Which team is most overrated? (Pick two)

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ESPN literally created a whole show that got Skip Bayless rich on trashing LeBron. Calling him out at every moment, questioning every time he didn't make the selfish play instead of the right basketball play, etc. Today's media hot take culture was basically created around LeBron hot takes.

I can't speak to who LeBron is staffing and his obsessions and all that man. :lol: That is not my lane.

And that’s why...I’m initially not even mad at his thinking behind it....originally. Think he wanted to have a say in what’s being said about him. And on some level...I really commend that. I BEEN SAYING THIS.

However, he got power hungry :lol:. And leans into it. I think you see what I’m saying. You just don’t agree. That’s fine.
Bro....are you drunk? You’re literally picking and making up arguments as you go along. Not once did I say players aren’t criticized.

Yall gotta stop with straw men. I peeped you did that earlier today...trying to argue that I acted like the game didn’t change versus the pace discussion. When that wasn’t the topic at hand. Please stick to what the topic was. If you disagree based on something I never said...fine. I’m ok with that.

But I’m tired of y’all just picking **** outta thin air...throwing lol emojis at it, and just running wit it. Not even what I was discussing. But COOK.

Nah I feel you I’m just talking ****. Your posts just make it seem like if you’re criticizing Kawhi, KD or Steph for any reason it’s just apart of a Lebron agenda. That **** is so ******ed to me.

Kawhi getting the same hate Steph/KD were getting....because he’s a threat to you know who.

This **** is funny as **** to me man. They don’t get hate because they’re challenging Lebron. They get hate because they are the best players in the nba and this is how we talk about the best players in the nba.
It honestly wasn't talked about all that often up until the players themselves started talking about it. That was my recollection of it and I was deep into it. I was on Kawhis side though so maybe I'm biased. You can't tell people how they feel
I agree that it's picked up this year, and I think it's largely due to the messaging around it. If they just made it clear that he's still hurt and this is the way that they can maximize getting the most out of him for his time with the Clippers, then the discussion would be different. But that wasn't the message from Doc & co., so naturally the chatter grows louder. I do think that the talk during the actual season that he was sitting out was MUCH louder, but I guess it wasn't around load management because he wasn't actually doing it yet.
And that’s why...I’m initially not even mad at his thinking behind it....originally. Think he wanted to have a say in what’s being said about him. And on some level...I really commend that. I BEEN SAYING THIS.

However, he got power hungry :lol:. And leans into it. I think you see what I’m saying. You just don’t agree. That’s fine.
Yea, almost in a Trump way "striking back" against the media but I'm just saying I'm personally not in tune with who he's staffing in the media and all of that. Windy wouldn't be employed without having a career as a LeBron slurper. That's legit why ESPN hired him, and he branched out and became a guy with solid NBA sources and rep.

I just think that you're a little misguided by your hate in pushing Lebron as the guy who does it the most or whatever. All of these guys do it. There's obviously just way more chatter around the best player of our generation in general so he's got bigger flames to fuel.
Yea, almost in a Trump way "striking back" against the media but I'm just saying I'm personally not in tune with who he's staffing in the media and all of that. Windy wouldn't be employed without having a career as a LeBron slurper. That's legit why ESPN hired him, and he branched out and became a guy with solid NBA sources and rep.

I just think that you're a little misguided by your hate in pushing Lebron as the guy who does it the most or whatever. All of these guys do it. There's obviously just way more chatter around the best player of our generation in general so he's got bigger flames to fuel.

For the most part.....this is what I’m alluding. Of course other players do it too. They just aren’t LeBron. And he’s obviously doing it on a higher level...and any peek into his social media would kinda give you an insight that he pays attention to it. We know he does. We know it’s part of his thing.

I think KD and his “board room” and etc shows was him trying to do this too. But even he...knows he’s never straight up going to be LeBron or command that. Steve Kerr even speaks on how....he sensed that KD felt a way after beating Bron head up convincingly.....that KD was unfulfilled in not getting “crowned” by the media etc.

That sentiment is there. The players DO care. The guys around the league know what it’s about. There of course...are sides to a coin.

Of course. We’re all inferring here. But like Kerr observation (an inside guy)....I’m just calling it how I see it.
wavycrocket wavycrocket i think we agree. You just push it as a LeBron thing versus an NBA superstar thing, when it's really that you're upset because Bron seems to be better at it. :lol: When it's really just that he's been facing the hot take culture for a decade plus, he literally was here for it's inception and was the main target. It's only right.
wavycrocket wavycrocket i think we agree. You just push it as a LeBron thing versus an NBA superstar thing, when it's really that you're upset because Bron seems to be better at it. :lol: When it's really just that he's been facing the hot take culture for a decade plus, he literally was here for it's inception and was the main target. It's only right.

Basically. But they gave him ROY when it shoulda went to there’s that, and it’s baked in :smh: :lol:.

I stand where I stand!

Look at this shot profile man.... Look at it. Demar DeRozan over his last seven.
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