This is why you buy doubles....

killer entourages up there.

some old pics of double/trips i have & used to have:

& a 3rd at the second release

had many many more like pharrells, espos, lundys, tiffs, stussys, hufs etc. and just picked up 4 pairs of AM1 QS & jordan III cdps (no pics yet).

enjoy and nice stuff everyone.
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious


Now that's what I call.... DIRTY!!
Nice back up. you should rock the non DS ones till they die. them bring out them DS ones.
Originally Posted by Hodog16

My problem with doubles is that I never know when to call it a day with the first pair.
I call it quits with the first pair, if the shoe gets retroed and I can get a new pair and rock the pair i've been holding on ice.. or if they are just so disgusting that they make me look broke
Dirty tie his shoe laces tighter than virgin P at night

nice to see you make an appearance back to where ya roots is at D
I notice a lot of talk about running in to the ground, how much do you guys wear your sneakers?

Because I'd rather have 100 pair of sneakers, than 50 or miss out on a release, because I had to get two pair of a sneaker last month
its bad for me cause buying doubles has spilled into all the other @#$% i buy sometimes. Like a tee i see that i love i'll buy 2 in case one fades or whatever. Same with my wireless headphones, hats, jeans sometimes, deserts LOL. When i bought CD's like 12 years ago i use to buy 2 before u could get it for free and burn it. Only situation where having one is better than two is when u have a VD. LOLOLOL
If its a shoe im really feelings I buy 3 pairs one to wear til they day then another to wear all over again and when those finally die I still got another!
if i had it like that i will probably go triple if i really was digging the shoe like that.. with 3 pairs you would never feel without your favorite
sorry buddy some ppl cant afford doubles including myself im happy being able to buy one pair but more power to u if u could 
i got a few more, but these are the doubles i'm most proud of... one worn pair and one DS pair in each pic... size 12's and 13's...



send helps:

AM95 - '99 retro & '05 retro:

air terra humara - both 2000 retro:


clerks stabs:

and bonus pic...

the trifecta squared:
Uno - regular shoe that I like but wont care if anything happens to.

Double- Shoe I really like and would like to have after the first pair gets trashed eventually.

Triple- Reserved for shoes I obsessed over as a kid and finally got my hands on (Griffeys, Jordan XII's, etc)
Word, B.

Glad i have two pairs of Varisty red VI's (not too many shoes i would double on... so it's a rare occasion).

Although, wish i can get another pair of Griffey Freshwaters. One isn't enuff and i see myself wearing those years from now.

Hope they restock size 11. Bleh.
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