Which team is most overrated? (Pick two)

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Numerous vaccines (5+ depending on what manufacturer/clinical trial) have already been administered in various patient populations. The wait is usually 18+ months easily, but ideally, if everything goes perfectly according to plan we can probably squeeze out a 12 month timeline (so January/February 2021). The current wait is to see if and which of the vaccines that have already been administered are safe and efficacious in all patient populations. Obviously, the production and distribution of literally millions of vials will take another 1-2 months after that.

Going back to normal? Not anytime soon.

Slowly going back to somewhat normal? Maybe 2-3 months.

Thats why all the focus right now is on PPE, testing kits, and a treatment that decreases the duration of the virus once infected.
I'm getting Trump "we need to open it up" vibes from buc em buc em
Man, you got me! You said that you're getting Trump vibes about buc em buc em saying we need to open things up and you showed me! A quote about him saying that he thinks things are going to open up a in a couple weeks or whatever, that sure is the same is him saying that we need to open things up now, absolutely. You got it!

And showing a quote about him saying he THINKS things are going to open up sooner than later, that sure satisfied those Trump vibes you're getting, because nothing says 'I support Trump' like 'I think things are going to open up sooner than later.'

Actually, yes, there is something that says 'I support Trump' more clearly than 'Things are going to open up sooner than later': 'I support Trump.'

Would you mind finding me a quote where he said something along the lines of 'I support Trump?' I mean, since those of the vibes you're getting, go ahead and go find that quote and stick it to me. 🤙 Come on, I believe in you! Never admit defeat or error! You weren't wrong, I was wrong! Quote where he said something about supporting Trump since those are the vibes you said you were getting and I said that's a you thing! You can do it! MajinZuub MajinZuub , Sharpshoeter13 Sharpshoeter13 , Cashflow Cashflow , do work son do work son , and MVP MVP are counting on you! 🤙😎
of all people to spend time caping for on the internet, you chose buc em. bless.
It's a combination of things. I like talking sports, and don't like things that get in the way of that. Witch hunts get in the way of that.

Also, witch hunts in general have never been my thing, disrupting sports convos or not.
Man, you got me! You said that you're getting Trump vibes about buc em buc em saying we need to open things up and you showed me! A quote about him saying that he thinks things are going to open up a in a couple weeks or whatever, that sure is the same is him saying that we need to open things up now, absolutely. You got it!

And showing a quote about him saying he THINKS things are going to open up sooner than later, that sure satisfied those Trump vibes you're getting, because nothing says 'I support Trump' like 'I think things are going to open up sooner than later.'

Actually, yes, there is something that says 'I support Trump' more clearly than 'Things are flung to open up sooner than later': 'I support Trump.'

Would you mind finding me a quote where he said something along the lines of 'I support Trump?' I mean, since those of the vibes you're getting, go ahead and go find that quote and stick it to me. 🤙 Come on, I believe in you! Never admit defeat or error! You weren't wrong, I was wrong! Quote where he said something about supporting Trump since those are the vibes you said you were getting and I said that's a you thing! You can do it! MajinZuub MajinZuub , Sharpshoeter13 Sharpshoeter13 , Cashflow Cashflow , do work son do work son , and MVP MVP are counting on you! 🤙😎

They say a picture is worth 1,000 words...

Man, you got me! You said that you're getting Trump vibes about buc em buc em saying we need to open things up and you showed me! A quote about him saying that he thinks things are going to open up a in a couple weeks or whatever, that sure is the same is him saying that we need to open things up now, absolutely. You got it!

Actually, no. The quote said

things are going to have to start getting at least somewhat back to normal and **** is going to have to start opening back up.

Which isn't too dissimilar from

we need to open things up

Unless you're playing a jedi level of mental gymnastics I'm unfamiliar with. Grats,
Man, you got me! You said that you're getting Trump vibes about buc em buc em saying we need to open things up and you showed me! A quote about him saying that he thinks things are going to open up a in a couple weeks or whatever, that sure is the same is him saying that we need to open things up now, absolutely. You got it!

