Thoughts on the confederate flag

Why are you even speaking on American affairs?

You live a sheltered bubble of ignorance, if you're allowed to have a valid opinion American affairs.

You always trying bash who ever is getting picked on for the day.

Ninjahood is entitled to his own opinion without you insulting him and talking slick.

...don't think I forgot you saying you'd beat me up, and called me pathetic and wish I killed myself.
Oh you're putting words in my mouth now? 
 Is this your new shtick you've come up with? 

The only truth in that post is that I said you're the most pathetic NT'er in the 2016 NT Dundie awards thread. You're not fooling anyone Nomad. Using an avy of another NT'er, which Meth himself called you out on, and now making false claims that I never said or even implied. I called you pathetic because you get banned and just keep coming back under a different SN with a new shtick but you can't hide your typical Nomad characteristics.

Everyone here who knows me can attest to the fact that I am strongly against violence and would never beat someone up. I would also never tell somebody to kill themselves.
So if you're going to make a bunch of false claims, at least do your research and make it somewhat believable.

As for your claim of "picking on Ninja", did I not tell that person to leave Ninja's housing situation out of the debate? I'm not the one who brought it up. Ninja lives in a sheltered bubble of ignorance, which he has proven time and again. It's not an insult simply for the sake of insulting someone, it's a fact.
Ninja is allowed to have his opinion, we're also allowed to debate that opinion. It's called freedom of speech and that's kind of how discussions work.
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 It's not an insult simply for the sake of insulting someone, it's a fact.... It's called freedom of speech.
Like the fact you lied about a medical condition and being bed ridden?

Or that you live in Belgium? 

You don't advocate violence but Gucci Mane and Future are your favorite artists.

You're a poser and a liar.

And it's fact you insulted me and called me pathetic.

Bet you won't say it to my face though...

Bet you won't even say in on video and post it here... with freedom of speech, which is in the AMERICAN constitution, I call you a liar, a fraud, and a coward. You're all about facts rights?

Like the fact you lied about a medical condition and being bed ridden?

Or that you live in Belgium? 

You don't advocate violence but Gucci Mane and Future are your favorite artists.

You're a poser and a liar.

And it's fact you insulted me and called me pathetic.

Bet you won't say it to my face though...

Bet you won't even say in on video and post it here... with freedom of speech, which is in the AMERICAN constitution, I call you a liar, a fraud, and a coward. You're all about facts rights?
Was your shtick not getting you enough attention Nomad? Is this how low you have sunk? You need to calm down and get help. And no I don't mean that in an offensive way.
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Damn...yo having a meltdown in multiple threads.

Dudes really be getting in their feelings in here about lack of attention and sht :lol:. Take a break man. Put down the phone/computer and regroup.

This is a 35 yr old man who sleeps in a walk-in closet at his mothers house yet thinks he's the next republican billionaire in waiting, Of course he doesn't believe in facts.

This dude might have genuine mental issues and you dudes wanna have debates with him. :smh:
I think the democrats definitely use the existence systemic racism as a talking point to bring on support without actually doing anything about it but to say it's just a narrative created by the left soley to gain minority support?

In 2016? Alot "Racism" is used a boogie man. Are there instances of racism? Sure...but, an a ENTIRE system made for minorities to fail, in this modern time? Nah..
Its mostly a narrative to get minorities to act & vote a certain way.

I can tell ninja has never experienced real racism.

Cuz "real racism"(da jim crow, burnin crosses, sheriff is da neighborhood klan leader, Lynchin, fire hoses, segregation, illegal interracial relationships, nobody allowed to read books, etc.) Is dead.

If your idea of "soul crushing Racism" is a bunch of losers on Stormfront then ya already proved my point. :lol:
:lol: let me guess, someone said he likes attention and that set him off?

From the DR thread. Pretty bizarre.
Like people that follow you from thread to thread.

Derailing your thread, buzzing around you like mosquitoes, talking slick, taking jabs, wishing you die, have a mental break down, call you every name in the book.  

Blatantly harassing you, undermining your every word...claim they ignore you but know just about every word you've ever posted in NT verbatim?

