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I hate black history gets romanticized and white washed.

Craig Hodges
Jesse Owens
Tommie Smith
John Carlos
Muhammad Ali
Mahmoud Abdul-Rauf (formerly Chris Jackson)
Colin Kaepernick

ALL of their career’s were shorten or ended immediately and they were all public enemies, even to the US government. The amount of death threats, hate mail, and lost opportunities were unimaginable. Most of these guys didn’t even get their flowers and recognized properly until their old age. Then often, like most American history, we talk about the actions, and then the lifetime awards given and statues erected. However the treatment between those years and lack an apology for it, somehow gets overlooked.

LeBron and NBA players resume playing, is quite honestly the easiest thing to do. It’s what the masses want, it’s want the owners and media want, it’s what the government wants. Wearing t-shirts and throwing dollars behind a charity or walk, won’t have the same impact as sitting out and costing the league probably over hundreds of millions to a billion dollars, and at this point has started to lose its luster. Its’ no different than what Starbucks is doing. Working black employees, while wearing pro-black apparel, donating money to black causes, while making 10x the amount back off black labor.

The image and thought that LeBron could be warming up for a game in 2014 in this exact t shirt for the 2020 postseason, should make you uncomfortable enough to understand Kyrie’s, Dwight’s and other players stance on playing.


Craig Hodges recently was interviewed on VLADTV. They are slowly putting clips out on their YouTube Page. I am waiting for the full interview to be completed though.

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ESPN's reporting with players, agents, the NBPA and league officials over the weekend found no indication that the NBA's return is in jeopardy -- or that there's even a significant group of players ready to sit out.
Kyrie is right. Black people have the spot light right now. No better platform for black men to control there freedom then to take this moment with sports to twist the elbow of the powers that be. I’m all for us getting our money but right now just comes off in poor taste. Plus who tf wants to watch basketball with no fans? No sense in fighting tooth and nail to give us a diluted product at the end of the day. Money is gonna win at the end of the day though so we’ll be watching basketball next month.
I know for me personally, I have no interest in ball right now. I wouldnt watch anyway. I watch cnn every night. Our civil rights and health are just too important, to me personally, right now. I don't expect others to have the same priorities though.
I hate black history gets romanticized and white washed.

Craig Hodges
Jesse Owens
Tommie Smith
John Carlos
Muhammad Ali
Mahmoud Abdul-Rauf (formerly Chris Jackson)
Colin Kaepernick

ALL of their career’s were shorten or ended immediately and they were all public enemies, even to the US government. The amount of death threats, hate mail, and lost opportunities were unimaginable. Most of these guys didn’t even get their flowers and recognized properly until their old age. Then often, like most American history, we talk about the actions, and then the lifetime awards given and statues erected. However the treatment between those years and lack an apology for it, somehow gets overlooked.

LeBron and NBA players resume playing, is quite honestly the easiest thing to do. It’s what the masses want, it’s want the owners and media want, it’s what the government wants. Wearing t-shirts and throwing dollars behind a charity or walk, won’t have the same impact as sitting out and costing the league probably over hundreds of millions to a billion dollars, and at this point has started to lose its luster. Its’ no different than what Starbucks is doing. Working black employees, while wearing pro-black apparel, donating money to black causes, while making 10x the amount back off black labor.

The image and thought that LeBron could be warming up for a game in 2014 in this exact t shirt for the 2020 postseason, should make you uncomfortable enough to understand Kyrie’s, Dwight’s and other players stance on playing.

I hate black history gets romanticized and white washed.

Craig Hodges
Jesse Owens
Tommie Smith
John Carlos
Muhammad Ali
Mahmoud Abdul-Rauf (formerly Chris Jackson)
Colin Kaepernick

ALL of their career’s were shorten or ended immediately and they were all public enemies, even to the US government. The amount of death threats, hate mail, and lost opportunities were unimaginable. Most of these guys didn’t even get their flowers and recognized properly until their old age. Then often, like most American history, we talk about the actions, and then the lifetime awards given and statues erected. However the treatment between those years and lack an apology for it, somehow gets overlooked.