And showing a quote about him saying he THINKS things are going to open up sooner than later, that sure satisfied those Trump vibes you're getting, because nothing says 'I support Trump' like 'I think things are going to open up sooner than later.'

Actually, yes, there is something that says 'I support Trump' more clearly than 'Things are flung to open up sooner than later': 'I support Trump.'

Would you mind finding me a quote where he said something along the lines of 'I support Trump?' I mean, since those of the vibes you're getting, go ahead and go find that quote and stick it to me. 🤙 Come on, I believe in you! Never admit defeat or error! You weren't wrong, I was wrong! Quote where he said something about supporting Trump since those are the vibes you said you were getting and I said that's a you thing! You can do it! MajinZuub MajinZuub , Sharpshoeter13 Sharpshoeter13 , Cashflow Cashflow , do work son do work son , and MVP MVP are counting on you! 🤙😎

Lol you've obviously never heard him talk about race related manners
he is echo'in Trump/Trump Supporter/Fox News talking points which is a tendency of Trump Supporters who many of believe that things should open up and return to normalcy soon meaning that the NBA should be able to return no problem.
And? Who is he? Who cares what he echoes? Hes a guy on the interwebz.

Any conversation about the person is a conversation away from the topic. That's just Debate 101.

If he were in a position of power, I can understand the focus on what he sounds like. He's not in any position of power, though. He could one all beaches to open backup right now and demand that every story go back to normal. Know what's going to happen from that? Absolutely nothing.

He's just a guy who has a different take than you, a VERY different take. Act like this isn't your first time.


Yeah, I know. Still changes nothing regarding this undeniable, uncomfortable fact: a conversation about the speaker is a conversation away fron the topic.
Would you mind finding me a quote where he said something along the lines of 'I support Trump?' I mean, since those of the vibes you're getting, go ahead and go find that quote and stick it to me. 🤙 Come on, I believe in you! Never admit defeat or error! You weren't wrong, I was wrong! Quote where he said something about supporting Trump since those are the vibes you said you were getting and I said that's a you thing! You can do it! MajinZuub MajinZuub , Sharpshoeter13 Sharpshoeter13 , Cashflow Cashflow , do work son do work son , and MVP MVP are counting on you! 🤙😎

Imagine thinking that someone has to say I support trump verbatim to actually support Trump. Haha.

And that's not even in reference to bucem. Just in general.
Actually, no. The quote said

Which isn't too dissimilar from

Unless you're playing a jedi level of mental gymnastics I'm unfamiliar with. Grats,
Still nothing about the "I'm getting a Trump vibe" part?

Imagine thinking that someone has to say I support trump verbatim to actually support Trump. Haha.

And that's not even in reference to bucem. Just in general.
Ohhhhh, now it gets real fun. 😂😎

Since you're all about finding quotes and sticking it to someone with quotes and "Actually, the quote said..." and everything, find me where I said that someone has to specifically say 'I support Trump' in order for them to be a Trump supporter.

AHT, AHT, AHT!!! None of this 'Well, you basically said' foolishness. You're all about finding quotes, directly. Go find that.

While you're finding that, you'll run across buc em buc em specifically saying that hes not a trump supporter. Imagine someone specifically saying that he doesn't support Trump but still being so ignorant, stubborn, arrogant, and pretentious to think that they do anyways.

And imagine quotes being important to someone except when there are direct quotes that go against what they think.

Imagine being so hardheaded that a simple "That's a you think" turns into all this instead of "Yeah, my assumptions are on me."
You must not watch the news...
Was buc em buc em on the news saying he supports Trump AND ALSO wants things to open back up?

Because that's what you originally said your vibe was and I said it was a you thing and you're spending all this energy trying to prove that it's not a you thing.

So was he on the news saying those things? Because if he wasn't on the new saying those things, then you're trying to redirect to something other than what it started out as. And what it started out as, despite your efforts to make it something else, was you saying that you're getting a Trump vibe of opening things up from him. That's where the conversation is staying despite your attempts to take it elsewhere.
Man, you got me! You said that you're getting Trump vibes about buc em buc em saying we need to open things up and you showed me! A quote about him saying that he thinks things are going to open up a in a couple weeks or whatever, that sure is the same is him saying that we need to open things up now, absolutely. You got it!

