could of been 30 minutes shorter though.
Vampire Leo does it again awesome acting . The rest were so-so.

I liked American hustle more though better overall acting and story.

I disagree... Johahs performance was what made the movie. No doubt Leo was good, but Jonahs perfect portrayal of the dumbass who just keeps ******g **** up is what made the whole thing work. The majority of the movie was moderately entertaining with its over the top debauchery and whatnot.... but the only scenes that truly made me feel like I cared what was happening was when Jonah was about to screw something up.
When this scene came on... :smh: what id do to her

had to bite my fist during this scene :pimp: :lol:

Almost fapped in the theater srs... Word to pee wee herman
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I enjoyed it, but there are clearly better more oscar worthy movies, but it terms of pure entertainment? This was better than any summer blockbuster that came out this year.

Shane was so ******g dope :pimp:

It just dragged on too long. They could have cut some fat our the middle imo. I get what people were saying it like we get it dude ****** alot a girls and did alot of drugs lets move on with it.

What I did enjoy was how Scorsese and Leo really made you dislike the character in way that. yeah its cool and funny, but **** this guy I can't wait for him to get caught. The scene with the FBI agent on his bought was tight.

Every scene with Shane and Jonah Hill was comedy
Martin Scorsese really goes out his way to throw the n word in every single movie he makes....I went in knowing it would pop up

other than that the movie is mean

Mr Scorsese just seems a tad racist and some of the sex scenes were redundant

didn't know it was 3 hrs when I went, no wonder why I ate twice
Martin Scorsese really goes out his way to throw the n word in every single movie he makes....I went in knowing it would pop up

other than that the movie is mean

Mr Scorsese just seems a tad racist and some of the sex scenes were redundant

didn't know it was 3 hrs when I went, no wonder why I ate twice

Such a random way to add it too lol
Saw them movie this weekend.

Dude lived a wild life for real.

I didn't understand the ending part though with the note that the FBI found.

Did Jonah Hill rat him out or was already working with the Feds and gave up Leo after he ratted him out?

That's they only part they didn't explain and I know Leo snitched at the end, but I didn't get that part with the yellow post it letter.
anybody know if the book is worth reading??

Yup, goes into more detail about certain things. Some things in the film aren't true to the book, but for the most part from what I remember from reading it last year, it was pretty accurate.

imagine bale played this role :wow:

Nope. I wouldn't want anyone but Leo TBH. Especially because apparently he was trying to get this film made for 8 years or so.
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