Which team is most overrated? (Pick two)

  • Clippers

  • Celtics

  • Seventy Sixers

  • Bucks

  • Rockets

  • Nuggets

  • Jazz

  • Nets

  • Warriors

  • Pacers

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Philly was fine, we’ve even seen them mentioned often in this thread but Portland?!?? Even though he added the qualifiers of adding Collins and Nurkic, he lost me with that one. He even shouted out Whiteside’s play (I can’t remember when Chuck went in on him :lol: )
Portland is a bit wild, but I wouldn't be completely surprised if they were at least able to give the Lakers a fight in the first round. If Nurkic and Collins are actually healthy, which I have no clue if they are, that front line can certainly compete with the Lakers bigs. AD still going to get his, but it won't be easy, and I don't think Dwight and Javale would have much of an impact. Bron would have a monster series, but I bet Dame probably would too.

I obviously wouldn't bet on the Blazers, but I do think they are far and away the worst case scenario for a first round meeting. A fully healthy Blazers team is significantly better than your normal 8 seed.
Exactly. You can do more for change and awareness by sitting out than showing up in T-shirts made by Nike that will likely be sold.

remember the "bathroom bill" in North Carolina? basically targeted transgender folks from using the bathroom of their choice, and forced them to use the one assigned to their birth gender. NBA pulled the all-star game from charlotte because of that. The NCAA said it wouldn't put any tourney sites in North Carolina. Multiple businesses started leaving the state as well.

Result? the bill was later repealed.

Money will always be the biggest driving factor for change. Once the NBA restarts and the sponsors, league, and owners start collecting that money again, a chunk of momentum will be lost. This is the best time, imo, for the players to collectively put their foot down and force the league to join them.
idk I think money is in control here. 2,000 new cases of Covid in Florida today and the NBA is more than likely still going forward.
Jordan clarkson gotta stick to basketball.
The media can’t even get report a clear, consistent message about the season coming back...all this is a mess :lol:

And Portland could be a wildcard, Dame and CJ good enough to win some games if they go off but the rest of the team so shaky that they could sabotage those efforts as well
Ariza was a really big pickup for Portland. They had a huge hole on the wing, and I think Ariza can now give them 30-35 min a night as a solid 3 and D guy. Played well for them in the 21 games prior to COVID. 11/5/2/2 on 49/40 splits in 33 MPG.
I definitely don't trust Philly and wouldn't bet on them, but I also wouldn't be surprised if they did make a run of sorts. They went 7-7 against the Bucks, Raptors, Celtics, Clippers, and Lakers. It's not like they can't play with those teams.
wheres alt right Buc_Em to make sense of this? Can't still be at home depot. how many torches does one man need?
So because guys are richer, their thoughts should be swept under the rug for the guys in the league with less dough? Nobody in the L should be broke. Lowest paid guy in at 450k. Thats more than doctors, lawyers, politicians, etc. Dudes got on and decided to blow their load, doesnt correlate with why Kyrie and Dwight are wrong. Ed Davis pocket watching.
So because guys are richer, their thoughts should be swept under the rug for the guys in the league with less dough? Nobody in the L should be broke. Lowest paid guy in at 450k. Thats more than doctors, lawyers, politicians, etc. Dudes got on and decided to blow their load, doesnt correlate with why Kyrie and Dwight are wrong. Ed Davis pocket watching.
Would you give up 40% of your salary to sit out?
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