Which team is most overrated? (Pick two)

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As darthska darthska said....that’s been a “y’all” thing. I never once said a positive word about Trump in my entire posting career. You dudes just circle jerk each other for laughs and likes on here.

No, you just continually say questionable **** that some of us from certain demographics only hear from other certain demographics. People didn't just have a secret meeting one day and decide "we're gonna tear Buc Em down." It's a cycle, you say something that comes off as questionable to a large amount of people then play the victim card.

I have 2 points, one of them directly relating to what you said:
1. He has specifically said hes not a Trump supporter. Whether or not that's true will tie directly into my 2nd point in all this.

2. It. Doesn't. Effing. Matter. The conversation is on NBA and covid. How is this so difficult?What his favorite pizza toppings are matter as much as whether or not he's a Trump supporter which also matter as much as your hairstyle. None of it matters to the discussion.

There are my over all interests in all this. Character assassination not only accomplish nothing, but it's irrelevant to the covid/NBA topic that has relevancy to the thread.

So is it a witch hunt or it doesn't matter?

I'm good off the thread for now.
ANOTHER consequence of character assassination/ witch hunts. The topic gets completely buried. People take up arms and draw lines in the sand according to who dug up what dirt and people feel about that dirt, original topic be damned.

I agree with you to a point, but calling what’s going on in here a “character assassination/witch hunt” is overboard. Buc’s in here saying people sound “crazy,” “paranoid,” and “dumb” on their points and is getting to responded to in kind. Not like people just started going after him with no provocation. That would be a witch hunt/character assissination.
2. It. Doesn't. Effing. Matter. The conversation is on NBA and covid. How is this so difficult?What his favorite pizza toppings are matter as much as whether or not he's a Trump supporter which also matter as much as your hairstyle. None of it matters to the discussion.
There are my over all interests in all this. Character assassination not only accomplish nothing, but it's irrelevant to the covid/NBA topic that has relevancy to the thread.

ANOTHER consequence of character assassination/ witch hunts. The topic gets completely buried. People take up arms and draw lines in the sand according to who dug up what dirt and people feel about that dirt, original topic be damned.

this ain't "character assassination". it's public acknowledgement that bucem is an asshat and shouldn't be taken seriously on COVID-19 because he's consistently been loud and wrong. he lacks factual backing for multiple assertions he makes, and when confronted with actual facts, he dismisses them. accordingly, he lacks credibility.

it's about considering the source, and buc em is consistently an unreliable source.
So is it a witch hunt or it doesn't matter?
In your mind, it can't be both? That was some profound question where it can only be one of those?

Its both. It's irrelevant charact assassination that's going nowhere.
In your mind, it can't be both? That was some profound question where it can only be one of those?

Its both. It's irrelevant charact assassination that's going nowhere.

:lol: at character assassination.

Cool. If that's basically all that was being said, I would take no issue. Not a word.

That sentiment has been expressed how many times in the past few pages?
Yes we have an issue with people constantly spewing nonsense whenever they get the chance, yes said nonsense tends to have a certain political leaning tone to it at times.
said nonsense tends to have a certain political leaning tone to it at time
I get that. I live in the same world you do. Someone tells me they're from Boston, been to church their whole life, on the church board now, got a son in the Navy, I definitely assume all kinds of things about them based on just those 3 things.

I'm not saying I'm unaware of what you're talking about, nor am I saying that I'm immune to it myself.

I just recognize that my assumptions about Johnny Boston don't matter to whatever we're talking about, and I might be wrong about those assumptions anyways.

But they don't matter.
I get that. I live in the same world you do. Someone tells me they're from Boston, been to church their whole life, on the church board now, got a son in the Navy, I definitely assume all kinds of things about them based on just those 3 things.

I'm not saying I'm unaware of what you're talking about, nor am I saying that I'm immune to it myself.

I just recognize that my assumptions about Johnny Boston don't matter to whatever we're talking about, and I might be wrong about those assumptions anyways.

But they don't matter.

They do to me and that’s where we stand differently.It’s cool.
Man, you got me! You said that you're getting Trump vibes about @buc em saying we need to open things up and you showed me! A quote about him saying that he thinks things are going to open up a in a couple weeks or whatever, that sure is the same is him saying that we need to open things up now, absolutely. You got it!

And showing a quote about him saying he THINKS things are going to open up sooner than later, that sure satisfied those Trump vibes you're getting, because nothing says 'I support Trump' like 'I think things are going to open up sooner than later.'

Actually, yes, there is something that says 'I support Trump' more clearly than 'Things are going to open up sooner than later': 'I support Trump.'

Would you mind finding me a quote where he said something along the lines of 'I support Trump?' I mean, since those of the vibes you're getting, go ahead and go find that quote and stick it to me. 🤙 Come on, I believe in you! Never admit defeat or error! You weren't wrong, I was wrong! Quote where he said something about supporting Trump since those are the vibes you said you were getting and I said that's a you thing! You can do it! MajinZuub MajinZuub , Sharpshoeter13 Sharpshoeter13 , @Cashflow , do work son do work son , and @MVP are counting on you! 🤙😎

They do to me and that’s where we stand differently.It’s cool.
No, no, to be clear: I'm just saying they don't matter to the convo. Not 'Don't matter to ME', but 'Don't matter to the convo.'

Like if I'm in a meeting w/ other band parents (my son plays drums), and Johnny Boston is in the room, I recognize that my assumptions about him don't matter to whatever us band parents are discussing.

My assumptions about him matter ro me, and outside of that convo, I would want them to be confirmed or denied, but right there in that convo ain't the time.
No, no, to be clear: I'm just saying they don't matter to the convo. Not 'Don't matter to ME', but 'Don't matter to the convo.'

Like if I'm in a meeting w/ other band parents (my son plays drums), and Johnny Boston is in the room, I recognize that my assumptions about him don't matter to whatever us band parents are discussing.

My assumptions about him matter ro me, and outside of that convo, I would want them to be confirmed or denied, but right there in that convo ain't the time.

I’m still mindful of those during all conversations, that’s just me. You take a lot from things that might seem regular.
Do I look for it harder because of my life experiences? Yes. But that’s just how I’m wired.
I’m still mindful of those during all conversations, that’s just me. You take a lot from things that might seem regular.
Do I look for it harder because of my life experiences? Yes. But that’s just how I’m wired.
I get it. Protection of self.

Assuming you're black, I'm sorry your life experiences have your guards up, but I get it.

If you're not black, what type of life experiences are you talking about?

I mean, you are, though, right? 😂👀
I get it. Protection of self.

Assuming you're black, I'm sorry your life experiences have your guards up, but I get it.

If you're not black, what type of life experiences are you talking about?

I mean, you are, though, right? 😂👀

Naw I’m brown :lol: Sikh
I’d rather not touch on any of that. Post 9/11 here wasn't friendly to me or my family or my people. I was 11 when it happened. Hopefully that's enough.
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