Things that piss you off Vol. 8

Stupid questions
--People call my house and asking where I am when I answer.
--People asking questions about stuff they can EASILY find out on their own like I'm supposed to relay what I find in Google instead of their lazy +%%googling it themself.
My PS3 being one of the 2% of PS3s that have their BluRay lens die and having to shell out $150 for it because I'm out of warranty
For some reason I hate the sound of a phone ringing over and over.
My girl spilling water on my laptop and having the speakers no longer working
Netflix sending out DVDs that won't rip onto my computer.
People who are CONSTANTLY late, always saying "I'm five minutes away" regardless of how far they really are.
People who make plans, then flake with less than an hour to go.
Friends who only talk to you when time is convenient for them, then they get mad if you say ''I'm busy''
People who use people
People who gamble and never pay debts while saying "I'm gunna play til I lower the amount" only to lose more money and still not pay a dime.
People who think they're good at something, then when they get flat out destroyed, make an excuse on why things went bad.

I hate a lot of $+@$
-Samsung Instinct (i really hate this phone now
-ppl that talk $+#* but cant back it up
-red toenail polish (just effin disgusting
-crusty feet/toes
-washing your hair and to only discover more dandruff after you've washed it

-Fat girls who rock animal print like someone else said
-some chruch-going ppl, effin hypocrites
-loud and obnoxious dark skinned/fat chicks
-black teenagers this day n age.
(hypebeasts, immature, idiotic, walk around wal-mart around midnight knowin they got school in the morning needa turn inthey mama's car.) i effin hate kids

-having the cold/allergies
-ppl calling at the break of dawn like +*+*% can i get some effin sleep
-black ppl who throw rims on anything
-ghetto white girls who's one newport away from having a mixed baby
-white dudes who use the n-bomb round their black friends and get away with it

-females that act like their $+#* dont stank
-dudes who think their doin it just cuz they have on a polo shirt with some polo boots. +*+*% step your lo' game up! Ol' TJ Maxx sale's rack polocoppin +@+.

-chrysler 300's, they are The EL Cheapo version of the 300C and ppl swear they killin the game with that ugly/cheap piece of crap

-crackheads (some are good when they fix stuff up for the cheap but other than that......
-grown +@+ men/women who dont have their $+#* together.
-Jordan Brand after 2001
-Nike's current air-bubbles on retros

-Obama tee's, idk why they annoy me
-republicans still slangin McCain stickers and pickets

-Rednecks who rock confederate flags, pushin them hunter camo'd pickups and bumpin Jeezy or Gucci Mane, it got me like
-NTxYuku (eZBoard >>>>>>)
-buyers who hit u up for some shoes in the buy/sell forum and want u to hold the shoes for em "til they get paid on friday"

-dudes lyin on they d, knowin they aint smashin. girls lyin on they mouth, knowin they d suckin.
i know im bout to sound like a broad but w/e

- i hate when people say ima call you right back and then dont. im not talkin when the convo is basically over and they say aiite ill jus talk to you later. imean wheny they say hold on ima call you right back or aiite i gotta go do somethin ill hit you in a couple minutes and then dont. its not that serious if youhad no intentions on hittin me back why would you put emphasis on the fact that youll call me back

- hypocrites
- people who cut me off(like talkin over me type of thing)
- chainletters
The Ending To Fallout 3 what a waste of time that game was

Me not being able to get HD because of stupid trees

People who complain

People who walk like they have nowhere to go

People who correct other people grammar, but they have bad grammar themselves

Girls who don't know when to let go, but on the flipside, dudes who can't take no for an answer from a girl

The word broad

Going to the mall needing to buy somethin as simple as a pair of jeans and not buying anything cause all the stores you went to their jeans were cut too small

The new style of dress --- whatever happened to wearing a pair of nice fitting jeans and a nice fitting shirt? Now we got dudes wearing spandex and tightv-necks. What part of the game is that?

People who are over 21 who haven't found themselves yet
I hate ignorance on basic things, people who lie for the heck of it, and people with disregard to others.
I hate people who take the short cuts and get just as much credit as you even though you worked twice as hard

Why you mad at them for? Instead of letting it bother you so much forget about it or get like them.
I hate Ignorance
I hate People who are around when they need help , but when your in a similar situation they are nowhere to be found
I hate the fact that loafs of bread only come in odd numbers because when your making a Sammich you end up with 1 piece @ the end
I hate that I can never find WonderBread in the store isles .... Wonder Bread FTW !!!!!!
I hate Hypebeast , but Ill still give the business to a hypebeast chick

I hate that niketalk Bans depends on how popular you are
roommates that dont clean up after themselves.
+1 to the over participators
people who ask questions before they try to find out for themselves, learn to google!!
Barack Obama and not qualifying for any of his tax credits and programs for new home buyers
1. People with BO ... BO dont know everything
2. People who drive under 54 MPH
3. When the boss gives you an assignment and you do it to the "T" then they turn around and say "thats not what I asked for" .. (that justhappened 2 minutes ago)
5. Dudes who try to carry conversations at the urinal ... MAN LAW STATES "Do NOT talk to another man while he is holding his penis"
- The Economy
- My Motivation
- Not being where I should be my age
- Wasting time with a girl that I though was the one
Originally Posted by JordanHead2

I hate liars.
I hate people who take the short cuts and get just as much credit as you even though you worked twice as hard
I hate the people that feel that they can borrow whatever the $%*! they want from you whenever the $%*! they want.

All this hate was sparked by today
that's my roommate. he thought he had everything on lockdown, until he couldn't make it to the basketball team as a walk on, and his firstsemester gpa was literally 0.85. i don't feel bad for him one bit, and he owes me $
people who hide behind their computers and make racially ignorant comments
me not smashing
People that use umbrellas while walking on the sidewalk and neglect to realize that their damn near poking people in the eyes with it.
  1. A smart @$% ( Just wanna slap the !%#+ outa yall )
  2. When people don't watch where they're walking
  3. People that don't clean up after themselves and make excuses
  4. Being broke
  5. School
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