The Wolf of Wall Street Trailer

o yea btw nobody walked out of my viewing and it was packed, there was a lot of older people in there also
The stories of older people being uncomfortable and leaving the theater makes this sound like my kind of movie.
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Leo saved what would have been an otherwise terrible movie. We never really got a sense of what they actually did. They spent so much more time on the drugs, hookers, and long speeches and hardly any time on the actual substance of his life, how he was making his money. Even the FBI investigation, they didn't spend time on what the guy was being investigated/convicted for.

The ratio of time was like 95% on hookers/drugs/boiler room speeches, and 5% on what he did and his life.
Leo saved what would have been an otherwise terrible movie. We never really got a sense of what they actually did. They spent so much more time on the drugs, hookers, and long speeches and hardly any time on the actual substance of his life, how he was making his money. Even the FBI investigation, they didn't spend time on what the guy was being investigated/convicted for.

The ratio of time was like 95% on hookers/drugs/boiler room speeches, and 5% on what he did and his life.

I think that was the whole point...There were various points in the movie Leo would be speaking to the audience about some aspect of wallstreet and then midway through the sentence just retract his statement and go on to talk about the parties, the drugs and excess. This movie wasnt about how to make money, but more like what you can do when you make money.
just seen it.

all i gotta say is Wow.

leo has been in some amazing movies. dudes facial expressions were HILARIOUS in this

im happy "shane" is getting more shine. dude was literally buried in women after he got home from jail in this movie

the whole movie i was waiting for mcougnahey to return.

movie had more landing strips then the airport in Fast Six
Movie was amazing, some scenes a little drawn out but incredible regardless.

A couple thoughts:
-Naomi was baaaaaad.
-McConaughey KILLED it, wish he got more screen time.
-I died when Jonah Hill started beating off in the middle of the party.
-You'll be seeing me in the gym this week beating my chest and humming that little tune :lol:
-If Leo doesn't win an Oscar for this the Academy is a ******g joke.
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Highly doubt this movie gets much love at the Academy. They're all old and conservative and would probably be one of the people walking out with their coat at the movie theatre like someone said above.

Just came back from seeing this and 
. Best movie I've seen in a bit. Leo tore the house down.
Movie focused on drugs and partying too much to get the nod from the academy. I enjoyed it but I hyped it up a little too much.

I actually enjoyed American Hustle more as a movie. However, Wolf made me laugh more
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Why does it matter what subject the movie was about most? It was true to the story.

Leo was amazing, all the speeches he made in the office especially the second to last one were definitely Oscar worthy and I've watched every academy award level movie this season. Get the **** outta here with anything other wise. You can feel how you want about the subject matter but Leo's performance isn't up for debate. The speeches on the mic, the scene on the yacht with the FBI and the Lemon scene seal it for me. They didn't wanna give him the Oscar for Shutter Island or Inception, if they don't give it to him for this then it's really a conspiracy.
The academy awards, like the Grammys, are a complete joke and a waste of time to ME personally.
Why it should win awards at academy
Great adaptation of a book
Stylistically awesome
The cast did pretty well

Why it shouldn't win
To many drugs
To graphic nudity
Characters had no remorse
American Hustle

Not this time around Leo, Bale did dirt in American Hustle, despite the movie being white propeganda, old 12 years a slave dude did well also.
Yeah, they probably expected this and said "**** it, we're making this anyway."
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This film will be one of the greatest films in American cinema to not receive the recognition it deserves at the Academy Awards because of the ludicrous and lascivious nature of Jordan Belfort's life, despite its accurate and entertaining portrayal.

3 hours long and not once did I itch in my seat. I checked the time on my phone once around the second act, but only to know how much more time I had left. The film is an amazing ride of laughter, insanity, debauchery, intimacy and greed. A film about passion and the misdirection of one's desires was effectively delivered by a brilliant director and a cast of actors—nitwits and DiCaprio—included.

The Uncut version is a must watch if Scorsese ever releases it.
If you have kids, not sure how the scene towards the end of the film portraying he and his wife having "issues" re: their kids wouldn't make you "uncomfortable". To me that short scene seemed to last 15 minutes. Painful. I didn't mind the film, but sometimes certain things are better left not shown or implicated versus depicted..... just my .02

Seriously though, if I actually thought through it I could think of 10 films in last 15 years I would say are "better". Off the top of my head, Heat, Rushmore, Boiler Room, Blow, Thomas Crown Affair, Rounders, there are some others, but I just don't get how this movie enters the "classic" conversation.
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