The word God is nothing more than the expression and product of human weakness.

Originally Posted by tml09

Originally Posted by DT43

Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

I have read a lot about metaphysics. It still doesn't change the fact that our existence is by accident.
You're right, you know it all already.

What's the point of even opening up discussion, when our society has geniuses like lobotomybeats to break it down for us?

Science is humble, always changing, always advancing. I'drather side with something that'll find the right answers and provethem logically�than with�something that claims to have ALL the answersand has to be taken on faith.��I'm just saying, all the questions thatyou currently answer with "God" will have answers eventually. And we'reperfectly fine with saying "We don't know yet, but we're trying to findout right now"

So science is your God, then.. truescientists know that there are crucial questions that the field ofscience can never answer. But for some reason, the devoted acolytes ofthe Church of Empirical Science seem convinced that science willeventually explain everything (not talking about you in particular,just the particular faction of people who assert with certainty thatempirical science is the end all be all.. the Richard Dawkins-types).At a certain point you have to admit that you are putting blind faithin something as well.

"God" in what sense?  

Iknow that there are certain things that are a mystery to us, but to saywholeheartedly that there are questions that science cannot answer isfoolhardy. Maybe not now, but eventually. I cannot predict the future,but there will eventually be a point where we understand this universebecause we will have accumulated the knowledge to do so. How soon willthat be? Definitely not during this century. Our knowledge of theuniverse has increased exponentially within the past few thousand yearsand I think it's safe to say that the mysteries will slowly unravelover time, as long as we're smart enough not to kill everyone on earth.

"Blind faith" - we're all entitled to opinions. I believe thatmy logic is well thought out and reasonable. So does a religousperson. Indifferent third party analysis is required here

If you believe science is falsifiable without a doubt, andthat science can hold all the answers... it's no different frombelieving that God is falsifiable without a doubt and that God holdsall the answers.

I don't think it is foolhardy to admit there are questions sciencecannot answer. For example, look at the creation of the universe. Forone, there's the obvious problem that none of us were there, nor isthere any way to test our theories on what occured. Secondly, there'sthe lesser recognized problem that since space and time are propertiesof the universe, so it follows that whatever was here prior to thespace-time continuum was not contingent on space and time and thereforecan never be quantified or understood scientifically. Something washere (not something in the sense of an object or matter or space, but something in the philosophical sense).. but it's not something that science as we know it can ever understand.

Another question that has baffled science is the problem ofconsciousness. Consciousness is something that we all accept.. we knoweach person is aware of themselves, and we know our sensory perceptionis a result of our body's response to neural stimuli. But how canscience ever actually quantify conscious experience? For example, youand I can both look at a blue sheet of paper, but how "blue" does thepaper appear to you? How "blue" does it appear to me? How can we putinto numbers the "blueness" of what each person experiences?

Look up Thomas Kuhn, he was a scientist who made a lot of contributionsto the scientific method. One thing he said was that science does notprogress in a linear (not even in an exponential, as you put it)fashion. There's actually nothing continuous about the progression ofscience. Science is done within a certain accepted paradigm, and oncescientists reach a "crisis point" in which they can no longer deal withthe anomalies of their paradigm, it undergoes a paradigm shift. When aparadigm shift occurs, scientists begin to adopt things they neverwould have considered valid before. A good example of this is Newton'stheories of motion. When Newton first published his writings, the ideathat there was some invisible unseen force pulling things around wasabsurd when compared to the current accepted paradigm. The paradigmshift occurred when people realized that Newton's theories wereeffective in explaining a lot of things. When Coulomb later came outwith his theory of electromagnetic force, it was a lot easier toaccept. Something else that arose from Kuhn's writings is theobservation thatsince paradigm shifts must have social consensus, many scientificparadigms are influenced by socio-political factors and not necessarily their verifiability.

There's no reason to believe that science will ever have the answers..all history has shown us is that the more things we learn, the morepuzzles arise. Einstein's quantum mechanics solved a lot of anomalies,but also opened up a world of complexity that we still don't understand. Furthermore, there are some things that we know exist,but we also know that they can never be quantified by science(consciousness and emotion are just a few examples). A lot ofscientists are so obsessed with dominating nature that they forget weare all parts of nature ourselves.  True science is about humility, notthe bravado and aggressive certainty of some proponents modern science.I feel like in the humility of science, we have to admit that there arereal elements of the human experience outside of the realm of empirical science. Note that I am NOT saying we should just say "since we don't understand, let's just say it's God and call it a day".. I think that through science we should make every effort to quantify that which is quantifiable. But imo, allowing science to lord over your life completely neglects the non-scientific realities of your existence.
Originally Posted by tml09

Originally Posted by DT43

Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

I have read a lot about metaphysics. It still doesn't change the fact that our existence is by accident.
You're right, you know it all already.

