Which team is most overrated? (Pick two)

  • Clippers

  • Celtics

  • Seventy Sixers

  • Bucks

  • Rockets

  • Nuggets

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Steph plays for a team I root against unless he's playing a Lebron team. I dislike the way he celebrates and I can't forgive him and his teammates for giving up a 3-1 lead against Lebron's Cavs.

That said, I can respect the other parts of his game. He sets screens for others. He moves without the ball. He generally doesn't foul bait. He fights for boards even though he's undersized.

So I hate him but respect him at the same time.

There's nothing about Harden's game I respect lol
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I would hate watching harden embarrass my team also
Where was “DPOY” Ben Simmons during this game?


Ben Simmons had 29-13-11 that game and was guarding Westbrook who went 9-22 from the field and 6 points below his PPG average.
“Biggest game of the year for L.A.” could mean either team or even the city itself. :lol:

Anyway, I think they get us in this one. Hard to beat a really good team 3 times in a row.

January Bron is Booty he prob gonna lay another egg
Like 7-20 type night lol
Harden is fun to watch. Son either blazing hot and killing a team or dribbling all day, shooting bricks, turning the ball over and not playing defense. He stays brining the lulz which makes it fun to watch him.

Random Note.

The Kings have a weird roster, NAME wise.

They have ONE player on their roster that has a last name that ends in a letter that comes AFTER the letter J. (Swanigan)
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