Things you do that you think no one else does.

Still reading but wow I thought I had ocd. Feels good to know that I have a very minor case.  I'm overly logical and kind of obsessed with saving time so I think what I do that literally nobody else does is like use the pythagorean theorem and will take the exact line that is the shortest distance from one point to another when walking.  I wish I could exaggerate and say it's all the time, but I figured even doing it at all was pretty different.    
Still reading but wow I thought I had ocd. Feels good to know that I have a very minor case.  I'm overly logical and kind of obsessed with saving time so I think what I do that literally nobody else does is like use the pythagorean theorem and will take the exact line that is the shortest distance from one point to another when walking.  I wish I could exaggerate and say it's all the time, but I figured even doing it at all was pretty different.    
Originally Posted by Boi

Originally Posted by 650

you're weird af

OP, I think you have OCD 
That's what I was thinking when I read this.
- I read threads backwards 50% of the time

- I chew the sides of my mouth, been doing it since I was a kid.

- I hate seeing things out of place on tables. If a table piece isn't centered I will take time out my day to center it.

- All my toilette-tries are arranged in either size order or whatever looks appealing to me, but usually size order.

- I sleep with the t.v. on. I can sleep without it, but I rather not. Been doing that since childhood too.

- I'll walk through my house then randomly bust out a crossover/post-move/jumpshot, usually Melo style.

- I'll scoop out any fat/gristle I see in deli meat or a frozen chicken patty. I usually tend to stay away from those but when I do eat them I go thru that whole process of removal.

- I'm a bit of a germaphobe. I don't like sharing things like toothpaste even with my own parents or drinking from the same cup as them.

- When I kill a bug, I leave it where I killed it as an example to any other insect that feels the need to trespass on my property.
- I read threads backwards 50% of the time

- I chew the sides of my mouth, been doing it since I was a kid.

- I hate seeing things out of place on tables. If a table piece isn't centered I will take time out my day to center it.

- All my toilette-tries are arranged in either size order or whatever looks appealing to me, but usually size order.

- I sleep with the t.v. on. I can sleep without it, but I rather not. Been doing that since childhood too.

- I'll walk through my house then randomly bust out a crossover/post-move/jumpshot, usually Melo style.

- I'll scoop out any fat/gristle I see in deli meat or a frozen chicken patty. I usually tend to stay away from those but when I do eat them I go thru that whole process of removal.

- I'm a bit of a germaphobe. I don't like sharing things like toothpaste even with my own parents or drinking from the same cup as them.

- When I kill a bug, I leave it where I killed it as an example to any other insect that feels the need to trespass on my property.
I still dunk on the top of doorways in my house.
I'll usually fap into dirty laundry & put it in the bottom of the hamper like no one knew.
I always tell time like 9:25 or 9:30 by 5's, iono why it just feels weird to me when someone tells me the time & it's 11:59 or 12:01
I still dunk on the top of doorways in my house.
I'll usually fap into dirty laundry & put it in the bottom of the hamper like no one knew.
I always tell time like 9:25 or 9:30 by 5's, iono why it just feels weird to me when someone tells me the time & it's 11:59 or 12:01
I purposely turn the clock on my laptop one hour ahead when I'm rushing to get an assignment done, just so it feels like I need to hurry up and get it done.
I purposely turn the clock on my laptop one hour ahead when I'm rushing to get an assignment done, just so it feels like I need to hurry up and get it done.
Originally Posted by hongcouver604

I always try to take a +!#+ right before I shower, in the morning or at night... I feel pretty uncomfortable taking a +!#+ and not showering before heading out.

When I wipe my !%!, I have to wipe it squeaky and spotless clean - meaning until I can longer see the streak of +!#+ on the toilet paper, even if it means I have to use the entire roll... I average like one roll per day
me too 
Originally Posted by hongcouver604

I always try to take a +!#+ right before I shower, in the morning or at night... I feel pretty uncomfortable taking a +!#+ and not showering before heading out.

When I wipe my !%!, I have to wipe it squeaky and spotless clean - meaning until I can longer see the streak of +!#+ on the toilet paper, even if it means I have to use the entire roll... I average like one roll per day
me too 
Whenever im walking through a parking lot, i always glimpse at the tire tread on peoples cars. You'd be surprised how many folks roll around with bald !#+ tires.
Whenever im walking through a parking lot, i always glimpse at the tire tread on peoples cars. You'd be surprised how many folks roll around with bald !#+ tires.
-i smell my fingers after i scratch my nuts/+!!. or i smell the crotch of my shorts when im done with a sweaty workout. its kinda gross but its just like my own scent and kind of animalistic so im down with it.
-i jerk off straddling the toilet, like the opposite way you sit to take a $$%@. i put my comp on top of the water tank so i can watch pr0n then i just bust straight into the water. saves alot of tp. its weird as hell but its just the most convenient form and positioning.
-theres more, but thats good enough for now.
-i smell my fingers after i scratch my nuts/+!!. or i smell the crotch of my shorts when im done with a sweaty workout. its kinda gross but its just like my own scent and kind of animalistic so im down with it.
-i jerk off straddling the toilet, like the opposite way you sit to take a $$%@. i put my comp on top of the water tank so i can watch pr0n then i just bust straight into the water. saves alot of tp. its weird as hell but its just the most convenient form and positioning.
-theres more, but thats good enough for now.
I never park my car and keep it in when I'm about to start it I move the shifter from side to side, start the car, then move the shifter again before I let the clutch off.
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