They're shooting at Cops in Dallas, Eleven Officers Shot, Two Civilian Injured ,Five CONFIRMED DEAD-

Feds did this. Same as the shooting in the movie theater during batman. The boston bombings. 9/11.

Create ambiguous enemy and watch society collapse on itself. Rinse and repeat.

Stay woke.
when did society collapse though?

that's the Isis mentality, thinking their attacks are going to bring western civilization to its knees.
when did society collapse though?

that's the Isis mentality, thinking their attacks are going to bring western civilization to its knees.

Man, all i can say is that this is the beginning.

Ifs bout to get rough outchea ESPECIALLY if the baton rouge and minnesota cops dont get charged and convicted.
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Dude bout to get that bag smh @ CNN saying "nothing is confirmed but he looks like he's the suspect" cmon man
I don't think you can sue for being named a suspect...

If you have a rifle around your chest walking around during a protest and something goes wrong... Who's gonna be looked at as a suspect? [emoji]129300[/emoji]
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