What's the point of even opening up discussion, when our society has geniuses like lobotomybeats to break it down for us?

Science is humble, always changing, always advancing. I'drather side with something that'll find the right answers and provethem logically�than with�something that claims to have ALL the answersand has to be taken on faith.��I'm just saying, all the questions thatyou currently answer with "God" will have answers eventually. And we'reperfectly fine with saying "We don't know yet, but we're trying to findout right now"

So science is your God, then.. truescientists know that there are crucial questions that the field ofscience can never answer. But for some reason, the devoted acolytes ofthe Church of Empirical Science seem convinced that science willeventually explain everything (not talking about you in particular,just the particular faction of people who assert with certainty thatempirical science is the end all be all.. the Richard Dawkins-types).At a certain point you have to admit that you are putting blind faithin something as well.

"God" in what sense?  

Iknow that there are certain things that are a mystery to us, but to saywholeheartedly that there are questions that science cannot answer isfoolhardy. Maybe not now, but eventually. I cannot predict the future,but there will eventually be a point where we understand this universebecause we will have accumulated the knowledge to do so. How soon willthat be? Definitely not during this century. Our knowledge of theuniverse has increased exponentially within the past few thousand yearsand I think it's safe to say that the mysteries will slowly unravelover time, as long as we're smart enough not to kill everyone on earth.

"Blind faith" - we're all entitled to opinions. I believe thatmy logic is well thought out and reasonable. So does a religousperson. Indifferent third party analysis is required here

If you believe science is falsifiable without a doubt, andthat science can hold all the answers... it's no different frombelieving that God is falsifiable without a doubt and that God holdsall the answers.

I don't think it is foolhardy to admit there are questions sciencecannot answer. For example, look at the creation of the universe. Forone, there's the obvious problem that none of us were there, nor isthere any way to test our theories on what occured. Secondly, there'sthe lesser recognized problem that since space and time are propertiesof the universe, so it follows that whatever was here prior to thespace-time continuum was not contingent on space and time and thereforecan never be quantified or understood scientifically. Something washere (not something in the sense of an object or matter or space, but something in the philosophical sense).. but it's not something that science as we know it can ever understand.

Another question that has baffled science is the problem ofconsciousness. Consciousness is something that we all accept.. we knoweach person is aware of themselves, and we know our sensory perceptionis a result of our body's response to neural stimuli. But how canscience ever actually quantify conscious experience? For example, youand I can both look at a blue sheet of paper, but how "blue" does thepaper appear to you? How "blue" does it appear to me? How can we putinto numbers the "blueness" of what each person experiences?

Look up Thomas Kuhn, he was a scientist who made a lot of contributionsto the scientific method. One thing he said was that science does notprogress in a linear (not even in an exponential, as you put it)fashion. There's actually nothing continuous about the progression ofscience. Science is done within a certain accepted paradigm, and oncescientists reach a "crisis point" in which they can no longer deal withthe anomalies of their paradigm, it undergoes a paradigm shift. When aparadigm shift occurs, scientists begin to adopt things they neverwould have considered valid before. A good example of this is Newton'stheories of motion. When Newton first published his writings, the ideathat there was some invisible unseen force pulling things around wasabsurd when compared to the current accepted paradigm. The paradigmshift occurred when people realized that Newton's theories wereeffective in explaining a lot of things. When Coulomb later came outwith his theory of electromagnetic force, it was a lot easier toaccept. Something else that arose from Kuhn's writings is theobservation thatsince paradigm shifts must have social consensus, many scientificparadigms are influenced by socio-political factors and not necessarily their verifiability.

