Thee Official LeBron James = Scottie Pippen and Dywane Wade = Michael Jordan for the 2011 Finals

Originally Posted by blacklion23

Some of you Laker fans on NT make me ashamed to be a Laker fan. I've been a Laker fan for 16 years and I've never seen our fans hate another another player so much. And for what!? As far as the game last night goes, Wade was hot, why not defer to him? As someone stated earlier, this is the beauty of this team. Wade didn't play his best last series, Bron went off. Wade is playing great this series, Bron is doing what he does best, getting his teammates involved. The series isn't over, but if you think or was hoping Lebron would never get a ring, off yourself. I agree with the thread title though, only because I hold Pippen in high regards. I didnt see MJ and Pip as Batman and Robin, I saw them as Superman and Batman. Because I give Lebron a edge over Pip, as far as skill set, Bron and Wade may equal Superman and Superman IMO.

It just amazes me how we went from being the most hated team to being the haters. On second thought, I'm not going to let a few fools on a message board speak for the entire Laker Nation. There opinion is what it is, I just don't agree with it.

You're probably the only real Lakers fan on this board that deserves respect.
Originally Posted by blacklion23

Some of you Laker fans on NT make me ashamed to be a Laker fan. I've been a Laker fan for 16 years and I've never seen our fans hate another another player so much. And for what!? As far as the game last night goes, Wade was hot, why not defer to him? As someone stated earlier, this is the beauty of this team. Wade didn't play his best last series, Bron went off. Wade is playing great this series, Bron is doing what he does best, getting his teammates involved. The series isn't over, but if you think or was hoping Lebron would never get a ring, off yourself. I agree with the thread title though, only because I hold Pippen in high regards. I didnt see MJ and Pip as Batman and Robin, I saw them as Superman and Batman. Because I give Lebron a edge over Pip, as far as skill set, Bron and Wade may equal Superman and Superman IMO.

It just amazes me how we went from being the most hated team to being the haters. On second thought, I'm not going to let a few fools on a message board speak for the entire Laker Nation. There opinion is what it is, I just don't agree with it.

You're probably the only real Lakers fan on this board that deserves respect.
all this really needs to stop, basin peoples game off of 2 performances, lol, dwayne had the easier match wit kidd on him, he can get open space anytime, lebron was usually gettn the ball late in the shot clock on the perimeter, not much you can do there if you havent gotten yourself into an offensive rhythm, lebron was more a facilitator that game, who closed out the games in chicago? And both wade and james closed out game 1 against dallas, game 2 the just started celebratin to early and gave dallas that fuel and couldnt match their intensity on both sides of the court. Why so much hate for this guy that plays the game the way its suppose to be played? Does not compute
all this really needs to stop, basin peoples game off of 2 performances, lol, dwayne had the easier match wit kidd on him, he can get open space anytime, lebron was usually gettn the ball late in the shot clock on the perimeter, not much you can do there if you havent gotten yourself into an offensive rhythm, lebron was more a facilitator that game, who closed out the games in chicago? And both wade and james closed out game 1 against dallas, game 2 the just started celebratin to early and gave dallas that fuel and couldnt match their intensity on both sides of the court. Why so much hate for this guy that plays the game the way its suppose to be played? Does not compute
I guess it was Pau's team earlier in the season when he was looking like the Lakers MVP...

Some of ya'll hate is ridiculous
I guess it was Pau's team earlier in the season when he was looking like the Lakers MVP...

Some of ya'll hate is ridiculous
Originally Posted by Al3xis

yall have real short memories.

Wade owes this to his team after the crap he put forth vs Chicago. Bron got him here. If he closes the deal, that's the beauty of that team.
Originally Posted by Al3xis

yall have real short memories.

Wade owes this to his team after the crap he put forth vs Chicago. Bron got him here. If he closes the deal, that's the beauty of that team.
Originally Posted by LuketheJediKnight

Originally Posted by blacklion23

Some of you Laker fans on NT make me ashamed to be a Laker fan. I've been a Laker fan for 16 years and I've never seen our fans hate another another player so much. And for what!? As far as the game last night goes, Wade was hot, why not defer to him? As someone stated earlier, this is the beauty of this team. Wade didn't play his best last series, Bron went off. Wade is playing great this series, Bron is doing what he does best, getting his teammates involved. The series isn't over, but if you think or was hoping Lebron would never get a ring, off yourself. I agree with the thread title though, only because I hold Pippen in high regards. I didnt see MJ and Pip as Batman and Robin, I saw them as Superman and Batman. Because I give Lebron a edge over Pip, as far as skill set, Bron and Wade may equal Superman and Superman IMO.

It just amazes me how we went from being the most hated team to being the haters. On second thought, I'm not going to let a few fools on a message board speak for the entire Laker Nation. There opinion is what it is, I just don't agree with it.

You're probably the only real Lakers fan on this board that deserves respect.

Originally Posted by LuketheJediKnight

Originally Posted by blacklion23

Some of you Laker fans on NT make me ashamed to be a Laker fan. I've been a Laker fan for 16 years and I've never seen our fans hate another another player so much. And for what!? As far as the game last night goes, Wade was hot, why not defer to him? As someone stated earlier, this is the beauty of this team. Wade didn't play his best last series, Bron went off. Wade is playing great this series, Bron is doing what he does best, getting his teammates involved. The series isn't over, but if you think or was hoping Lebron would never get a ring, off yourself. I agree with the thread title though, only because I hold Pippen in high regards. I didnt see MJ and Pip as Batman and Robin, I saw them as Superman and Batman. Because I give Lebron a edge over Pip, as far as skill set, Bron and Wade may equal Superman and Superman IMO.

It just amazes me how we went from being the most hated team to being the haters. On second thought, I'm not going to let a few fools on a message board speak for the entire Laker Nation. There opinion is what it is, I just don't agree with it.

You're probably the only real Lakers fan on this board that deserves respect.

Originally Posted by luxurious24

all this really needs to stop, basin peoples game off of 2 performances, lol, dwayne had the easier match wit kidd on him, he can get open space anytime, lebron was usually gettn the ball late in the shot clock on the perimeter, not much you can do there if you havent gotten yourself into an offensive rhythm, lebron was more a facilitator that game, who closed out the games in chicago? And both wade and james closed out game 1 against dallas, game 2 the just started celebratin to early and gave dallas that fuel and couldnt match their intensity on both sides of the court. Why so much hate for this guy that plays the game the way its suppose to be played? Does not compute
What he said.
Originally Posted by luxurious24

all this really needs to stop, basin peoples game off of 2 performances, lol, dwayne had the easier match wit kidd on him, he can get open space anytime, lebron was usually gettn the ball late in the shot clock on the perimeter, not much you can do there if you havent gotten yourself into an offensive rhythm, lebron was more a facilitator that game, who closed out the games in chicago? And both wade and james closed out game 1 against dallas, game 2 the just started celebratin to early and gave dallas that fuel and couldnt match their intensity on both sides of the court. Why so much hate for this guy that plays the game the way its suppose to be played? Does not compute
What he said.
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