Things that grind your gears Vol I Hate People

Compulsive Liars - my friend just lies for the hell of it and always pulls the "you can call ____ if you don't believe me", MFer I don't needanyone's confirmation.

drivers that don't signal - it's bad enough you gonna get in front of me and drive slow but of course you gotta make a random right turn withoutsignaling and wonder why I blow at you

Dudes Mean Mugging - if you feeling froggish, leap! Don't just eye me unless u got something to say.

Bad Breath - I carry ice breakers on me everywhere I go, I wish other people had the courtesy to do the same before they breathe in my face

Dudes "stunting" In Front Of A Group Of People - whether its outside the club or on a college campus, it's lame just rolling around with yourwindows down blasting the latest Lil Wayne cd that everyone already heard. I could care less how much bass you got in your car, your battery will die in notime idiot

Chain letter texters/emailers/facebook wall posters - none of these rediculous wishes will come true. I don't think Jesus cares if I have a Facebook pagedude.

Non Stop Texters - you don't get the hint that I don't wanna talk no more after I didn't respond to your last text. HOP OFF!!!!!

White people who act like they're experts on racial issues - no you don't need to be able to use the N-word like us, get over it. You will neverunderstand it from our POV.

Belligerent Drunks - you know the type. The ones who think real life is like American Pie or Knocked Up, you're not pulling a chick at the club and hittingit tonight dude. Or the one who just goes out of there way to do something random like wander down Route 1 screaming and yelling. I know you're faking justto look "cool", get over yourself man.
People who don't use blinkers
People who chew with their mouth open
People who slurp when they eat
People who aren't ready when it's time to go
Smelly dudes at the gym... especially when I'm inhaling for a rep
The kid that asks a million questions at the end of class and keeps everyone late
Roommates who think that mommy still lives with them so they don't help out with cleaning, taking out the trash, or picking up after themselves OR theirfriends... I have 3 of them.
People at the bar that don't move out of the way when they know that a lot of people are trying to get through
Guarding fat kids while playing ball
People who don't try when you're playing a sport... Get off the field/court!
Dudes that jump in when I'm letting ladies through first

Lol thanks NT, I feel much better now.
Originally Posted by JACKEL56

Originally Posted by PoPcoRN Playa 24

Originally Posted by JACKEL56

too many things I'd rather not get into it

Good post

like that,some are

people driving slow
groups of people walking slow on a small sidewalk or hallway
people sitting right next to me in an empty movie theater
people that can't text
ignorant people
theirs more but they don't come to mind

I don't get annoyed easily. Only thing I get pissed about is when I pay 12 bucks for a movie ticket then to have some dumb high school kids ruin the movieby talking,laser pointers, throwing food, or sometimes having sexy time in there. I don't even know how kids are raised these days. No respect and nomorals.
Dudes who always complain and want something when they bring absolutely nothing to the table..
Originally Posted by ShortyC94

I hate when someone asks me a question, and in the middle of me answering it, they either ask another question or just start talking.

I also hate when someone calls me, and they're so into what's going on whereever they are, that they aren't really talking to me.

I hate dudes who try to act larger than life because they have a girl with them, but when they are alone, they're mild mannered.
tell me why this #++!@!!%$@*$ calles me at a party
Females who call, and dont have nothing to talk about

Ugly girls following me in the club pulling on my hair trying to get my attention b$&@$ don't put your hands on me

Females that I don't know trying to touch my face

N_'s from the hood trying to play me for a sucker or pretty boy because I don't look like trash, I can't help it your ho think I look good

Dudes playing me because I'm skinny like I won't beat your *** like I won't shoot your *** N_ **&$@ you and your click

People that wear clothing because they seen a certain celeb rock it

N_ that go to jail get out and think they can't get whooped
Originally Posted by eastpointoutlaw

Females who call, and dont have nothing to talk about

Ugly girls following me in the club pulling on my hair trying to get my attention b$&@$ don't put your hands on me

Females that I don't know trying to touch my face

N_'s from the hood trying to play me for a sucker or pretty boy because I don't look like trash, I can't help it your ho think I look good

Dudes playing me because I'm skinny like I won't beat your *** like I won't shoot your *** N_ **&$@ you and your click

People that wear clothing because they seen a certain celeb rock it

N_ that go to jail get out and think they can't get whooped
"dudes that go to jail get out and think they can't get whooped" dudes do a 2 month bid for shoplifting but come back out hard body$%!%@

this man speaks the truth
I thought I had alot of hate in my heart, but I dont
I thought I'd be in here co-signing, but alot of this stuff comes off as petty to me right now


maybe its just me cause any other day I could list off stuff I hate
Far Lane Turners...

You know those drivers that switch four lanes just to exit or make that turn.
Originally Posted by emmanuelabor

I thought I had alot of hate in my heart, but I dont
I thought I'd be in here co-signing, but alot of this stuff comes off as petty to me right now


maybe its just me cause any other day I could list off stuff I hate
*looks at the post above yours*
word. a girl askin you what you doin is prolly tryin to find out if you got time to hit. But what do i know?
women that dont say thanks when i hold the door open for em. this is y i jus let it close on em now. %%#% yall
That happened to me yesterday, they just looked at me, so i said "You're welcome" and walked away.
When people repeat most of my response, example:

Someone- "What have you've been up to lately?"
Me- "Right now I'm just going to school and stuff."
Someone- "You're going to school?!"
Me- "I JUST SAID THAT STUPID!!! (I don't actually say that, but that usually runs through my head if they respond like that)
people that try to yell at me
people that try to tell me to shut up
when people touch my food without my asking
burping around me while I eat
reaching over my food
when DUDES touch my hair
annoying people
ignorant people
when people take money from me without asking I get really

thats all I can think of right now
for now i'll say this: Its called an Ipod, not a Wepod. Turn that crap down
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