This slap gives "bus driver uppercut" a run for it's money

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This girl provoked that attack, making a scene and then disrespecting the dude by putting her hand on him. I understand when people say we gotta do better but for some people it's just not that easy to turn the cheek everytime.

Habitual line steppers need to have a checking action against their habitual line stepping. They need to know that the way they treat people is not correct. Words sometimes cannot do justice in particular situations.

This girl provoked that attack, making a scene and then disrespecting the dude by putting her hand on him. I understand when people say we gotta do better but for some people it's just not that easy to turn the cheek everytime.

Habitual line steppers need to have a checking action against their habitual line stepping. They need to know that the way they treat people is not correct. Words sometimes cannot do justice in particular situations.

What is the correlation between being high and being in the moment?
Like I said, dude is still a *****, it baffles me how my statement angers some of you. :lol:

"Oh yall putting the P on the pedestal"

"If you gonna act like a man, you'll get treated like one"

"This is why woman walk over us"

Who the hell is us? Speak for yourself! I treat woman with respect, I treat ANYBODY with respect.... what do I get in return? RESPECT!

If I stand there arguing about who got the bigger d*** or about how i'm right and you're wrong, what the hell do you think is gonna happen?

The fact is, she didn't conflict any harm or PHYSICAL damage to his body. But in retort, he slaps her to the ground?

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Like I said, dude is still a *****, it baffles me how my statement angers some of you. :lol:

"Oh yall putting the P on the pedestal"

"If you gonna act like a man, you'll get treated like one"

"This is why woman walk over us"

Who the hell is us? Speak for yourself! I treat woman with respect, I treat ANYBODY with respect.... what do I get in return? RESPECT!

If I stand there arguing about who got the bigger d*** or about how i'm right and you're wrong, what the hell do you think is gonna happen?

The fact is, she didn't conflict any harm or PHYSICAL damage to his body. But in retort, he slaps her to the ground?

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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Like I said, dude is still a *****, it baffles me how my statement angers some of you. :lol:

"Oh yall putting the P on the pedestal"

"If you gonna act like a man, you'll get treated like one"

"This is why woman walk over us"

Who the hell is us? Speak for yourself! I treat woman with respect, I treat ANYBODY with respect.... what do I get in return? RESPECT!

If I stand there arguing about who got the bigger d*** or about how i'm right and you're wrong, what the hell do you think is gonna happen?

The fact is, she didn't conflict any harm or PHYSICAL damage to his body. But in retort, he slaps her to the ground?

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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View media item 437792

 At ****** like you thinkin you the only one with a gun, or that a gun also makes you bullet proof.

So you gonna catch a body over a female gettin slapped...... that you dont even know?!?!?!
When did I say I'm the only one with a gun?  damn near everyone in this country owes a gun. 

That logic!

Ima have to check that "Would you date a women with children" thread. I bet you all over the place tryna save a ***. PM your address, ima send you a cape.
Because I would  try to stop a guy from stomping out a girl means I'd try to save a bust down?  Your logic is ******ed
and sorry I never been in that thread. 
Michigan and Hawaii are the most abundant capers in this thread.
Not trying to save no bust down.   I just wouldn't let some dude stomp out a female in front of me who couldn't defend herself.   I would do the same if I saw a 14 year old boy getting stomped out from a grown man for no reason.     It would be different if they came swinging at the bigger cat first.  Then they would deserve what they had coming. 

That logic!

Ima have to check that "Would you date a women with children" thread. I bet you all over the place tryna save a ***. PM your address, ima send you a cape.

:lol: Because I would  try to stop a guy from stomping out a girl means I'd try to save a bust down?  Your logic is ******ed :rofl: and sorry I never been in that thread. 

I saw that thread the other day, clicked on it and immediately clicked out. :lol:

A bunch of internet dudes that claim they know wimminz and pipe different yambz everyday. #LULZ
Psst...Had the strap on you too didnt you?

Mind your business.
I don't carrying a gun looking for trouble.   I've never pulled my gun and I hope I never have too.  The reason why I got it in the first place is because one of my homeboys was murdered walking out of a mini mart for no reason.    The cats that smoked him thought he was someone else.
   After that I told myself I won't let that happen to me.  If some ones gonna try to kill me I at least want to have the chance to defend myself.    Like I've stated before unless I feel like  I'm about to get killed I'm not gonna pull it out.  Some of you are taken my words and twisting them and acting like I think  I'm on some high horse who can't be touched because I carry a gun.  lol Millions of Americans carry a gun just like I do whether they do it legally or illegally.   I don't think I'm some tough guy for carrying a gun.
I saw that thread the other day, clicked on it and immediately clicked out.

