Which team is most overrated? (Pick two)

  • Clippers

  • Celtics

  • Seventy Sixers

  • Bucks

  • Rockets

  • Nuggets

  • Jazz

  • Nets

  • Warriors

  • Pacers

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Smh WW3 would pop off when the Show about to get back to their rightful place.
Well when you get anointed best player in the world off a 3.5 week run, rules change. Expectations grow, comes with the territory.

Nobody in the history of the sport has been given the title of 'BITW' while missing a quarter of the season before though. So why would Kiwi be the exception?


You anointed him that yourself. Before he joined the Clippers instead of the Lakers of course.

Mans is the best player in the world and represents the balance of power in the league.

Kawhi already beat Lebron. He's the best player in the world now

Soooooooo, who winning the chip this year since all y’all know so much basketball
I’m serious too
Let’s hear it
Dame be talking big Spicy about how he’s not joining a super team, about how he doesn’t take any days off, etc.

Meanwhile his team is 7 games below 500 and he spent his summer making a rap album.

bro literally only gets a pass cause he plays in Portland and nobody cares or expects him to do anything anyway.

We would’ve killed Russ if any of his teams didn’t make the playoffs.

Last Mayo:

I love Dame, but it's in his best interest to stay in a small market.
Games every other day in the second round and conference finals is a wee bit worrisome, no?

definitely. Him breaking down despite injury managing last season has me worried but the hope is that he along with PG Trez etc will be able to hold their weight when it matters
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