Thoughts on the confederate flag

No it wasn't. You're simultaneously both the most pompous and ignorant individual I've ever come across. :lol:

The flag is literally burning on fire.

and DJ paul casually holding it by da pool is him "scrubbing it wit da scum of da racist" :lol: ite b.
the fact that son thinks some photos of rappers are indicative of how black people as a whole think and move speaks volumes :lol:

politics is downstream from culture.

but sure let's pretend da Confederate flag has evoked swift viseral reactions in pop culture :lol:
:lol: and why is the rebuttal always a rapper?

pop culture references are easy book marks when it comes to book marking and reflecting where da temperature is to da greater public sentiment at large. authors, journalist, and editors do it all da time.
dude def lives in a different world th
pop culture references are easy book marks when it comes to book marking and reflecting where da temperature is to da greater public sentiment at large. authors, journalist, and editors do it all da time.
yeah not our black president who publicly denounced the flag several times
instead lets look towards ludacris and lil jon for leadership
yeah not our black president who publicly denounced the flag several times

denounced ≠ did anything about it.

besides i trust da market forces over political pandering when it comes to issues like this. up until Charleston, it was commercially viable to make a million dollar movie and market it nation wide with


a mainstream cast sitting in front of a car literally called da General lee wit da flag emblazoned on da roof.

i mean we can pretend da Confederate flag has been considered abhorrent since da end of da Civil War, like da Nazi flag in WW2, but then ya'd be lyin ?‍♂️.

some of ya still live in States that fly it proud to this day.
oh yeah, so explain why it took Charleston for SC to take down their Confederate flag?


I highly suggest you find an actual living, breathing, African American and see what their feelings are towards the flag and what it represents. You plastering it on your truck tells me all I need to know. Hate to break it to you, but the world is a lot bigger than Washington Heights. You really need to get out more.
I highly suggest you find an actual living, breathing, African American and see what their feelings are towards the flag and what it represents

you didn't answer my question, so ill ask it again. why did it take Charleston for SC to take down da flag? simple.
denounced ≠ did anything about it.

besides i trust da market forces over political pandering when it comes to issues like this. up until Charleston, it was commercially viable to make a million dollar movie and market it nation wide with


a mainstream cast sitting in front of a car literally called da General lee wit da flag emblazoned on da roof.

i mean we can pretend da Confederate flag has been considered abhorrent since da end of da Civil War, like da Nazi flag in WW2, but then ya'd be lyin ?‍♂️.

some of ya still live in States that fly it proud to this day.
white person
white person
white person
white person
white person

and you can't even see the flag on this promo... you know why?
because its a symbol of racism
you didn't answer my question, so ill ask it again. why did it take Charleston for SC to take down da flag? simple.

You make it seem like the policy makers and other politicians in office AREN'T tone-deaf when it comes to issues surrounding race and equity. SC being late on taking the flag down does absolutely NOTHING for your argument about whether or not it's a disgusting symbol of hatred.

Honestly, I'm done...I'm not getting in a back and forth with someone so willfully obtuse.
da name of da car is "da General Lee"

and da horn is "whistling dixie"

there's da Trailer, Flag in plain sight.

ok but you realize none of that is understood by the promo poster for neutral individuals to see
and that's on purpose...

i wonder why
ok but you realize none of that is understood by the promo poster for neutral individuals to see

imma say it again....da name of da car is General Lee l, da horn is
whistling dixie, and da flag is all over da trailer.

if it walks like a duck....
let’s pretend black folks age 40-70 give a **** about rappers and pop culture

oh so now its a age relativism thing :lol: most of da rappers spoken about here are 40ish.

maybe if you actually engaged on why rappers (and society at large) were indifferent to using it as a colloquial prop to rep da south till Charleston happened you would actually get to da root of point im getting at.
No it wasn't. You're simultaneously both the most pompous and ignorant individual I've ever come across. :lol:

"A Know-Nothing Know-It-All is a character who insists he or she knows everything; is always right; that they were the ''actual'' original creator of an idea; and who generally has an extremely high opinion of themselves and their abilities, when nothing could be further from the truth.

They are grossly misinformed, or just lying, about everything they talk about with authority. They create nothing new, and are Ignorant of Their Own Ignorance. Their abilities could best be described as "scarce". Such people are, in fact, the living definition of the word charlatan."

oh so now its a age relativism thing :lol: most of da rappers spoken about here are 40ish.

maybe if you actually engaged on why rappers (and society at large) were indifferent to using it as a colloquial prop to rep da south till Charleston happened you would actually get to da root of point im getting at.

one of the rappers you posted literally stomped on the flag and called it racist.

nobody is doubting its use as a prop. Everybody knows what that means especially in the south. Regular black people don’t wear that **** normally :lol: You’d know this if your knowledge of southern black people wasn’t based around rap videos :lol:

Inb4 google search to find 4 random ****** wearing it
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