The world would be a better place if...Vol. 1

The world would be a better place if...

"Girls weren't weirded out by our boners and stuff and just like wanted to see them."
woman grew some courage to ask out a man..... getting tired of going hunting........ why cant the cattle come to us
Originally Posted by JJLT76

woman grew some courage to ask out a man..... getting tired of going hunting........ why cant the cattle come to us


If Frito Lay Grab bag potato chips are .99 cents instead of $1.31, then we might see cats and dogs sitting at the same table eating fig newtons and drinkingCapri Sun together.
Originally Posted by MrPrince757

Originally Posted by 703 Hwy

T.I. did not release that trash known as Paper Trail.



I wish that we lived in the world envisioned by the left.

I wish that the laws of economics did not apply. I wish that prices could be capped and there would not be shortages. I wish that rent control would makehousing affordable and more accessible. I wish that nationalized health care provided top notch care for everyone, without long waiting list. I wish that wecould imposed any environmental restrictions that we want and it would not slow down economic growth, I wish that we would get better results from oureducation system simply by throwing more money at the problem. I wish that we could talk every one in the world into loving us and we would not have to spendso much on our military.

When you are a leftist or you are not not a leftists, I think we can all agree that our lives would be much better if reality actually was exactly like theleft believes it is.
Originally Posted by seaner23

seriously as corny as it sounds we ALL can make a big difference...if we all gave our 100% best effort in all aspects of our lives to treat others the way we want to be treated alot of our problems would go away.

i guess don't just read that and scroll on down to the next post. seriously think about it...if we all were kind and generous to one another imagine how things would change. unfortunately we're all in such a big hurry now a days that we seem to forget. it's all about us...we have to get where we're going, we have to get our errands run that we are completely oblivious to the needs of others.

just imagine, that dude who cut you off in traffic, or is driving slow and holding up traffic....maybe their minds are somewhere else, maybe they just lost a job, or maybe their wife/mother/father/kid just died and they are on their way to the police station to id them. sure there is a good possibility that they are just being a moron but you just never know. cut people some slack as you don't know what's going on in their lives. instead of flipping them off or cussing them out, we SHOULD be offering them a smile.

instead of focusing on what the government could/should do that is actually something that we ALL can do every single day. and it's free. doesn't cost any taxpayers money, doesn't need a blue ribbon committee or a bill passed in congress. it just starts in your heart.
if everyone would pull their own weight instead of looking for a handout from everyone else.

if parents loved their children and raised them with values. I'm so sick of seeing suicidal kids in my unit, all because their parents won'tacknowledge their cry for love.
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