There's no reason to believe that science will ever have the answers..all history has shown us is that the more things we learn, the morepuzzles arise. Einstein's quantum mechanics solved a lot of anomalies,but also opened up a world of complexity that we still don't understand. Furthermore, there are some things that we know exist,but we also know that they can never be quantified by science(consciousness and emotion are just a few examples). A lot ofscientists are so obsessed with dominating nature that they forget weare all parts of nature ourselves.  True science is about humility, notthe bravado and aggressive certainty of some proponents modern science.I feel like in the humility of science, we have to admit that there arereal elements of the human experience outside of the realm of empirical science. Note that I am NOT saying we should just say "since we don't understand, let's just say it's God and call it a day".. I think that through science we should make every effort to quantify that which is quantifiable. But imo, allowing science to lord over your life completely neglects the non-scientific realities of your existence.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

So you are saying that if God really existed, he should have cleared all of this up by now?

For those that believe in God, why do you think he hasn't cleared any of this up?

If God is like us (man) than he should be about self-preservation as well, right? Well why won't he clear his name up since it comes out of so many "different" people's mouthes in so many different ways. They all say he is doing different things and they say he looks 100 different ways. Is he content on having multiple personalities? I think he is.

If you look at our species and compare it to every other species, you will realize we are mainly different in only one aspect: The ability to seek wisdom. I believe that is the only LOGICAL purpose for human beings.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

So you are saying that if God really existed, he should have cleared all of this up by now?

For those that believe in God, why do you think he hasn't cleared any of this up?

If God is like us (man) than he should be about self-preservation as well, right? Well why won't he clear his name up since it comes out of so many "different" people's mouthes in so many different ways. They all say he is doing different things and they say he looks 100 different ways. Is he content on having multiple personalities? I think he is.

If you look at our species and compare it to every other species, you will realize we are mainly different in only one aspect: The ability to seek wisdom. I believe that is the only LOGICAL purpose for human beings.
Originally Posted by buggz05

If you look at our species and compare it to every other species, you will realize we are mainly different in only one aspect: The ability to seek wisdom. I believe that is the only LOGICAL purpose for human beings.

That is only if you believe "Searching for God" is the only way for us to seek wisdom. For those of us that don't believe still have ways of searching for wisdom.

So I ask, why hasn't he shown his face and cleared all of the confusion? I know if I was out of town and my whole neighborhood back home has different speculations about what I am doing, my whereabouts, or my job. I would say SOMETHING to SOMEONE. Wouldn't just leave them hanging. Especially if I "loved" them.
Originally Posted by buggz05

If you look at our species and compare it to every other species, you will realize we are mainly different in only one aspect: The ability to seek wisdom. I believe that is the only LOGICAL purpose for human beings.

That is only if you believe "Searching for God" is the only way for us to seek wisdom. For those of us that don't believe still have ways of searching for wisdom.

So I ask, why hasn't he shown his face and cleared all of the confusion? I know if I was out of town and my whole neighborhood back home has different speculations about what I am doing, my whereabouts, or my job. I would say SOMETHING to SOMEONE. Wouldn't just leave them hanging. Especially if I "loved" them.
^ if u look at our species ud see that were also bipedials w/ thumbs enabling us to travel and grasp things other speicies simply cannot, therefore allowing us to eat various foods and develop our brains into self awareness, the true form of intelligence

"Note that I am NOT saying we should just say "since we don't understand, let's just say it's God and call it a day".. I think that through science we should make every effort to quantify that which is quantifiable. But imo, allowing science to lord over your life completely neglects the non-scientific realities of your existence."

thats all science is, measure what we can measure, its not a religion or an attempt to destroy peoples thoughts of god, its simply observations, and these observations have made it clear to people that were very unimportant to the structure of the universe, believe what you want but i think most people like evidence then speculation, i mean thats how we send murders away right?, i dont think people allow science to lord over thier lives like religion lol, its not even close

that being said, we all have our own ideas about life w/o evidence, NO ONE on earth knows where we are exactly so of course were all speculative to a point,  i just think its unfair that a lot of religous people are often forced to believe and often cant/wont change their beliefs out of fear, and i hate those religions that praise the destruction of non-believers, really pisses me off
^ if u look at our species ud see that were also bipedials w/ thumbs enabling us to travel and grasp things other speicies simply cannot, therefore allowing us to eat various foods and develop our brains into self awareness, the true form of intelligence

"Note that I am NOT saying we should just say "since we don't understand, let's just say it's God and call it a day".. I think that through science we should make every effort to quantify that which is quantifiable. But imo, allowing science to lord over your life completely neglects the non-scientific realities of your existence."

