This sucks...

Mar 17, 2007
I graduated out of HS back in 08, and its now 2012 and I'm still at the same community college. In the beginning I had no clue what I wanted to major in, took plenty of bs classes then I decided to become a teacher.However, when I started to intern at schools, I realized teaching is not my thing, so I looked into it and saw that I could receive my associates degree in general studies by finishing 3 courses, 2 classes of algebra and 1 class of biology. So due to timing with my full time job and the times that the courses are offered, I arranged everything and by the end of the fall semester I should be done. I am now taking one of the math courses and everything is going downhill.
-I missed the 3rd day of class, which a quiz was given and no retakes.
-Last week, there was a test given which i studied off my +*@ for, and when the test was given, my mind just went blank. At that moment i was frustrated and just wanted to go back into my car and cry.
-During the lecture, I have no clue *%* hes saying. I do ask questions, but then I feel like I ask too many questions and people keep lookin at my like, "dude $*+%"

At this point I'm not even motivated anymore, my whole life i felt like school isn't for me BUT I wanna get it over with so I can say that I accomplished something in my life and possibly it could help me in the near future.

My cousin and little brother are more successful then i am in school and every time they talk/brag about how they get A's i just wanna off myself
IDK anymore guise....i guess this is a part of growing up?

it's not that bad.

study harder and get a tutor.

you'll be alright.

keep grinding.
Have you tried talking to your professor outside of class? Arrange a meeting with him & tell him what's going on.
...don't fret...happens to a lot of people...but stick with pays...if that still isn't working...try a trade that will be in demand i.e. AC-tech/Welder/Auto...CC's have a lot of options...
Originally Posted by GuttaGetsBusy

Have you tried talking to your professor outside of class? Arrange a meeting with him & tell him what's going on.

Ive talked to him, he said we can arrange something during office hours. Its more like his teaching style that affects me. Im more of a one on one type.

Growing up with a hearing loss affected me horribly in school.
so you been at the school for approx 4 years? when did you start? idk what to tell you but try to take more notes, push yourself harder, and don't miss any more classes OP.
Just my 2 cents. I went to college out of high school which I barely graduated. I went for 3 weeks then quit went through a life crisis tried to kill myself blah blah blah. Never thought I was smart enough for it. Just started back to school in a new major last year and I'm currently at a 3.9 GPA. It's never as bad as you think it is and if you believe then you will accomplish it
If you're not into being a teacher change your major now before you're in too deep because it's not for everyone. If you're still at a community college I'm guessing you're not in your real internships yet. You're probably referring to your observation hours which are nothing compared to your real internships. I was in a similar situation as you. I started pre-med and switched to education (teacher). I did this with the idea that I could just speed up the process of getting my 4year, so I could join the Air Force as an officer. Now I'm in my last year and hate it. Its not even like I'm bad at teaching either. All of my professors say I'm a natural, but like I said I hate it. However now I feel like have to finish because of how much I've invested. I had bad anxiety for awhile because all I could think of is what I was going to do after I graduate because I wasn't even sure about the Air Force. Finally, I made up my mind to just go after a dream of mine after I finish school. So I would suggest doing some serious soul searching and find something you're really interested in. Don't waste your time, but also don't fret about how long you've been in school. These kind of things happen to a lot of people. Plus you said you're working full-time and while taking classes and that's that's not easy. You'll be alright once you find what you really want to do.
OP it's sucks to be homeless, on drugs, jobless, or having no drive in life.

You dont have any of those. You'll be cool.
Hey man, you have a full time job and a beautiful car, and it seems like you have a good family. You really just have to believe and motivate yourself, and you'll do just fine
Originally Posted by sixthr33

Just my 2 cents. I went to college out of high school which I barely graduated. I went for 3 weeks then quit went through a life crisis tried to kill myself blah blah blah. Never thought I was smart enough for it. Just started back to school in a new major last year and I'm currently at a 3.9 GPA. It's never as bad as you think it is and if you believe then you will accomplish it
congrats, wheres that avy from bruh
Originally Posted by jbpkickz

Originally Posted by sixthr33

Just my 2 cents. I went to college out of high school which I barely graduated. I went for 3 weeks then quit went through a life crisis tried to kill myself blah blah blah. Never thought I was smart enough for it. Just started back to school in a new major last year and I'm currently at a 3.9 GPA. It's never as bad as you think it is and if you believe then you will accomplish it
congrats, wheres that avy from bruh
Skeletor from He Man I just did a random search
Thanks for reply fellas. And to sixthr33, that story does help. Its somewhat saying that everything has a time and place.
sorry to hear dude. next time make sure you rate my professor every professor.

college is a joke.

all employees care about is the stamp that says you got a degree. and that can easily be obtained with easy professors as you breeze through school.

not to say i didn't put in my fair share of work and bust my %+$ and have my all nighters and 10 page papers but all in all i completely understand when people say enjoy school cause once you get out that vacation is over...
Originally Posted by 23kidd

Originally Posted by GuttaGetsBusy

Have you tried talking to your professor outside of class? Arrange a meeting with him & tell him what's going on.

