Thee Official LeBron James = Scottie Pippen and Dywane Wade = Michael Jordan for the 2011 Finals

Miami is better when Wade is A and 'Bron is B. I can't believe the Mods are letting this thread breathe.
Miami is better when Wade is A and 'Bron is B. I can't believe the Mods are letting this thread breathe.
Originally Posted by CAFinest23

Lol at dude being the only Laker fan that "deserves respect" I could care less if NT respects that I'm a Laker fan or not.

I'm not even hating on LeBron James with the Heat, I just don't understand how when Kobe had Shaquille it was "oh Kobe only has most of those rings because of Shaquille or Pau or Artest" yet we clearly see LeBron deferring to Wade and nobody says anything. Y'all make it seem like I said LeBron = Ron Harper or BJ Armstrong, Pippen is still one helluva player.
The difference is that Kobe's only contribution was as a scorer. LeBron is anchoring the defensive end of the court and running the offense acting as the point guard. Wade is just playing the role of high scorer. The Heat scored 42 points in the second half. Of those 42 points, LeBron scored or assisted 21 of them.
Most people don't have the ability to see past points. In their minds, who ever scored the most points is the best player. LeBron only scored 17 points, but there's no question that with the defense, the assists, etc.... From an overall standpoint, LeBon is the most productive player on either team. Wade has the favorable match up, and the defense isn't as focused on him. They're supposed to use him as the #1 scoring option. It's just smart basketball to do that.
Originally Posted by CAFinest23

Lol at dude being the only Laker fan that "deserves respect" I could care less if NT respects that I'm a Laker fan or not.

I'm not even hating on LeBron James with the Heat, I just don't understand how when Kobe had Shaquille it was "oh Kobe only has most of those rings because of Shaquille or Pau or Artest" yet we clearly see LeBron deferring to Wade and nobody says anything. Y'all make it seem like I said LeBron = Ron Harper or BJ Armstrong, Pippen is still one helluva player.
The difference is that Kobe's only contribution was as a scorer. LeBron is anchoring the defensive end of the court and running the offense acting as the point guard. Wade is just playing the role of high scorer. The Heat scored 42 points in the second half. Of those 42 points, LeBron scored or assisted 21 of them.
Most people don't have the ability to see past points. In their minds, who ever scored the most points is the best player. LeBron only scored 17 points, but there's no question that with the defense, the assists, etc.... From an overall standpoint, LeBon is the most productive player on either team. Wade has the favorable match up, and the defense isn't as focused on him. They're supposed to use him as the #1 scoring option. It's just smart basketball to do that.
Wrong again. Kobe led the team in assists during those runs as well. Get the facts right.
Wrong again. Kobe led the team in assists during those runs as well. Get the facts right.
Originally Posted by OneTrust


TOO PREDICTABLE!!!!  A LAKER fan making this thread. 


i hate the fact that being a laker fan is connected to being a lebron hater nowadays. i could care less about bron or wade. i should thank them for eliminating boston.

i hate the fact that we're getting confused with the kobe stans. 

I skimmed through this. 
Has anyone mentioned how LBJ will run and hug Wade or try and celebrate with him after he makes a great play? (throughout the playoffs not just finals) 
Sometimes it seems totally one sided and almost awkward, like Wade is way cooler/mature/confident. 

It's almost like Lebron is Allan and Wade is Phil from the Hangover 

That said, Lebron is a freak and more talented on both ends IMO, but Wade has the killer instinct/leadership. 

He doesn't have to try to be the leader. He just is.

Don't get me wrong they're both Alpha but from what I've observed it seems like Wade is Alpha 1A and Bron is Alpha 1B. 

Regardless of their stats. Wade just seems like Big Brother and LBJ seems like he looks up to him 
Originally Posted by bilbo07

Originally Posted by Al3xis

yall have real short memories.

Wade owes this to his team after the crap he put forth vs Chicago. Bron got him here. If he closes the deal, that's the beauty of that team.
@ lebron stans

dude seriously do not want to give any credit to Wade

the beauty of the team is that lebron got them to the finals by himself? If I remember correctly Wade was hitting clutch shots vs Chicago as well.

You know this xpopocatepl is losing it now. Comparing kobe to wilks and anthony. Prime example of a dude that will not be enjoying Wade getting his second finals MVP.
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