thats all science is, measure what we can measure, its not a religion or an attempt to destroy peoples thoughts of god, its simply observations, and these observations have made it clear to people that were very unimportant to the structure of the universe, believe what you want but i think most people like evidence then speculation, i mean thats how we send murders away right?, i dont think people allow science to lord over thier lives like religion lol, its not even close

that being said, we all have our own ideas about life w/o evidence, NO ONE on earth knows where we are exactly so of course were all speculative to a point,  i just think its unfair that a lot of religous people are often forced to believe and often cant/wont change their beliefs out of fear, and i hate those religions that praise the destruction of non-believers, really pisses me off
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

I know if I was out of town and my whole neighborhood back home has different speculations about what I am doing, my whereabouts, or my job. I would say SOMETHING to SOMEONE. Wouldn't just leave them hanging. Especially if I "loved" them.
Many NTers have specualated many thing about you. Everything from your race, to your relationship status along with many other things. Youve been asked many times to clear things up but youve always refused to.

Maybe YOU are G0d.

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

I know if I was out of town and my whole neighborhood back home has different speculations about what I am doing, my whereabouts, or my job. I would say SOMETHING to SOMEONE. Wouldn't just leave them hanging. Especially if I "loved" them.
Many NTers have specualated many thing about you. Everything from your race, to your relationship status along with many other things. Youve been asked many times to clear things up but youve always refused to.

Maybe YOU are G0d.

Originally Posted by devildog1776

Us modern homosapiens are nothing more than genetically modified homoerutus and homoneanderthalensis... The Vatican knows the truth and refuse to lethe public know becausetheor power grip on world affairs would be shattered. The answers are out there, we jus have to search for it. The annunaki(biblical nephilim) are the GOD(s) that is responsible for our sudden explosion in humanoid feats. We are new to this planet still adapting still changing. We need to know who we are as a race before we move forward with our spiritual evolution.
Originally Posted by devildog1776

Us modern homosapiens are nothing more than genetically modified homoerutus and homoneanderthalensis... The Vatican knows the truth and refuse to lethe public know becausetheor power grip on world affairs would be shattered. The answers are out there, we jus have to search for it. The annunaki(biblical nephilim) are the GOD(s) that is responsible for our sudden explosion in humanoid feats. We are new to this planet still adapting still changing. We need to know who we are as a race before we move forward with our spiritual evolution.
^ some religions think that god coming back is the end of days and that their religion will reign when everything else is destroyed, kinda the reason terriost want nukes
^ some religions think that god coming back is the end of days and that their religion will reign when everything else is destroyed, kinda the reason terriost want nukes
Religion: waste of time, blood, energy, life, breath, conversation, money

If only humans would use their brains to progress humanity and evolve as a people instead of wasting it on myths and children's stories.
Religion: waste of time, blood, energy, life, breath, conversation, money

If only humans would use their brains to progress humanity and evolve as a people instead of wasting it on myths and children's stories.
Good read, the letter, not you fools. Einstein said what i've always thought but with a ton more conviction.
Good read, the letter, not you fools. Einstein said what i've always thought but with a ton more conviction.
Originally Posted by zichardruniga

^ some religions think that god coming back is the end of days and that their religion will reign when everything else is destroyed, kinda the reason terriost want nukes
Yea but it is also funny how humanoids always tell themselves, "Things are as worse as they have ever been. Hurricanes, 9/11, Earthquakes, Tsunamis. You can't tell me God isn't coming back soon." As if all of those things didn't happen before. The typical humanoid doesn't know how many hurricanes happen during the course of each year. BUt Katrina happens and folks make it seem like it is a new thing.

Why would God come back today as opposed to 1950?

I will wait.
Originally Posted by zichardruniga

^ some religions think that god coming back is the end of days and that their religion will reign when everything else is destroyed, kinda the reason terriost want nukes
Yea but it is also funny how humanoids always tell themselves, "Things are as worse as they have ever been. Hurricanes, 9/11, Earthquakes, Tsunamis. You can't tell me God isn't coming back soon." As if all of those things didn't happen before. The typical humanoid doesn't know how many hurricanes happen during the course of each year. BUt Katrina happens and folks make it seem like it is a new thing.

Why would God come back today as opposed to 1950?

