Things you havent told your parents to this day...Vol: It slipped my mind

cool thread!
um yea..well i lied a few times to hang with chicks over the fam..kinda feel bad
let me think? smoke weeds
lace coke with weed
got my ex girl to get a abortion. that was she said, but i know she was lying.
they know about the smoking of weed, but they don't know I used to serve in college...and I also believe they don't know I still

They don't know how many chicks bones been jumped in and around the crib

Moms don't know I smashed in her car while home on break

After they found out about my Discover Platinum and made me cut it up and send it to them, they don't know I snappedon Discover and got another
@ some of these.

- throwing house parties when they were gone. one time we decided to get jugs of E&J
needless to say i had vomit in my room on my carpet, %%#$ reekedfor a few days. even worse, one of my boys passed out in my parents room when i strictly told people to stay out of there. he ended up throwing up on theirbed, woke up in the morning, rolled up the sheet and threw it out while telling me what he did

- smoking weed

- they've caught me drunk so that doesn't count

- i'm pretty sure they know i'm not a virgin but i never came out and told them.

- smashed girls in the crib while they were there.

- cutting school countless times

- when i was like 16, my hustle was robbing my uncle on a weekly basis, and i'm not talking like 10 or 20 bucks either

- i don't believe in religion
Damn.....A lot of $!!# i'm not proud of I did

I use to rob stores for pokemon cards,Rob the kids at the pokemon league for there cards and video systems
Me and my JR high friend use to kick in doors and clean house
That I turned my crib into a trap from 11pm-5am When I was like 15
That I piped my god sister when I was 10 r 11

A lot of stuff man SMH
I'm in my late 20's now and there is a grip of things from high school that moms is never going to know about such as:
- Spending every weekend of junior/senior year at raves in the worst parts of Detroit on copious amounts of designer drugs
- The fact that I've done LSD well over 100 times
- She knows I used to smoke/sell dope, but she is unaware that I sold alot more than that, out of her house no less
- That I had multiple parties at her house with 100+ people, DJs, nitrous tanks, drugs, sex, etc., etc.
- That I lied about having a job for six months while I supported my self (living on my own) with drug money
- That I used to skip high school every day to get high and have sex with my girl at our house
- That I was backing out of the driveway drunk one night and scratched the hell out of her car with mine
- That I've smoked my little step sister (she was over 18 at least by that time) out on occasion
- That I paid for my first trip to europe, turntables, shoes, clothes, records, etc., etc., all with drug money

There is alot more that I am not remembering/don't care to recount. It is nothing less than a small miracle that I turned out alive, not in jail, andfairly successful. In retrospect I suppose it is lucky that i was blessed with some extra brain cells that I can blow. Just glad that I got almost all of thatout of my system by the time I hit 21 when other people around me were really starting to wild out. Too bad I know that this will all be repayed to me once Ihave children. Sigh.
Originally Posted by MrDoeBoI

Damn.....A lot of $!!# i'm not proud of I did

I use to rob stores for pokemon cards,Rob the kids at the pokemon league for there cards and video systems
Me and my JR high friend use to kick in doors and clean house
That I turned my crib into a trap from 11pm-5am When I was like 15
That I piped my god sister when I was 10 r 11

A lot of stuff man SMH
Originally Posted by MrDoeBoI

Damn.....A lot of $!!# i'm not proud of I did

I use to rob stores for pokemon cards,Rob the kids at the pokemon league for there cards and video systems
Me and my JR high friend use to kick in doors and clean house
That I turned my crib into a trap from 11pm-5am When I was like 15
That I piped my god sister when I was 10 r 11

A lot of stuff man SMH

BLinK wrote:

-Got a girl preggo

-I edited my high school report card on photoshop..twice

this thread is better then emo confessions

Originally Posted by sneakerfan93

-I made a hole in the house...It's been covered by a poster for 3 years
I did that, they finally discovered it after I moved out and removed my posters.

Originally Posted by IKnowRap

stayed smashing in the family car before i got mine in high school...i only sat on one side in the back seat everytime we went sumwhere as a fam lol

I had the whole alcohol poisioning experience in college but my parents actually did drive down 4 hours to find me hooked up to the ivs...i told them i would never drink again...Ive had 3 close calls after the first time...the first one was like a month later


lol honestly went thru the alcoholic phase, they know I drank.....but they have no clue to what extent...I have a breathalyzer....I was blowing upwards of .3+on regular basis.....I had soo many drunk nights, blacked out doin some off the wall things....theyll never know.
Smoking weed on the regular at 14.

I've smoked cigs in the house while they were sleep, also at the age of 14. Smh.

I used to break in car when I was younger.

All stupid things.
MrDoeBoI wrote:

Damn.....A lot of $!!# i'm not proud of I did

I use to rob stores for pokemon cards,Rob the kids at the pokemon league for there cards and video systems
Me and my JR high friend use to kick in doors and clean house
That I turned my crib into a trap from 11pm-5am When I was like 15
That I piped my god sister when I was 10 r 11

A lot of stuff man SMH

Pushed pills for about 4 months to pay for other bills I had.

I def edited a couple report cards.
at editing the report card twice

* i went through a major stealing spree for about a year....but those days are over.
* i rarely sleep at my apartment...i basically live with my boyfriend but if they knew, they'd kill me

* my undergrad gpa wasnt as good as they think...i graduated with a 3.0 though which is ok IMO
God Sister as in my god mothers daughter hey blame it on zapped cable boxes I knew what to do
Pokemon cards was like crack to kids I was selling Holo's for $20 Flat
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