Which team is most overrated? (Pick two)

  • Clippers

  • Celtics

  • Seventy Sixers

  • Bucks

  • Rockets

  • Nuggets

  • Jazz

  • Nets

  • Warriors

  • Pacers

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Idk why you always lie about this, but you switched from the Cowboys to the 49ers. You had a Cowboys sig for the longest, then one day you showed up out of nowhere with a 49ers sig. :lol:

Went from this

Born and raised in new york...Paups was a cowboys fan from the tom landry days Dorsett all em boys...also grew up in the late 80's when the cowboys was most relevant into the mid 90s where i fell in love with football, as for the lakers always was a magic/kobe fan at heart moved to LA when i was 12 USC and now im living in NC (job related) sounds like these teams get the most hate and i love it...cause most of yall are haters i can sense it :rofl: im not even budging, it comes with the territory, im not even talking about this anymore those are my teams i stand by 100% till the death of me if you dont like it jump off a bridge...Haters will hate harder :smokin

to this

Would i like to see the cowboys win YES do i actually believe they can NO....i know for a fact that through thick and thin i ride with the Niners and never disappoint me. The proof is in the niners thread im always in there since i joined NT. As a kid i use to draw fball players in niner gear all the time and even had all my fav player niner jerseys from Young, Rice, Deion and even Ricky Waters. Its one thing to say i jumped and really not knowing the FACTS. i would understand this slander more if the case was a cowboy fan and a low key steelers fan or a ******** fan to a cowboys fan then yall can throw bricks for all you want...yall got it twisted.
Which one of you alleged hoopers is going to go try out for the Big 3 next summer? You don't have to be a former pro to play in the league anymore!

^^^ Hot Plate Williams got pretty rotund, but Oliver Miller has to be the fattest guy to ever play in the NBA...


Olympic Shot-Putter...
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