I will wait.
Originally Posted by Nat Turner

Originally Posted by red mpls

Originally Posted by Nat Turner

Originally Posted by red mpls

Originally Posted by Nat Turner

Originally Posted by red mpls

Of course it's your right to believe whatever you want and I have no problem with your beliefs... Actually I respect them more than a lot of other peoples' because it seems you put some critical thinking into them... However, I do think that you often fail to recognize that belief in organized religion and the potential existence of a higher being are not one and the same (although you obviously don't need my "approval" for your beliefs, and I digress)

If you want to use a similar approach to the issues that those you so vehemently disagree with use, then that's your business....

1. Potential is still not proof. I have the potential to have the wealth of Bill Gates, but I don't.
2. Your comparison of the approach that I choose to use, only serves to make you seem as if you know something that I do not. Your tone suggests that you are being objective, but it seems that you are really stuck on the term potential, as "if".

So here is how I use the term potential in present tense,

"god has the potential to move mountains, but he cannot write something down himself?"

Until this "God" decides to put it down for all to follow, I am siding with self preservation, while using logic and reason.

I agree completely that potential is not proof.  I'm not saying that I think you should believe in a higher being.  I'm just saying contemplating the existence of a higher being does NOT always have to take place within the context of organized religious belief, nor should it; however, you and others (including most religious people) often fail to make this distinction and I think this does everyone a disservice.  Not that you would believe in a higher being anyway necessarily, but that subject should be contemplated and debated on its own merits and not lumped in discussions concerning the merits of "religion."

I don't know anything you don't, I simply had an insight as far as your approach to topics about God and religion that I don't think that you (and others) had... I mean, why approach these subjects in essentially the same way that religious fanatics, whom I believe that you completely disagree with on many levels, do?  That has been my point this entire time...

Well in my last post, I've completely omitted any mentioning of religion.

Until this "God" decides to put it down for all to follow, I am siding with self preservation, while using logic and reason.

In many of my posts I've stated "GOD", not religion. The title of this post suggests the word "GOD", not organized religion.

The whole matter of Einstien's thought has nothing to do with religion, it has to do with human frailty.

This places this discussion outside the context of religion, placing it right in the lap of , then questioning the existence of any socalled "GOD".

Perhaps it is only you who'll fail to see that there is a distinct difference in what is being presented by both sides. The reason may be because you are possibly on the side of those, that think that some "God" is plausible.

"The lady doth protest too much, methinks."
Fam, you're demanding that God write a book "himself" to prove "his" existence.  That's placing the question of whether or not God exists DIRECTLY within the context of organized religion... and apparently you don't even know it

And you still haven't even address the point that I've been making since I began posting in this thread.  I even keep restating and rephrasing it for you guys so that maybe you'll respond but apparently you just ignore valid points that you don't happen to like... wait, that sounds like another common criticism of religious people

Writing something down, get it right, writing something down. That would serve a dual purpose. One, it would prove that this deity actually exists. Secondly, it would prove that the universe was actually created for us to exist in. We would not need religion, if proof of this supreme deity actually existed. That is because the presence would be acknowledged without anyone worrying about how to please, or worship this so called supreme deity.  

Now I am not going to try and insult you as you did me, by suggesting what you have in the bolded type.

In that statement, you've shown how limited you are in your ability to use proper judgement and reason.

Perhaps you are not as enlightened as you think you are.  
So... you don't want a book.  What do you want?  A note on a table napkin signed "God"?  A message in a bottle left on your front step?

If you don't want to acknowledge that asking for a definitive "writing" authored "by God" is a thought clearly within the context of organized religion, I don't know what to tell you.  Even the thought that a potential higher being is one that interferes with daily life on Earth and would thus leave a writing to "prove" its existence is a concept within the context of organized religion.  Who says "God" even wants us to know he exists?  Do you want me to keep going?  You really believe that your thoughts are so "outside the box" and they really aren't.  And that's fine, but recognize it for what it is.

I'm "limited in my ability to use proper judgment and reason?"  Ok

I don't think I'm enlightened, and I know I don't have all the answer... and it's painfully apparent that you don't either.