And showing a quote about him saying he THINKS things are going to open up sooner than later, that sure satisfied those Trump vibes you're getting, because nothing says 'I support Trump' like 'I think things are going to open up sooner than later.'

Actually, yes, there is something that says 'I support Trump' more clearly than 'Things are flung to open up sooner than later': 'I support Trump.'

Would you mind finding me a quote where he said something along the lines of 'I support Trump?' I mean, since those of the vibes you're getting, go ahead and go find that quote and stick it to me. 🤙 Come on, I believe in you! Never admit defeat or error! You weren't wrong, I was wrong! Quote where he said something about supporting Trump since those are the vibes you said you were getting and I said that's a you thing! You can do it! MajinZuub MajinZuub , Sharpshoeter13 Sharpshoeter13 , Cashflow Cashflow , do work son do work son , and MVP MVP are counting on you! 🤙😎

Still nothing about the "I'm getting a Trump vibe" part?


If we're going to be LITERAL here, Merriam-Webster defines a vibe as "a distinctive feeling or quality capable of being sensed". Being that a vibe is a reflection a person's emotional state, I don't think it is fair for you to attempt to discredit the vibes which getback getback or others sense from buc em's posts as doing such is an attempt to regulate their personal feelings.
While you're finding that, you'll run across buc em buc em specifically saying that hes not a trump supporter. Imagine someone specifically saying that he doesn't support Trump but still being so ignorant, stubborn, arrogant, and pretentious to think that they do anyways.

Hence, why I specifically said....

And that's not even in reference to bucem. Just in general.


The Trump vibes you're so caught up on were in reference to him sharing Trump's sentiment on it "needing to be opened up," which Trump has said on record on an almost daily basis. Whether he supports him in general or not is irrelevant.

But I envy your ability to exchange your shirt for a cape over a sneaker board comment. That's dope.
If we're going to be LITERAL here, Merriam-Webster defines a vibe as "a distinctive feeling or quality capable of being sensed". Being that a vibe is a reflection a person's emotional state, I don't think it is fair for you to attempt to discredit the vibes which getback getback or others sense from buc em's posts as doing such is an attempt to regulate their personal feelings.

That's why I said from the beginning 'That's a you thing.' What you are feeling, what you think you're sensing, that's on you. Otherwise, we open up this can of worms where you are whatever I feel you are. If I feel like you're sexist, guess what: you're sexist. You just are, because I'm getting that vibe.

No, that's not fair. If I'm getting a vibe that you're sexist, that doesn't begin with you being sexist and now having to defend yourself against that. That vibe is coming from me, that's on me. That's a ME thing.
Must be true then
Ska, honest question, did you follow this thread at all before you came back to posting in here? Because this has been a thing for years and him saying "I'm not!" hold little weight here :lol:
I have 2 points, one of them directly relating to what you said:
1. He has specifically said hes not a Trump supporter. Whether or not that's true will tie directly into my 2nd point in all this.

2. It. Doesn't. Effing. Matter. The conversation is on NBA and covid. How is this so difficult?What his favorite pizza toppings are matter as much as whether or not he's a Trump supporter which also matter as much as your hairstyle. None of it matters to the discussion.

There are my over all interests in all this. Character assassination not only accomplish nothing, but it's irrelevant to the covid/NBA topic that has relevancy to the thread.
Must be true then
Ska, honest question, did you follow this thread at all before you came back to posting in here? Because this has been a thing for years and him saying "I'm not!" hold little weight here :lol:

As darthska darthska said....that’s been a “y’all” thing. I never once said a positive word about Trump in my entire posting career. You dudes just circle jerk each other for laughs and likes on here.
This is one of those times in here I’m no longer sure anymore what’s actually being argued.
ANOTHER consequence of character assassination/ witch hunts. The topic gets completely buried. People take up arms and draw lines in the sand according to who dug up what dirt and people feel about that dirt, original topic be damned.
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