[| -- This is how you stop Gangs, Drugs & Crime in the GTA (LINK) -- |]

I'm not gonna lie, some courts are really being used for activities that aren't sports related just like what was discussed on the article...

but on the other hand, it's very counter productive and it won't result into anything. to add, we only use these hoops 5 months in a year andthey'll take it away? give me a damn break.
wow....my neighborhood had dudes robbin the nets
but no old dudestaking down nets. My local court once had chain mesh, but not for long caz some clowns came and jacked them off both nets.
This is a load of crap. I'm not saying drug dealing or whatever other unsavoury activities don't take place in parks, but is removing basketball hoopsreally the answer?

I'll be honest, I don't know the area. But regardless, removing hoops may not remove the drug dealers -- but it WILL remove a place for young peopleand other b-ball enthusiasts to play and enjoy basketball.

What's Councillor Mammoliti's proof that removing basketball hoops takes away drug-dealing, beyond anecdotal evidence?

I'd like to see. If this is actually so, I'll shut my mouth. But I doubt it.
wow, this is one of the stupidest things to stop crime that I've ever seen. Removing the nets will do nothing because the park can still be used to makedrugs deals and what not, and it will leave kids with one less thing to do, and in my area all we have is the ball court, which was just recently built.
I would smash Gorgio Mammoliti right in his Ginny face. I hate that $+$%@*%!# with every ounce of blood in my body. Dude is a class-A asshat, and this would bea perfect example of his asshattery.

The fact that he thinks removing the nets will stop drug dealings is proof he's not even close to being in touch with his community. I'm sure the drugdealers will show up and be like "yo, there are no nets here b. How we goin' to sell our smack?...lets bounce."

He gets elected based on the toronto maffia and he should just be offed. Mamoliti that is. Dude, buys himself cameras on the city's dollar.
that is the dumbest thing i've heard of.. the place itself is a place for people to hang out... taking away the basketball nets wont do a thing..

who knew basketball nets directly correlate with drug dealings.. a park is a place to hang out regardless if the basketball net is there... maybe there will beless people there but it wont take away from what goes on.

why not get a police officer to patrol the place every once in awhile??
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