
have absolutely no teeth and be forced to wear dentures or just gum it from birth

or a completely hairless body head to toe, naked molerat status, no eyebrows nothing

Wearing short sleeves on a 25 degree day or wearing long sleeves on a 100 degree day?

You're outside from sun up to sun down btw

Lick a public bathroom floor

or sit on a wet spot, bare bottom, in a public bathroom
Easily - sit on the wet spot.  Having a mysterious liquid touch your skin is much better than licking possibly the same liquid
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you savage i'd rather taste an STD than possibly contract it

take 3 Barry Bonds HR swings to the mid section or 1 current Mike Tyson haymaker to the jaw
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Tyson punch. 3 swings seems like it could cause much more serious damage.

Baseball to the face from 90 feet or football to the face from 20 yards?
**** on yourself or throw up on yourself while on a first date?


You can always go to the bathroom and lose the tainted drawls, wipe up and free ball it for the rest of the night. It's game over if you puke on yourself.
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unless you throw up on a jacket very lo-key and dump off the jacket. 

******* yourself would be a no no. 

brazilian or columbian woman.
columbian... I like them a little slimmer (compared to brasilians at least) and they might have drugs on the low low

Irish girl with bad teeth or Swedish girl that chains smokes. both are ideal to your preferences 
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