These 10 cities have the most aggressive drivers in the nation

I survived driving in DR. Atlanta ain’t that bad.

Just everybody thinks they’re race car drivers.

Plus all the new people that’s always moving here, there’s so many different type of drivers...
I was driving for the first time in la for like 5 minutes 2 years ago and seen some wild aggression on the road
My man from Smart Drive Test on YouTube says NYC and Boston are the most difficult places to drive. I trust him over anyone, son helped me get my license in a few weeks with no prior driving experience

I thought Houston had the worst drivers until I went to Miami and Boston.

Las Vegas drivers didn’t really seem all that bad
Philly drivers aren't aggressive. We just drive to a unique rhythm where following stop signs and lights are optional on the non-major streets.
San Diego= mostly military from other states so that should be handed down to the south. :lol:
Yeah military towns and those with all a large amount of folks moving there are probably the worst, you never know what you're gonna get.
Taxi and now uber/lyft drivers think they own the streets. Perfect example, dude in a Suburban with TLC plates exits the Van Wyck (highway by JFK) and instead of getting into the transition lane after he exited proceeded to skip 3 lanes and enter my lane on the far right after me going about 40-50 and aggressively beeping at him to no avail. Get in the middle lane next to him and look to see what was up with that radical move and all of a sudden he has tunnel vision :angry:
list looks fishy cause drivers in austin are the opposite of agressive
they drive like so slow
The only two cities on that list I’ve driven in extensively are Phoenix and San Diego. SD drivers are way more aggressive then anything I see in Phx
pretty much all nyc drivers are aggressive so it's just a way of life

this list is clearly for soft drivers that needed somewhere to complain about it
If you look at the criteria they're using to classify "aggressive" driving, you quickly realize they're not great indicators of what true aggressive driving is. They're mostly looking at who's wasting the most gas and killing their brakes the most.

Better indicators of "aggressive driving" would be road rage instances, tailgating, horn usage, resistance to incoming lane changes, strong-armed lane changes, "upstreamed" lane changes (using a lane that isn't busy to go ahead of a bunch of cars and then force yourself in the busy lane at the very last second), etc.

I mean a large chunk of the population don't drive so I'm sure that's effecting the numbers.

list looks fishy cause drivers in austin are the opposite of agressive
they drive like so slow

..For Texas, that is aggressive. Houston is the only place I've ever been where people are scared to honk the horn at each other. People will just let someone make EVERYONE miss a green light.
Sacramento drivers are a lot slower and passive than LA/SD..
Not really. Sac drivers are horrible. Freeway system here sux. 2 million people and only 3 major highways. 4 lanes merging into 2 or 2 merging into 5. These city freeway planners must of been high.
Shout out to Maryland driver who reminded me that drivers have the right away, even if they are at a red light, and the pedestrian (myself) is using the crosswalk with the corresponding walk indicator. Sometimes we all need to be checked.
Better indicators of "aggressive driving" would be road rage instances, tailgating, horn usage, resistance to incoming lane changes, strong-armed lane changes, "upstreamed" lane changes (using a lane that isn't busy to go ahead of a bunch of cars and then force yourself in the busy lane at the very last second), etc.

Sounds about Maryland.
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