Those who live a christian life, how do you feel?


I feel like a kid who just found out Santa doesn't exist.

I consider myself a Christian. A Baptist.

I’m not Uber religious and follow every Christian doctrine by the book, but I truly believe in the power of the prayer and rely on that.

I mostly get my dose of the good book whenever I attend church. Maybe I’ll dive back in again and start reading full passages and try to gain a deeper understanding.

I will say my favorite book/letter is the letter of James.
Question for yall prodigiou$ prodigiou$ htg designs htg designs

Me and my boy are having a convo. He said the following:

"This is a danger of having a society without religion. Anything goes. America has been a blessed Nation because it has acknowledged God, but it will lose it unless there is a revival."

I questioned the , "America has been a blessed Nation...." part.

Context was basically us living in this, "Anything goes" society which stemmed from discussion this series of Tweets:

Look at the most recent tweets/videos about Tiara Mack:
prodigiou$ prodigiou$

1. Explain how America is a Blessed nation.

2. Explain WHY America is a Blessed nation.

3. Also, what constitutes as a blessed NATION? How does that show up? Characteristics, qualities, etc.

Please answer each question. I come in peace.
This goes against everything God stands for.
There's some irony about claiming to be humble and asserting a definite knowledge of what God stands for.

Judge not, lest you be judged, or something like that...
prodigiou$ prodigiou$

1. Explain how America is a Blessed nation.

2. Explain WHY America is a Blessed nation.

3. Also, what constitutes as a blessed NATION? How does that show up? Characteristics, qualities, etc.

Please answer each question. I come in peace.
America is a Blessed Nation Because it Still Has God Loving & God Fearing Christian Believers like me. Also, no other country on the Planet has the ability to have the Entrepreneurial Economic Activity it has so that it's Citizens have the Ability to Enterprise themselves. Not to mention, abortion has been repealed so that innocent lives aren't slaughtered anymore at the hands of immoral reprobates. Finally, America is Blessed because of the certain Freedoms it allows the citizens to have, almost in the same Image God gives mankind to do either right or wrong.
There's some irony about claiming to be humble and asserting a definite knowledge of what God stands for.

Judge not, lest you be judged, or something like that...
If u know the Word Of God like I do, u too would know what He stands for, bub.
America is a Blessed Nation Because it Still Has God Loving & God Fearing Christian Believers like me. Also, no other country on the Planet has the ability to have the Entrepreneurial Economic Activity it has so that it's Citizens have the Ability to Enterprise themselves. Not to mention, abortion has been repealed so that innocent lives aren't slaughtered anymore at the hands of immoral reprobates. Finally, America is Blessed because of the certain Freedoms it allows the citizens to have, almost in the same Image God gives mankind to do either right or wrong.
Lots of arrogance here too. Definitely Christ-like.
If u know the Word Of God like I do, u too would know what He stands for, bub.
He did speak a lot about judging others and banging your chest in public about how much of a Christian one is. None of what he said about those folks was flattering or even condoned.
So even though it was "founded" on Christian morals, America hasn't always MOVED in the spirit of Christ.

1. With as much blood that is on the hands of the rulers of this nation, why would you say God favors America and continues to bless this great nation?

2. Why has American been blessed ESPECIALLY considering how they have treated Africans and Natives?

prodigiou$ prodigiou$

Please answer both.
So even though it was "founded" on Christian morals, America hasn't always MOVED in the spirit of Christ.

1. With as much blood that is on the hands of the rulers of this nation, why would you say God favors America and continues to bless this great nation?

2. Why has American been blessed ESPECIALLY considering how they have treated Africans and Natives?

prodigiou$ prodigiou$

Please answer both.
I answered question 1, but as for 2, The Lord allowed all those terrible things happened so that Today, As It Now Stands, All People would be able to Come Together to Worship Him-The One, True, Living God.

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.
-Romans 8:28
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