Things about your fellow NTers that you've always wondered

Where are the women at? Did the thirst drive most them away?
I have always thought DC was the biggest troll in NT's history. I wouldn't be surprised at all if the alleged female reporter story turned out to be true.
No man may see the meth and yet live, the only begoten dirtylicious is the one that has explained him.

The Glory of the Meth

And Meth said, "you cannot see my face, for no one may see Me and live"


And ninjahood was stricken by the glory of meth. And no man was able to approach him because his appearance was as brilliant as the sun that is why the ninja sits in the fortress of boxes...because he is to bright, and no man may come before ninjahood because of the brilliance of meth.

The Glory of the Meth

And Meth said, "you cannot see my face, for no one may see Me and live"


Ansd ksteezy was stricken by the glory of meth. And no man was able to approach him because his appearance was as brilliant as the sun

Yea, and @ksteezy said unto the bruhs of NT, "Thus sayeth Meth, the Ruler of NT, my Fit is classy, and my Taper roll is tight. Go now and make every man your Famb, and every woman your Yamb" so that Meth may bestow upon you a blessing this day.

The Glory of the Meth

And Meth said, "you cannot see my face, for no one may see Me and live"


Ansd ksteezy was stricken by the glory of meth. And no man was able to approach him because his appearance was as brilliant as the sun

Yea, and KSteezy said unto the bruhs of NT, "Thus sayeth Meth, the Ruler of NT, my Fit is classy, and my taper roll is tight, go now and make every man your Famb, and every woman your Yamb" so that MEth may bestow upon you a blessing this day.

And so was it written, that Steezy loved Meth, and Meth loved him back.

And the Meth god bestowed many favors unto steezy. But unto his brotha, Ninjahood, Meth did not look with favor, because the Meth destested his offerings of ratchet yambs from Washington Heights.

And so Ninjahood grew angry, and his face was downcast. Then the Meth said unto him, "Why are you angry? Why is your face downcast? If you do what is right, will you not be accepted? If you move out thy mother's abode, and acquire for yourself a cart with horsepower, will you not be respected?

But by then, it was to no avail.

Ninjahood had alloweth jealousy to creep into his heart, and he plotted many evil things against his brotha Steezy. And so one day, he said to his brotha Steezy, "Let's go out to da Marina." And while they were out at da Marina, he attacked Steezy with da musket, and killed him.

Then Meth said to Ninjahood, "Where is your brotha, Steezy; what have you done?" And Ninjahood replied, "I sent him to banned camp, because I had da jealousy in me. Da Jrose5 made me do it."

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