LeBron and NBA players resume playing, is quite honestly the easiest thing to do. It’s what the masses want, it’s want the owners and media want, it’s what the government wants. Wearing t-shirts and throwing dollars behind a charity or walk, won’t have the same impact as sitting out and costing the league probably over hundreds of millions to a billion dollars, and at this point has started to lose its luster. Its’ no different than what Starbucks is doing. Working black employees, while wearing pro-black apparel, donating money to black causes, while making 10x the amount back off black labor.

The image and thought that LeBron could be warming up for a game in 2014 in this exact t shirt for the 2020 postseason, should make you uncomfortable enough to understand Kyrie’s, Dwight’s and other players stance on playing.


*drops mic*
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I know for me personally, I have no interest in ball right now. I wouldnt watch anyway. I watch cnn every night. Our civil rights and health are just too important, to me personally, right now. I don't expect others to have the same priorities though.

Counter would be “but basketball is only a couple hours of your time”, which in this case I agree with. If watching CNN is all youre doing then youre not missing out on much for the 2 hours youre not watching. Or do as the mancave virgins do, have multiple TV’s. :lol:
Counter would be “but basketball is only a couple hours of your time”, which in this case I agree with. If watching CNN is all youre doing then youre not missing out on much for the 2 hours youre not watching. Or do as the mancave virgins do, have multiple TV’s. :lol:
thats for 1 game though. They'll be running games all day every day like christmas. They have a lot of games to get through in a short period of time. watching just one game takes discipline. but they be on all day similar to march madness.

ESPN's reporting with players, agents, the NBPA and league officials over the weekend found no indication that the NBA's return is in jeopardy -- or that there's even a significant group of players ready to sit out.

So basically for the past 2.5 days the internet has been ****ting on Kyrie and arguing in circles for no reason? :lol:
Why do I see ESPN and blog boy articles talking about trade packages for Beal every single day? The Wizards don't want to move him and Beal wants to stay a Wizard.
thats for 1 game though. They'll be running games all day every day like christmas. They have a lot of games to get through in a short period of time. watching just one game takes discipline. but they be on all day similar to march madness.

True. I cant stand watching the news for too long but thats me,. I honestly rather get my news in detail through NT. :lol:
Chuck just said that whatever team wins the championship this year deserves 1.5 rings due to the stoppage and bubble :sick:

The media is setting up the narrative EARLY:smh:

Edit: He just said Philly in the East and Blazers in the West were win the title. He’s gotta still be tipsy from last night.
Chuck just said that whatever team wins the championship this year deserves 1.5 rings due to the stoppage and bubble :sick:

The media is setting up the narrative EARLY:smh:
No, I get it. I mean, he can definitely be trusted as an authority on championships because...
I definitely don't trust Philly and wouldn't bet on them, but I also wouldn't be surprised if they did make a run of sorts. They went 7-7 against the Bucks, Raptors, Celtics, Clippers, and Lakers. It's not like they can't play with those teams.
Why do I see ESPN and blog boy articles talking about trade packages for Beal every single day? The Wizards don't want to move him and Beal wants to stay a Wizard.
Feels like a situation that's just a matter of time. They can't build around him. He's going to get frustrated. They're going to realize it's not going to work.
I definitely don't trust Philly and wouldn't bet on them, but I also wouldn't be surprised if they did make a run of sorts. They went 7-7 against the Bucks, Raptors, Celtics, Clippers, and Lakers. It's not like they can't play with those teams.

Philly was fine, we’ve even seen them mentioned often in this thread but Portland?!?? Even though he added the qualifiers of adding Collins and Nurkic, he lost me with that one. He even shouted out Whiteside’s play (I can’t remember when Chuck went in on him :lol: )
I would be completely fine with the players boycotting the season if it forces the league, owners, and sponsors to open their wallets and financially back the causes the players are advocating for. Restarting the season loses that leverage point for the players.
I would be completely fine with the players boycotting the season if it forces the league, owners, and sponsors to open their wallets and financially back the causes the players are advocating for. Restarting the season loses that leverage point for the players.

Exactly. You can do more for change and awareness by sitting out than showing up in T-shirts made by Nike that will likely be sold.
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