The Worst Job You Have Ever Had

First job I worked in "General Merchandise" at a grocery store. All I did was straighten up the aisles and then stocked the products. The worst partwas stocking the feminine products..ugh! Luckily there was a girl that worked in the same department and I'd always let her do it. Sometimes though I hadto when she wasn't there. Ugh...the dark ages of my life!
mann 8 theatres-worked as an usher, some of the supervisors and managers were d****
do-it-center-my store manager used to be in the navy and was a total d***..also working closing time


Nike factory outlet

my manager was devout to us bieng SALES MEN
It is legitimately impossible to sell someone something when you don't have it...its a %!%%%#! factory outlet, they came there for the bottom of the barrelnike garbage cheap steals.

Manager says:
you need to approach them and tell them the sales

(no problem)

but then ask them why they came to the store and what they are looking for. then help them find it and get their size. help them and make the sale!

problem is....if they came into the store for something, we DID NOT HAVE IT. a few racks of drifit shirts, a few bgrade nike shox. it was soembarrassing....and he hassled me so hard for not "selling"

I hustled like 50 pairs of dunks out the back door just because i hated my manager so bad. he got fired before me ahhahahaha
Job wasn't bad, just the managers. Food Lion cashier before it became bloom. The store mgr (wife and 2 kids) was sleeping with the customer service mgr whonever did her job, while I and the other cashiers would have to handle customers who were irate. The CS mgr also slept with the deli mgr and grocery mgr. Cheap*** customers asking for discounts at a grocery store, people asking why 10 pounds of grapes are so expensive, having to go to "the cage" to get cigsand tobacco.

Basically my first job at 15, but glad I've moved on significantly since then.
cvs pharmacy dept and front guys dont wanna day it was only me and the pharmacist
Factory job taping boxes.

Time just goes by slow as %+%$ when you're doing the same time 8-12 hours straight.

I vow myself never to work there again but works been slow and money is low
Sports Zone local shoe store....

We got paid off commision and there were alot of times were I only got paid $5.15 because of our location...and to make things worst I never got a chance toget my discount
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