Thinking About Quitting My Job

Mite aswell just get yourself FIRED so you can collect Unemployment
and use that to fund your dream. They supply it for two years max so
you can chase your dream, save the money you already got and enjoy
your freedom.
How much you got saved up? Cause really it comes down to how long you can go without income before that decision starts to look like a bad idea.

But if you got 'enough' cash, I say build your own dream pleighboi, no point in waking up 5 days a week to help someone else build theirs.
Don't listen to no one

just do it....

sounds like you got no kids etc. If you fail you at least tried. All these people above saying to be careful are not adventurous. If you feel you can make it then mostlikely you will. If you reach rock bottom searching for your dream then the only direction left is up
Either be miserable at work and have money at the end of the day or quit and be miserable because you have no money.
thinking of doing the same.

my end goal is to make money online. cant do that with this crappy job with long hours. its just gonna get worse and worse, its just a matter of time before i snap and leave.

im pretty sure making money online is harder than i think, and for the average person, not having anything lined up or having a gap in the resume is seen a bad thing....but i never wished to be average. im actually thinking of going to a lower paying job, but freeing up some hours cause i want my damn life back. and im 26. i dont want to travel when im old.
Mite aswell just get yourself FIRED so you can collect Unemployment
and use that to fund your dream. They supply it for two years max so
you can chase your dream, save the money you already got and enjoy
your freedom.
you cant get unemployment if youre fired, they would have to lay you off..

if they fire you for being lazy or something like that, you will be denied benefits.
Tired of working for the man for peanuts and cups of water so I think I'mma quit my job and pursue some other ventures. Maybe get my real estate license or open up my own business. Much rather take the chance and be my own boss than work for someone else.

My advice, don't listen to anyone that tells you not to do it.

I quit my job back in February of last year, started working for myself, and doubled my yearly income. If you have a passion for something else, then you should focus all your time on it.

I will never work for anyone else again. PM if you want any advice.
Working for yourself is tough but definitely pays off in the end for some. I'm tire of this working for scraps deal too. This is the American dream they taught us to pursue tho :smh:
Mite aswell just get yourself FIRED so you can collect Unemployment
and use that to fund your dream. They supply it for two years max so
you can chase your dream, save the money you already got and enjoy
your freedom.
you cant get unemployment if youre fired, they would have to lay you off..

if they fire you for being lazy or something like that, you will be denied benefits.
Generally speaking, you're right. It really depends on why a person is fired.

For example, if a person gets upset and in the heat of the moment they were to call their boss a **** and get fired for it, benefits would have to be paid. I'm sure it varies from state to state though.
That's wassup! Many successful careers and businesses are started with similar risks. Working for a living is not the likely path to wealth.

If you belive in yourself (and you don't have kids or major responsibilities) GO FOR IT! God's blessings to you.
if you have the capital and dont mind making the risk, i dont see the problem...

just know success is not given
I think of this every single year!!! especially at this time, now that tax return is coming in.
If you have money saved up and can do it, 
DO IT!!!
I wish i could do it instead of just wishing it 

Feels Batman
im 23 btw
I don't know why anyone would just quit their job
this is the first time ive ever whole heartedly agreed with you...




OP... bruh. this is asinine. take it from me... ive been there.

when i thought i NEEDED all day to run a small buisness makes me laugh. you can still goto your 9-5. come home take a nap burn one n put in 4 hrs anight towards whatever pursuit you have.

stop being lazy minded. the economy isnt built for that right now.

collect your peanuts... AND pursue your dream. there may come a time when its right to leave your job and spend more time towards your pursuit but that wouldnt come until pursuit income > work income.

Only quit if you can give yourself direction and motivation.

Your boss currently does that for you because he gives you the paperz and he wants you to do what is good for his business. Becoming your own boss sounds easy but it doesn't work out if you can't be hard on yourself.

it's all about demanding more from yourself instead of other people demanding that from you.
I actually did this late last year. I ended up getting something better 3 weeks later. Sometimes you have to put your foot down, stop getting walked over, and then put max effort into finding something better and marketing yourself.
I would do the same thing...but the tough part is making sure you got all your money and everything straight when u quit...and idk what my next move would be :rolleyes
As long as you have something ALREADY in motion and funds saved up then and only then should you quit.  Make sure if you quit that you do it the right way and on good terms because you may need to cross that bridge again. 
if you can afford to just quit your job and pursue your dreams, then i salute you.
I say go for it, but be smart about it. Everything takes time. If you want to start your own business (which I personally think is the best venture for anyone) then do so but take it day by day. 

If you want to find another job, then do that! 
you can't really take any advice from anyone that hasn't been in your shoes. I've been there.

My advice - make sure you have a nice cushion before you quit to support yourself before you do it.

I know alot of people stuck in career hell in their 40s-50s who used to tell me all the time "you'll miss all the shots you never take".
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