Can't wait to see Heat finish the bucks, really hope Wade is good for next round. Tired of people saying he's declining when he's had a great season, still the best SG in the game after Kobe.
Can't wait to see Heat finish the bucks, really hope Wade is good for next round. Tired of people saying he's declining when he's had a great season, still the best SG in the game after Kobe.

Definitely. He's shown flashes of him still being at that premiere level.. but his knee is definitely still bothering him. That and he often plays like he's just disinterested lol.
All of this.

I already called him out on it, but he cried to meth about it and tried to get me banned claiming that he never said it (it was originally posted under his old sn). Meth then made me change my sig. I was gonna let it go since I had no way of connecting his two SNs, but now, he done goofed! Caught that *** slipping.

"I got dirt on you doggie!"

Exposure is soon to come.

How those tears tasting?
Y'all about to be up out of there!!!

The only reason I'm more hype about lakers being put out in the first Rnd is because who in their right mind would think Miami would have problems in the first Rnd.
Yea im a Bron fan so what, I'm also a heat fan like I said before.
I just love to see laker fans tears, and believe me ohmygosher it's a wrap for you!! LMAAOOOO!!
The fact still remains, me being a Lebron fan is not gunna help the lakers get out of the first Rnd. So y'all can let that go!

It's funny you guys are in this Miami thread!

How did any of that come off as mad?

As if the Lakers losing wasn't expected. We have the most banged up roster in the league going up against a healthy spurs team.

You act as if we were heavily favored and lost in the finals because our so called superstar became a mental ****** and disappeared and cost us the championship in 6 games. That wasn't the case here.

You are not a Heat fan, you are a Bron fan. When he leaves, so will you. Why do you think that no Heat fans acknowledge you?

And lastly, this is the TEAM THREAD. It wasn't made solely for Lebron Heat fans, it was made to discuss Heat basketball. I've posted more about Heat basketball in here, than you have. If you want to discuss Laker basketball, come to the Laker basketball thread.
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i put the broom down. this is a special occasion.... im pullin the swiffer out for the bucks lol

yup! thats the one! its a great day too lol, knicks lost...theyre all over twitter cryin n moanin. while we bout to take the bucks out to pasture. a BEAUTIFUL day...
I knew it .... I knew that Ray's 3 pt shooting slump during the latter half of the season would dwindle away come Playoff time. Very impressed with our Ball Movement ...
Yup. Ray couldnt have had better timing in getting out of the slump haha. Esp. With Wade needing to take care of his knee.
Congrats everyone. Now, lets hope that BK extends their series with Chicago while we rest.

Frankly, I have a hard time believing that Brooklyn could do that if they were up 14 with 3:18 remaining in a game and one of their players was going up for a wide open dunk.
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