
Chasing your dream and running the 50/50 chance of making it/never making it


Playing it safe, doing something that you don't necessarily love (brings you little happiness), but will provide you a decent living
Chasing your dream>>>

"When it feels like livings harder than dying,
For me giving up is way harder than trying"

Dominoes or Pizza Hut

Driving on the freeway: window down or A/C

Naked twister or strip poker. 
If it were right now I'd say cool gadgets, since I don't mind if it's an ok house. But in the future a nice house will make me more comfortable than cool gadgets that aren't really necessary. So the latter.

No hair at all (meaning not a single strand of hair on your body) or a normal hair with an excess of hair on the buttocks area? (On yourself, not the opposite sex)
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No hair.

Chicago Deep Dish or NY Thin Crust
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How I die. Knowing when doesn't seem liberating at all. Hell, look at how people live now even though everyone carries the same reality that death comes for us all one day. Who is that in your avy btw?

Rave (dub step, EDM, house, techno, molly, x, etc) or club party ( mix of rap, R&B, reggae, etc)
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