And, once again (of course):
Originally Posted by red mpls

And you still haven't even address the point that I've been making since I began posting in this thread.  I even keep restating and rephrasing it for you guys so that maybe you'll respond but apparently you just ignore valid points that you don't happen to like... wait, that sounds like another common criticism of religious people
Originally Posted by Nat Turner

Originally Posted by red mpls

Originally Posted by Nat Turner

Originally Posted by red mpls

Originally Posted by Nat Turner

Originally Posted by red mpls

Of course it's your right to believe whatever you want and I have no problem with your beliefs... Actually I respect them more than a lot of other peoples' because it seems you put some critical thinking into them... However, I do think that you often fail to recognize that belief in organized religion and the potential existence of a higher being are not one and the same (although you obviously don't need my "approval" for your beliefs, and I digress)

If you want to use a similar approach to the issues that those you so vehemently disagree with use, then that's your business....

1. Potential is still not proof. I have the potential to have the wealth of Bill Gates, but I don't.
2. Your comparison of the approach that I choose to use, only serves to make you seem as if you know something that I do not. Your tone suggests that you are being objective, but it seems that you are really stuck on the term potential, as "if".

So here is how I use the term potential in present tense,

"god has the potential to move mountains, but he cannot write something down himself?"

Until this "God" decides to put it down for all to follow, I am siding with self preservation, while using logic and reason.

I agree completely that potential is not proof.  I'm not saying that I think you should believe in a higher being.  I'm just saying contemplating the existence of a higher being does NOT always have to take place within the context of organized religious belief, nor should it; however, you and others (including most religious people) often fail to make this distinction and I think this does everyone a disservice.  Not that you would believe in a higher being anyway necessarily, but that subject should be contemplated and debated on its own merits and not lumped in discussions concerning the merits of "religion."

I don't know anything you don't, I simply had an insight as far as your approach to topics about God and religion that I don't think that you (and others) had... I mean, why approach these subjects in essentially the same way that religious fanatics, whom I believe that you completely disagree with on many levels, do?  That has been my point this entire time...

Well in my last post, I've completely omitted any mentioning of religion.

Until this "God" decides to put it down for all to follow, I am siding with self preservation, while using logic and reason.

In many of my posts I've stated "GOD", not religion. The title of this post suggests the word "GOD", not organized religion.

The whole matter of Einstien's thought has nothing to do with religion, it has to do with human frailty.

This places this discussion outside the context of religion, placing it right in the lap of , then questioning the existence of any socalled "GOD".

Perhaps it is only you who'll fail to see that there is a distinct difference in what is being presented by both sides. The reason may be because you are possibly on the side of those, that think that some "God" is plausible.

"The lady doth protest too much, methinks."
Fam, you're demanding that God write a book "himself" to prove "his" existence.  That's placing the question of whether or not God exists DIRECTLY within the context of organized religion... and apparently you don't even know it

And you still haven't even address the point that I've been making since I began posting in this thread.  I even keep restating and rephrasing it for you guys so that maybe you'll respond but apparently you just ignore valid points that you don't happen to like... wait, that sounds like another common criticism of religious people

Writing something down, get it right, writing something down. That would serve a dual purpose. One, it would prove that this deity actually exists. Secondly, it would prove that the universe was actually created for us to exist in. We would not need religion, if proof of this supreme deity actually existed. That is because the presence would be acknowledged without anyone worrying about how to please, or worship this so called supreme deity.  

Now I am not going to try and insult you as you did me, by suggesting what you have in the bolded type.

In that statement, you've shown how limited you are in your ability to use proper judgement and reason.

Perhaps you are not as enlightened as you think you are.  
So... you don't want a book.  What do you want?  A note on a table napkin signed "God"?  A message in a bottle left on your front step?

If you don't want to acknowledge that asking for a definitive "writing" authored "by God" is a thought clearly within the context of organized religion, I don't know what to tell you.  Even the thought that a potential higher being is one that interferes with daily life on Earth and would thus leave a writing to "prove" its existence is a concept within the context of organized religion.  Who says "God" even wants us to know he exists?  Do you want me to keep going?  You really believe that your thoughts are so "outside the box" and they really aren't.  And that's fine, but recognize it for what it is.

I'm "limited in my ability to use proper judgment and reason?"  Ok

I don't think I'm enlightened, and I know I don't have all the answer... and it's painfully apparent that you don't either.

And, once again (of course):
Originally Posted by red mpls

And you still haven't even address the point that I've been making since I began posting in this thread.  I even keep restating and rephrasing it for you guys so that maybe you'll respond but apparently you just ignore valid points that you don't happen to like... wait, that sounds like another common criticism of religious people
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