Thoughts about using radar in Split Screen Multiplayer Mode Call of Duty

May 22, 2004
I enjoy playing call of duty multiplayer mode because its fun challenging your friends to see who can get the most kills (free - for - all mode). Shooting games are  most fun for me.  I know Black Ops is the lastest call of duty thats released but I still Play Modern Ware 2 (even though pt. 3 will be out in less than 2 weeks.)

Anyway When I play, I like to play with "Radar Always On". My friends on the other hand DO NOT like to play with radar always on, so we always have an argument on wether or not the radar should be on or off. 

My reasons for playing with radar always on is that it's not an advantage OR disadvantage for ANYONE since all of us have the radar. I think its better that we have radar always on because that way we can track and kill each other  by using the map. Without radar you dont know where your oppopnents are and its annoying going around looking for people to kill only to be shot at from an unknown direction.With radar on, if someone is shooting at me I can check the radar to see  if they are behind me , in front, to the left or the right of me. Once I find that out I can return fire with a chance to kill the person that tried to kill me instead of being completely unaware of where they are shooting from and just dieing without a chance to fight back or aiming and firing in a direction where i'm not being shot from. One way that is probaly possible to find out where the person is firing from is to WATCH THEIR SCREEN which would be Cheating in my opinion and I DO NOT SCREEN WATCH because that takes the fun and fairness out of the game.Thats why I like radar because without it , it takes FOREVER especially in big maps to find other people and kill and then it just gets boring. With radar on it's not cheating because all of us have the radar, so no one has an advantage OR disadvantage over anyone else.

Their reason for playing with radar NOT always on is that it's the same thing as screenwatching. Anthoner reason they have is that radar is for people who are not good in the game. One of me friends in particular  compares radar to screenwatching and says it's the same thing. Another reason he has iS  that "radar is for children only" . I disagree because call of duty is NOT a childrens game t. It's a shooting game that really not supposed to be played by people under 18, and contains a lot of violence so how can radar be for "children only". They say they game is not meant to be played with radar and I argue then why  the radar option even avaiable, and then he gives me the same lame excuse "that it's for children". Another reason they have is that it's not realistic and theres no radar in real life.

I dont think its fair to compare radar to screenwatching, because they are two completely different things. I jsut get so frustaed playing on a  big map looking for people while they hide and I have no idea where they are. I could stoop to a low level and "screen watch" to find out where there are when they take radar off which I choose not to do, because I am NOT a cheater. Thats why I rather have radar so I cant be accused of screenwatching and that it doesnt take so damb long to find someone on the huge maps.

SO can some of ya'll who play call of duty please give me some thoughts and opinions on the situation. Is radar cheating? Is radar the exact same thing as "screenwatching"? Is radar for children only, or for people who are not good in the game? Or is it a noraml thing to do to play with radar always on in multiplayer split screen mode?
My friends play with the radar off.  Then when they get kill streaks the UAV is actually relevant.  I kind of feel that if you have radar on then it is more like a gun duel and less of a tactical stealth sort of game.  I understand how frustrating it is to die from getting shot from an unknown location. 
Post is way too long to just be about radar on or off.

What im getting from this is that you suck at cod and need a handicap.
my friends who play cod online never want the radar on when we play splitscreen
my firends who dont play cod online want the radar on when we play splitscreen

im against it as it makes the game boring and too easy. even when u earn a uav there are counters and it only refreshes every couple seconds, not a constant dot.

I like how your thread had an introduction paragraph 
Originally Posted by hAzEee aNd sN3aKerS

. Another reason he has iS  that "radar is for children only" . I disagree because call of duty is NOT a childrens game t. It's a shooting game that really not supposed to be played by people under 18, and contains a lot of violence so how can radar be for "children only". 

 You have to be trolling 
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