Those that have stopped drinking soft drinks/fructose, how do you stop?

don't have any in your house and also don't go out and buy fast food.
i had a pallet expander a couple years ago and Gatorade, Soda and Iced Tea would really dry out my mouth fast so i would drink alot of Water.
probably the best 8 months of my life, my body felt great i never had headaches from drinking alot of soda and crashing.
and if you really want a soda get like sprite, less Caffiene compared to Coke and Mountain Dew
Originally Posted by Club29

the desire to want to see your feet when you look down, fat boy.



In any case, you have to realize that these kinds of drinks are bad for you.

Drink water when you're thirsty. Simple.
after reading this i've realized that i've been slowly cutting down soda without really noticing it. i used to drink soda 4-5 times a week and in maybe6 years i've cut that in half.
my not be something impressive but im happy with that
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

I love soda...

I'll never cut it out completely...but I def have cut it down a lot
This. And i'm a big advocate for stopping this use of "fake sugar" products.

I just finished my month internship at the pharmacy and the pharmacists has a whole fridge of soda's and always tells me to take as much as I want. Luckily I stick to only 3 sodas per week, it should be zero but dude doesn't have any water in his fridge. It was between soda and caprisuns.
Originally Posted by Purple Face





Can't wear your Concorde XIs if you got diabeetus.

Damn that's nasty, I never want anything like that.

*Downs a glass of Coke*
quit sodas diet and regular in march 2009, lost 25 lbs. i now drink only water and regular tea, lovin it.
At first, it was for Lent and then my doctor let me know that the acids coming from soda and drinks alike were causing my stomach to have pain and the rest washistory, I drink soda only when restaurants don't have iced tea or something
when i was younger i was ADDICTED to coke, i would drink a couple bottles daily.
then i switched to propel, its clear and more healthier than pop, but tastes just as good.
i drank propel for two years straight.

we used to buy the big pack from costco that came in three flavors, berry
, grape, and lemon.
my dad would always drink the good flavors and leave me with lemon

instead of drinking that lemon crap, i began drinking water.

havent drank pop in about 4-5 years
I was basically forced to stopped.
If I drunk a soda or what not, I knew I would regret it the next day
during gases after football practice
^I'm with GTEK, i had to stop cuz of football last year and i've been going very sparingly this past year. But as far as initially dropping the habit,going to juice and then water is way easier than going straight to water.
Originally Posted by dyyhard

Originally Posted by Club29

the desire to want to see your feet when you look down, fat boy.

not fat, just concerned about energy, diabetes, other health issues. I think its safe to say, that not all people who drink soda are obese.

my main problem is those energy drinks though, rather than traditional carbonated/fructose drinks(coke, sprite).

also I rarely buy coke sprite, but I'll spend money on energy drinks.

thanks for the tips....
i like the way you handled that.

you're ok in my book.
After drinking fresh strawberry juice, mango juice, sugar cane juice, orange juice etc., I realized that soda tastes like crap compared to other fresh drinks.

I can never go back to canned or concentrated drinks after trying more superior tasting beverages.

Anyways, cutting out juices was easy for me after I realized it was mostly empty calories that did not taste that good and had little benefit for my body. 99%of what I drink now is either water or mint green tea. I still have trouble avoiding candy and chocolate though, I swear I could live to 150 years if I wasable to control my sweet tooth.

To the OP, try other alternatives such as Coke Zero or those fruit juices sold in store that are mixed with splenda. Most of them have between 0-30 caloriesper cup and contain no sugar at all.
i forced myself to stop because i had a kidney condition since i was born and , drinking pop didn't help. i just drink water,grape and cranberry juice. ihave 3 years without touching soda
I've had two sodas in the last seven days.

All I've been drinking is green tea and juice.

Haven't really had any kind of craving for a soda that much.
I usually drink plain water but if I want I soda, I normally have Italian soda (a little bit of vanilla syrup and drop of cream in mineral water) or juststraight mineral water with no ice. Cold mineral water with no ice is refreshing, it is calories free, it helps you if you want the fizz in soda. I had it allthe time when I was an exchange student in Germany.
^ use to do that, stopped starting getting diet sodas at resteraunts

baja blast at tacobell is the only soda i allow my self to have, and since i am at taco bell why the hell not?

but you will never catch me buying any junk foood ( sometimes fast food,like when i am out with friends and i havent ate in 5-6 hours thats just becausemalnutrition

i mean i never really ate junk food but did allow my self fast food back in my football/ BB'er days.

but boxing and Ma made me cut that crap out lol
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