The Worst Job You Have Ever Had

sales mgr at jcpenney. I HATE retail

...and my first job ever. working at calltech in albany, ga
cashier in some boutique in soho call atrium. i had to dress everyday, had to wear heels on weekends for $10 an hour to deal with eurotrash and annoying $@*soho kids. @!@% was a waste of my time.
hunts point meat market ( pause )

worked in a giant freezer for 4 hrs. at lunch i went to the foreman handed him my forklift keys and said this aint for me and bounced .....
working at this inspection place....we inspected screws!!! 20 minute lunches....was dirty, on my feet....i quit after a week.
Use to wrok for an auto glass company in the summer time. Man was that a struggle.
worked at a female only Banana Republic ...horrible... after 5months my no calls no shows finally caught up to me ...cant do retail
my first job i worked at target giving out samples of Jelly Belly's....
collecting....worked for these old cats in high school collecting from people
they always had to do things the hard way
I was a telemarketer for $6.00/hr when I was in 10th grade...

I don't think I've ever been cursed out so many times in my life...

Our phone system was hooked to the computer system and it automatically dialed #'s. I wasn't even ready to speak 1/2 the time, so I ended up hanging upin alot of people's ears...

I got a lot of:

"Don't call back... EVER!!"
"I'm eating w/ my family, remove my number ASAP!!..."
" *click* "
attitude in general... ALL 4 hours of work...

This one chick did give me some rap for a couple of min before her mom dukes picked up and my supervisor started looking over my back...

I quit after the first day!!!!

I worked at Radio Shack for 5 months... The last 3 of those months, I worked straight through, not ONE day off...

I had a Nigerian manager that was straight givin us the swine treatment...

The salary was $5.15, but we were unable to sell phones service or major items, so all our SPIFF was irrelevent...

I was P/T working 37-38 hours a week, checks was only like $320/ check...

I worked a hole in some hard bottoms!!... I cleaned the store, helped customers, worked late hours to do back up training and inventory, I even worked on thedays that I attended my uncle's funeral and got penalized for attending my grandfather's funeral...

Worst job of my life!!!...
Canvasser for an environmental interest group, don't know how Obama did 'community organizing'. They dropped you off solo in a neighborhood andmade you talk to folk and ask for cash in the middle of the dinner hour.

low pay, long hours and too many people from my high school asking for hookups
Plus my manager was a d***
deck hand on NOAA research ships... you live and work on research boats in the middle of the ocean that only come into port once ever month/month.5... plus,the ships were populated with a bunch of gruff old sailors who all carry big knives and alcohol in flasks (both knives and alcohol are actually essential fordealing with many of the challenges and stress of being out on the high seas, but it was still an unsettling combo to be around)...

While I had virtually no living expenses, was able to save a few dollars, and learned what to do if pirates attack a ship, I am glad to be back on land workinga desk job and going home to my wife every night!
Probably Steven Madden .. Being stock manager was BORING mad broads are up in there all the time tho so i can't be mad
Originally Posted by clkru

deck hand on NOAA research ships... you live and work on research boats in the middle of the ocean that only come into port once ever month/month.5... plus, the ships were populated with a bunch of gruff old sailors who all carry big knives and alcohol in flasks...

While I had virtually no living expenses and was able to save a few dollars, I am glad to be back on land working a desk job...
that seems like a hot job, except one thing i cant swim soo i wont survive. also what was your base pay?
"that seems like a hot job, except one thing i cant swim soo i wont survive. also what was your base pay?"

Its a hot job if you're into long periods of solitude and being around a bunch of gruff old dudes 24-7 who blow their money on drugs, alcohol, and hookerswhenever they go into port... Not to sound elitist, but I have never been into those things, so the resulting sense of isolation (I was also 20, so Icouldn't go to bars when we were in port) and home sickness for my girlfriend (who is now my wife) made the job somewhat unbearable.

Base pay was $26,000 in 2003, which is when I started. Keep in mind though, that you have no living expenses - all room and board and food is provided, (thoughit is by no means luxurious), so you can save a lot. I only lasted a year before returning to land to go back to college at the University of Washington.
Finishline. Stand for six hours a shift on your feet doing nothing. It sucked.
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