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plenty of possession...just need to string together more chances.

feels familiar :lol
Bournemouth's pitch is the smallest in the Prem so that would make sense.
I know we've beaten the topic of the new EPL logo to death but i've grown on the design it looks nice, my main problem still is that the nameset don't match the design new design of the patches.
I'm glad they've kept the same name and number set :lol,can't mess with perfection
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I'm kind of hoping we lose today so it'll prompt Wenger to spend $$$ but I also know that will probably not happen either way :lol :{
I like it when the names and numbers aren't universal for every club like La Liga and Serie A. However, there was a team in Serie A, Carpi FC, who used the premier league fonts. :rollin

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jesus christ. arsenal PK...i should have known :lol
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I know we've beaten the topic of the new EPL logo to death but i've grown on the design it looks nice, my main problem still is that the nameset don't match the design new design of the patches.

This bugs me as well. I don't mind the new patch, but I will say it looked terrible on Bournemouth's kits since they have the circular JD Sports logo right above the patches.

At least update the numbers to have the new lion head in the number...
Horrible pen or brilliant save? Also why is Walcott taking it bruh
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Walcott’s been a good young prospect for the last twenty years.
On point
Damn, he's 27 already?  I keep thinking he's still that kid. 
Why wasn't Alexis taking that?

*Damn what a response by Walcott :lol
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