Instead of contributing to good threads, and trying to be constructive they want to make sure your self-esteem is ran into the ******* ground and you're broken as person.

Instead of admitting they hate themselves, they rather hate you ever more for giving in to their ignorance.

You mean those types of people?

Yeah they're nuts...but if you can see all thats done and don't wait to speak up until someone has had enough.

Then that makes you just as nusts as them. 

On some gotta chill man. Take a step back and look at how you're posting, and what you're saying. It's really not that serious.
Can we at least keep it real in here.

Can we do this.
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I don't advocate violence and I listen to future, explain to me why that's an issue

You can listen to Future and not advocate violence, if you understand the lyrics and the culture.

Especially as an American.

Dude in here waving his bleeding heart flag about how he hates violence, yet he internet bullies me from the safety of his what ever device he uses to log on to NT.

Future is from Atlanta, the heart of the black South, which was hit HARD by the American Confederacy.

Racism which caused millions of blacks to disperse and leave their businesses behind to flee north during the great migration.

The hit to Atlanta's black community shifted wealth distribution affecting education, politics, and social stability in a

once thriving community.

Future raps about the limited choices his people now have due to that pathology and horrible history, which fragments the black community to this day.

Dude is from Belgium... a ******* poser.

But yet he's in here speaking on Ninjahood's house, which an on going joke since before his join date.

Then he takes slick jabs at me every chance he gets and I have never done nothing personally to him

...d-riders do that, cowards and suckas with no identity. If he came to Atlanta, or New York, dude wouldn't be talking slick like that.

Trying to look cool for strangers on the web.

Blastin' Future like a culture vulture. Then come in here trying to preach holier than though basura...

...infrared is activated, from now on. For six months I've been peaceful, made sure I didn't respond to slick talk, the cowardice and the trolling.

It's beyond turning the other cheek now, it's about dudes acting like I don't deserve the respect of the average human being because they're clowns

and ain't no one been calling them out on their flawed ways.


Cuz "real racism"(da jim crow, burnin crosses, sheriff is da neighborhood klan leader, Lynchin, fire hoses, segregation, illegal interracial relationships, nobody allowed to read books, etc.) Is dead.


Lynching, and segregation still exist. It just evolved.
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Saying that "nobody thinks of black people as 2/5 of a person today" is true.

The correct number is 3/5.

Besides, if you really want to show off your southern pride, fly your state flag to your heart's content. Not the flag of an entity that was created for the sole purpose of upholding the economic, cultural, ideological values engendered by slavery.
Cuz "real racism"(da jim crow, burnin crosses, sheriff is da neighborhood klan leader, Lynchin, fire hoses, segregation, illegal interracial relationships, nobody allowed to read books, etc.) Is dead.


Lynching, and segregation still exist. It just evolved.

Unless we talking da middle east, no one is getting publicly hanged for their views, or lifestyle or skin color...stop it b.

Even Obama in his attempts to rebuke Donald Trump said in da Rutgers commencement speech, you're in da best time to be born, young gifted, and a minority...
Can't argue with somebody that says "real racism is dead" ...waste of time and nothing gets accomplished
In 2016? Alot "Racism" is used a boogie man. Are there instances of racism? Sure...but, an a ENTIRE system made for minorities to fail, in this modern time? Nah..
Its mostly a narrative to get minorities to act & vote a certain way.
Maybe there is a narrative that says systemic racism is caused by a bunch of old white men sitting in room figuring out ways to make the lives of minorities harder but thats not what i believe it is. I think there are certain things needed in America to ensure generational success, like being able to achieve a quality education, being able to acquire wealth and property, so and so forth. I also think that minorities don't have the same access to those things as white folks do for a multitude of different reasons. Some of those reasons have to do with the fact that they were blocked from that access up until fairly recently. Systemic racism to me is actively not remedying everything that came with that blocked access, to put everyone on equal footing with those that weren't denied access.

kinda like if black people were banned from swimming in any body of water, and then suddenly the ban was taken away, but no one bothers teaching them how to swim. but its still expected of them to swim as well the white people that were never banned to begin with. and all of the swimming standards were set by those who have been swimming forever.
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