Things that grind your gears Vol I Hate People

People who want to see you fail.
Loud people.
Low-Class behavior.
People who always think worst case scenario. (Like if something goes wrong once, then they end up feeling like it'll never end up right
-posers...dont do whats "in." Do you.

I am a checker at a store, and some things that bother me are:
-People who talk (loudly) on their cells in public...especially at the checkout. Very rude.
-People who pay with wrinkled !*+ dollars that are balled up when they throw it on the counter. (I take my time unrolling and separating the money, making themwait for their change)
-25+ year old dudes that hit on teenagers (very disturbing.)
- People who yell across the store "AY! AY! WHERE THE (insert item) AT?"
Cant you just walk up to the employee and ask???
-girls in ugg boots
-people whistling
-people asking me bout my air jordans i wear. one time when i was going to school studying massage therapy, some people would just make comments and think ispend rediculous amounts of money buying and wearing jordans all the time
... i wear jordans whenever i want... and this one conceded kid i hated try to pull off my right shoe of my columbia 11s
, i wanted to punch him..+#++%$+%%.
-working with managers and supervisors who can be complete d@#$s
-cops who pull you over for no apparent reason, even though they mistake u for someone, and u didn't do anything wrong...
When my friends come kick it at my crib and dont throw their cups away

When dudes dont ash before they pass

SLow drivers

People that think they can drive

Stink ppl

The old Asian guy in the gym locker room that stares at u when your changing

People being loud for no apparent reason

Oh and the guy that parked in my reserved spot! EFF YOU
ppl who don't ignore the things that grind their gears and complain about it...

seriously I gotta 1 life to live and no time to worry about annoying/ignorant %+%#
People that ask too many questions
Loud people
People that come to my place and eat and act like they can do whay ever they want. we had some dinner at school with my roommates and some girls. The otherkids on the soccer team eat the rest of the turkey and cake on the table. cool i wasnt going to eat that
People that try to one up you on everything.

People that always brag about what they "used to" do.
-People that won't say thank you
-When people get their food brought to them before me, even though I ordered 10 minutes before them
-Grown men on here that post pics of their collections/LV belt/Supreme outfit/BMW like they got money but still live in mommy and daddy's basement..Grow upand move out already

-People who smoke weed..
-Dudes on the net that respond to threads about gettin' scammed and say stupid stuff like, "I'da went to his crib and shot his @#$", or"They wouldna done that to me cause i'd go over there and do work"..Shut up!!!..You aint no gangsta so stop it..
-Wiggers..Enough already..Pull your pants up, tie your shoes, and turn your hat around..And while you're at it, quit tryin to act hard/thuggish whenyou're walkin around a mall in the suburbs..
-Black people that act like every bad thing thats happened to them in their life is because of the white man..Not everything is due to race..The reason youdidnt get that job/opportunity could just be because you weren't qualified..
-Foreign people that refuse to speak English..You are in America, so speak English!!..
-White people that grab their purses or put their head down when they see a person of a different race walking toward them..I got news for ya, not every personof color is going to rob/rape/beat you..I'm white if that matters

-Girls that won't say bye first when a phone conversation is over..
-Low ballers..Don't tell me that my DMP I got for sale is only worth $400 when you're trying to sell a pair of vvvvvvvnds Flip IIIs for 250..
Originally Posted by The Somali NTer

-Foreign people that refuse to speak English..You are in America, so speak English!!..
What kind of nonsense is this?
Should have been more specific..Im talkin about the people that work at a store and will talk to you in English and then turn to their co-workerwhile you are still standing there and start speaking in a foreign language..Like when my wife, or any other girl I know, goes to get her nails done and theperson talks to them in English and then turns to the nail person next to them and starts talkin' non-english and then giggle..Sorry but I just think thatstuff is rude as hell..
Originally Posted by casekicks

Originally Posted by The Somali NTer

-Foreign people that refuse to speak English..You are in America, so speak English!!..
What kind of nonsense is this?
Should have been more specific..Im talkin about the people that work at a store and will talk to you in English and then turn to their co-worker while you are still standing there and start speaking in a foreign language..Like when my wife, or any other girl I know, goes to get her nails done and the person talks to them in English and then turns to the nail person next to them and starts talkin' non-english and then giggle..Sorry but I just think that stuff is rude as hell..

I agree
-People that makes fun of you or tries to make you look dumb when they try to be funny
-Fat, out of shape dudes that walk around the gym trying to give advice to people on the proper way to work out.
-People that talk bad about you to make themselves feel and look better in front of friends.
-People that act like they know everything and try to give advice, ex. I have a degree in Telecommunications and people are asking me on how to troubleshoottheir problem, then he butts in and to acts like he knows what to do with no experience with computers
aw man were to start

-when im doing my work and my boss comes over and looks over my shoulder oh my god i sometimes be ready to punch him in the face and walk out
-when my ex wears cornrows, rocks beat up shoes,lies, dont shave, get her toes done and whole bunch of other stuff
-flaky females
-bangin chicks who mess with bum a** dudes who treat them like s***
-compulsive liers
-fake jordans
too many to name...

But primarily this:

im feeling freezetag -chicks taking your kindness for weakness. Until you have to put them in their place.

-dudes takin me for soft cuz im quiet and wear polo ive had to whip a couple dudes a** cuz of this
-bummy dudes who cop bottles and make it rain in the club god i jus dont understand that, and then go outsid and get in a beatup
-club promoters walkin around their parties like they the s*** and chicks that think they are
Originally Posted by DaNiKeRhiNo

When people repeat most of my response, example:

Someone- "What have you've been up to lately?"
Me- "Right now I'm just going to school and stuff."
Someone- "You're going to school?!"
Me- "I JUST SAID THAT STUPID!!! (I don't actually say that, but that usually runs through my head if they respond like that)
hahaha, I think people just get caught off guard and instead of asking where/what school they just repeat it expecting you to expand onit
i got another one

-my cousin...........dude will holla at chick and then when she disses him he keeps on trying to talk to her that pisses me off like he was tryin to talk toher and some dude pulls up and she ran over and started talking to them and as we began to walk away she stops talkin to her and he walks back over there andshe jus kept dissen in the mean time im standing outside jus got out the club and all i got on is this thin a** button up on
People who don't use turn signalsPeople who don't acknowledge you when you let them in or out of traffic
People who don't put shopping carts up when the cart rack is 2 inches away from them
slow checkout clerks at Walmart.
People who sag with all of their draws showing while i out with fam
cat who swear the are fly cause the rocking fake Jordans and air force 1's
when working at a food joint,the same people come everyday,and take forever to order like the menu has changed
cats who don't cut their hair or shave their beards
the Rick Ross look beard what's the story behind that
cats who wear their jeans inside of their shoe tongues

Fat, out of shape dudes that walk around the gym trying to give advice to people on the proper way to work out.
Just because their are fat and outta shape that doesn't mean they don't know what they are talking about. That's like saying your track coachcan't tell you the proper way to run cause he is old and slow. Don't judge a book by it's cover/
People who post pics of females with no names. Years later the post gets bumped an no one know who in the hell you were talking about. :angry:
People who dont use turn signals.

Bruh, I could of switched lanes if I knew you was gone bust a left :smh::angry:
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