This Can't Be Real Vol 1.


Aug 9, 2009
Do you honestly have your own STYLE? I see lots of people here that rock the typical skinnys, a tee, and jays and a new era. I personally dress to my ownstandards. I might wear boat shoes with a tee one day, flip flops and a tee or the next day rock some straight leg jeans a cardigan and some nike kicks. I knowthat everyone once in their lifetime follows fashion trends, but as with everything, it gets palyed out and its just better to dress your own way. Just mythought.
i don't care who i see wearing "skinnys" or if it's the thing to wear i'd never be caught dead in tight jeans, thats just me though.
Originally Posted by Ricasho

Do you honestly have your own STYLE? I see lots of people here that rock the typical skinnys, a tee, and jays and a new era. I personally dress to my own standards. I might wear boat shoes with a tee one day, flip flops and a tee or the next day rock some straight leg jeans a cardigan and some nike kicks. I know that everyone once in their lifetime follows fashion trends, but as with everything, it gets palyed out and its just better to dress your own way. Just my thought.

i see people wear the same things you listed so what is your point and what cant be real?
Originally Posted by Whateversclever

You're a hipster.

Creativity is knowing how to hide your sources.

Thank you I guess. Urban hipster in your words
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