Ive talked to him, he said we can arrange something during office hours. Its more like his teaching style that affects me. Im more of a one on one type.

Growing up with a hearing loss affected me horribly in school.

Did you tell him about the hearing loss?
Get a mentor. Someone you look up to and who will help you. That's all I needed and I'm killing it in my profession.
Chill bro, take it easy. When I started my Uni studies I didn't take them seriously, I just went so I got caught up doing something and so I had a reason to party. Then I began to mature, got tired of getting drunk on weekdays and began going to Church and let Jesus mold me and started taking life a lot more seriously and my studies, true story. I went from being a lazy student who would hardly pass his classes to a Cum Laude graduate. It just took some time and maturing.

I just recommend you chill and take things calmly. It'll all work out for the better bro.

God bless you.
school sucks period but for a lot of things, its a necessary evil. i hated sitting in a classroom and liked being in an office actually doing and learning. life is so much bigger than theory or hearing %$#+ someone told someone else, which is mostly how learning goes these days.

until there is a way to beat the system, school is all there is for many people who want to get to certain places. the only reason i have a degree is so i could break into jobs/markets that don't look at people otherwise.
Originally Posted by 6 rings MJ

Originally Posted by 23kidd

Originally Posted by GuttaGetsBusy

Have you tried talking to your professor outside of class? Arrange a meeting with him & tell him what's going on.

Ive talked to him, he said we can arrange something during office hours. Its more like his teaching style that affects me. Im more of a one on one type.

Growing up with a hearing loss affected me horribly in school.

Did you tell him about the hearing loss?
I did. Seems like he never dealt with a student with a disability. Once i told him, this was his response, "Uhh..uhh..Ok" and just looked at me with a puzzled face.
Gonna be in my second year of CC this coming fall.

I did horribly my first semester. I skipped way too many classes and was having a lot of difficulty with them. Spent too much time partying. But I didn't do +%$* about it. I just let it slide, thinking that it'll get better on its own. It didn't.

My second semester was different. The first day of each of my classes I talked to my professors. All of them. I told them I had difficulties staying motivated, and that it might take a while for me to grasp a certain concept. None of them had a problem with it. They encouraged me to spend time with them before and after class and during their office hours. I worked my *+% off second semester. My social life took a toll, but $!+% it. I'm trying to get work done.

My grades second semester were not astronomically better than my first, but it was better. That's all I wanted, to improve. We all have to start somewhere.

Keep your head up homie. I was a terrible student with awful study habits in high school. But I'm starting to change that around. If I can do it, you can too. If people have problems with you asking questions during class, $!+% them. Or spend time with them professors outside of class hours. Teachers are there to help you.

I hope this helps you somewhat, man. Good luck to you.

P.S. If the teacher doesn't really help, trying talking to an administrator or counselor. I might be kinda spoiled in that category though, cause my uncle's the President of my CC
Life takes time man.

Just keep grinding away and it will all pay off in the end.

All of us have experienced the feeling of being incompetent or not good enough at some point in our lives. Then we dealt with it and got through it.

Hope it all turns out for the best.
You just have to relax some. I understand it's a lot but when you let your stress engulf you it's never good
we all go thru ups and downs. That's the part in life that makes you stronger. I went to college right after high school and dropped out twice, dealt with the streets, been to jail etc. life was crazy but when I slowed down and took time for myself things got better. Now I'm chilling got a stress free job making about 90k-100k enjoying life. Just remember your the only one that can make things better.
Don't worry about what other people think about you asking questions, if you don't understand it yourself, how are you gonna learn?
life throws them punches(sometimes slaps) 

you just gotta roll with them.

Spoiler [+]
not trying to be an %@%, but it seems like it's time for you to give up school, at least for now.

1) you don't like it
2) your not doing well

If i were in your shoes, i'd look into some type of trade school/ apprentice program. I know in the city I'm from, we have an apprentice school. 2 years learning welding, electrical work, whatever, and (not 100% sure) after you graduate your almost guaranteed a job with the local shipyard starting at 17-18 an hour. After a few yrs you'll be making $55,000+ pretty easy.

Another thing to check would be nursing or dental hygene. My sister (dentist) was telling me about a program the state of VA has where they will literally pay for your education, give you a small stipend, and once you graduate you'll have a job making $45,000 a year, but not many people take advantage of it.
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