Which team is most overrated? (Pick two)

  • Clippers

  • Celtics

  • Seventy Sixers

  • Bucks

  • Rockets

  • Nuggets

  • Jazz

  • Nets

  • Warriors

  • Pacers

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Kinfolk Kinfolk , jump on in here. Who ya got?

Lol. . . what do you want me to say? Dolph Schayes?

The lakers I mentioned were legit the most mediocre (not a single one was better than Smush Parker, as bad as he was) and my list had nothing to do with what you wanted it to be about.

But to answer your question the guys that come to mind:

Bob Sura

Jason Williams

Rex Chapman


Rudy Fernandez was a freak but also a p**** and crybaby.
Are you actually typing these words?!?!?

B Sox B Sox
Peep Game Peep Game
D Fly D Fly
the 718 truth the 718 truth
kingfoamnyc kingfoamnyc

Get him help, pls.

DC wanna be Naomi so bad

B Diddy

At his peak Gil gave your favorite player 40-60pts like it was absolutely nothing.

He almost bodied Bron in the playoffs and set Kobe on fire for 60. Watching him torch guys at his peak was so much fun. Hate that he got hurt and couldn't recover.

Marbury could never see past himself.

Williams wasn't as talented as Baron Davis but Baron didn't do the work to keep his weight under control and that led to injuries that led to his undoing.

I was never a big Deron Williams fan but he was giving guys that work before his ankles gave out.
1. Its DWill (most consistent, successful, solid all around player)

2. Arenas (shined brightest at his best. A superstar scorer.)

3. Baron (a few years of being truly special mixed in with the injuries and disappointing seasons, most of them because of injuries)

4. Marbury (Hahahaha at putting this guy above any of the other three, easily the worst player. Bottom of the barrel IQ, definitional loser. Literally every team he left in the NBA was way better immediately after.)
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