A bunch of internet dudes that claim they know wimminz and pipe different yambz everyday. #LULZ
lol if all them dudes was getting yambs from different women all the time they wouldn't be posting on NikeTalk for hours a day 7 days a week
You're terry cloth if you consider that provoking.
ill rather be terry cloth like buddy that got her right than have some one in my face trying me like that. it is what it is she was  outta line got dealt with morals be damned , i have never laid hands on a chick and dont ever plan on it either but i cant say she or anybody else is above a quick slap to the jaw no matter size, race, gender, creed , age or any other qualifier you want to put on it. also i think this the ppost in here would be completely diffrent if she didnt get up so quiick and go right back at it with him or if the clerks or customers actually said or did something.
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Damnnnnn!!!!! Homie slap'd the **** outta her..
Where did this happen cuz he sounds like he's from Memphis?
What? no I've been jumped before and didn't pull out my pistol. lol Even though it was a 3 on 1 I didn't feel like my life was in danger.  I would only pull it out if I felt like I was gonna be killed and no I don't need anyone to help me in a fight.  Dude knocked a girl out cold so he got what was coming to him.  Other then that I never had friends fighting with me unless it was when we were kids in middle school fighting in a big brawl.      Third you are right I shouldn't have spit in those racist faces for calling my wife the N word.  My temper got to me.  
lol wut, so let me get this clear....first you said youd let a women totally disrespect you, second you say you stood up to some guy because he knocked out a girl, not your girl but some random chick you dont even no. but yet you let someone totally disrespect your wife, then you said that although you had a gun you let 3 dudes go ham on you...wth. Man in all my days i aint never heard so much simp and wimp in one story in all my days.
lol wut, so let me get this clear....first you said youd let a women totally disrespect you, second you say you stood up to some guy because he knocked out a girl, not your girl but some random chick you dont even no. but yet you let someone totally disrespect your wife, then you said that although you had a gun you let 3 dudes go ham on you...wth. Man in all my days i aint never heard so much simp and wimp in one story in all my days.
So you think I should of stomped out the racist women?  lol I don't hit women.  Now if they would of attacked me then it would be a different story.  

  It wasn't like that video where the girl jumps up after a couple of seconds.  The girl was out cold.  Dude that hit her was walking towards her trying to get over on top of her.  That's when it was time to step in before he hit her again.    Dude wasn't gonna stop. If that guy would of hit her again she could of died.

Third why would I pull a gun if I feel like I can hold my own with 3 punks who were wannabe gang bangers.
   They did no damage to me.   They ran up and hit me with a few weak punches and ran off.  They  came at me for maybe 10 seconds.   I landed a punch on the first guy and just started running around in circles.   No big deal and it didn't call for me to pull a gun and kill one of them. 
     Now if they would of had weapons or a gun then yeah I would  have shot them. 

So call me a simp or wimp for not hitting on girls, for not shooting some punk wannabe's and for not letting a girl get hit again who was already knocked out.      I guess I just view the world differently then you because you would of done the opposite in all 3 situations.  
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ive only seen crackheads recover from such devastating blows that fast.....

bet thats in jacksonville....i hear florida accents!
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Privilege in this thread is overwhelming.

You can tell who was raised where by the replies and their reasoning. Dude's think cause they have a gun like everyone doesn't these days allows them to don the cape.

Those of us raised lower middle class know damn well not to hop in a randoms business. Dude only slapped into her the valley of the shadow of death because she kept messin' with him. Dude did not slap her into the ground and a-town stomp the life outta her. That would be a completely different case.
:wow: smacked the hell outta her! No dambs given by ANYONE in that store.

The bus driver still wins though. Gotta give it up for both girls, they took the hits like champs.
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Privilege in this thread is overwhelming.

You can tell who was raised where by the replies and their reasoning. Dude's think cause they have a gun like everyone doesn't these days allows them to don the cape.

Those of us raised lower middle class know damn well not to hop in a randoms business. Dude only slapped into her the valley of the shadow of death because she kept messin' with him. Dude did not slap her into the ground and a-town stomp the life outta her. That would be a completely different case.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
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