Thread about Jesus - Questions, Bible Verses and Prayer Requests

 Sometime when I was really young. And then multiple times after that as I grew up. 
I see the problem.

You were a false convert.

Occurs often with church grown children.
Of course, I don't fit your narrow world view, so I was a false convert. Maybe you should go back and re-read before you judge. Or maybe use more than a handful of sentences to formulate an opinion. I have an idea for you thought. You might not want to consider yourself a Christian just yet. Many of us believed far longer than you and ended up as "false converts" and were "never Christians". 
But there are plenty of people that follow other religions that believe they are putting their faith in the correct god. 
organized religion is disempowering by design. Whether god is real or whether you believe in god or not is irrelevant because first and foremost you're putting your faith in human gatekeepers that have proven time and time again that they are fallible and corrupt. When you have a select few of these gatekeepers (symbol of the holy see is a key insignia) you centralize power which is a prerequisite for corruption. This was the basis for organizing society in the not too distant past even.

So religion is nothing more than an interface - an outdated and inefficient one at that - with "god."

I also find it ironic how we brush off ancient and old technologies at being primitive, undeveloped etc. except for religion. So being old and out of reach actually aids religions as far as tenacity and "infallibility" goes.

If the bible was released today as a book, harry potter would murk it. Now that's not to say that the bible doesn't offer great lessons or teachings, however, it has been thousands of years with as many revisions and translations. It's also filled with half-truths as a result and that is the most dangerous since that can be presented as an eternal truth.

This statement when aimed at Christianity, is false. There is no human gatekeeper. No one comes on to the Father (God) but thru the sonJesus Christ ( theres no man).
Unlike Catholicisim, christians have direct access to God. We can pray and ask for forgiveness by talking to God directly. We dont need a priest or anyone else to represent us.
As far as being primitive or undeveloped, if something is true, it will always be true from its inception. You think the idea of Jesus, God is old? It is old, tried and true. He's the alpha and omega, begining and the end.
I dont think there is such a thing as a half truth. Its either a lie, or its true. True or false, 0 or 100. Theres no in between. There are no half truths in the Bible. Grab your self a King James Version or NIV, you have Gods word and its absolute truth.

welp, there goes my hope for having a rational discussion.
:wow: :rofl:

My Pastor was JUST talking to us about bootlegging movies and music.

I commend you. I gave it up too.

It was bitter sweet for me when I stop listening to hip hop. I like Drake, but I was listening one day and was like "Wait a minute this don't feel right or sound the same"

For the record I'm not condemning anyone :lol: . For ME it just wasn't the same.
It is cool that some of you gave up secular music but do you give up secular movies as well?
Honest question

Why is there any reason to believe that the bible is true gospel (no scriptures please)

Despite evidence against religion, and the void of evidence for it, why pick one out of hundreds, thousands? And please don't quote scriptures to me it only furthers bias

Granted no evidence, would you say your religion is just superstition for better fortune

And in most cases, christains find it their duty to change agnostic, lazy-backdoor-couldbe christains into full-time christains, why is that? Why are other religions frowned upon but not worth rectifying.

Is it because without religion, one is immoral, or is it because you see them as unrational fallacious beings that won't stray from what they believe is the "truth".
Honest question

Why is there any reason to believe that the bible is true gospel (no scriptures please)

Despite evidence against religion, and the void of evidence for it, why pick one out of hundreds, thousands? And please don't quote scriptures to me it only furthers bias

Granted no evidence, would you say your religion is just superstition for better fortune

And in most cases, christains find it their duty to change agnostic, lazy-backdoor-couldbe christains into full-time christains, why is that? Why are other religions frowned upon but not worth rectifying.

Is it because without religion, one is immoral, or is it because you see them as unrational fallacious beings that won't stray from what they believe is the "truth".

This is hard to answer without using scripture because it is what differentiates Christianity from other religions. But I can probably still answer. First tho, we gotta step back. Do you believe there is a God?
all this religion jive offends me... I'm sorry.  I respect other peoples opinions and all but when logic is so flawed, I can't help but cringe inside..   knowing the all intelligent creator of all things is looking at his most intellectually capable animal in disgust.. like why on earth are they so stupid?  

i blame it on the devils...  the ones, who in their hearts, believe their entitled to own slaves and start wars for only their benefit. 

and the funny thing is the devil is in the sheeps clothing fooling masses.  
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for those who don't want to read... i summarize it with this. 

all these new school pastors are like the rapper rick ross.  stealing a real ****** story and getting rich off it.  
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for those who don't want to read... i summarize it with this. 

all these new school pastors are like the rapper rick ross.  stealing a real ****** story and getting rich off it.  

This is nothing new. There were false prophets in Biblical days as well. The Bible just says that it will be more to come.
This is hard to answer without using scripture because it is what differentiates Christianity from other religions. But I can probably still answer. First tho, we gotta step back. Do you believe there is a God?

No. Because there isn't a rational reason to, I guess my original question was can you answer the questions without scriptures, cause otherwise it is just positive hearsay that can be made up by anybody

Wasn't trying to jump down anyones throats, I just wanted to know if there was something I didn't know.

I have an jehovah witness neighbor who refuses to question the word of the bible/or answer any of my questions about credibility. Jus wanted to know what other Christians/Jehovah witnesses thought.
.I don't get this thread

I have faith I dont need to question it


I don't believe I don't have faith/skeptical

Thread over...bunch over dudes asking others dudes questions to discredit their beliefs... Thus isn't fact it's faith and beliefs.. U need proof okay go somewhere.. U don't believe so u.ask those who do questions to try and trip em up? Really? This is beliefs and faith what's so hard to understand
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No. Because there isn't a rational reason to, I guess my original question was can you answer the questions without scriptures, cause otherwise it is just positive hearsay that can be made up by anybody

Wasn't trying to jump down anyones throats, I just wanted to know if there was something I didn't know.

I have an jehovah witness neighbor who refuses to question the word of the bible/or answer any of my questions about credibility. Jus wanted to know what other Christians/Jehovah witnesses thought.

First, Jehovah's Witnesses are not Christians. They are a heresy and what they teach is a lie. But that's for another discussion. As far as there being a God, I don't see how one can not believe. God is all around us. Look at the earth or the universe. Evolutionist claim the earth was formed at random yet the earth is full of order. The sun goes up and down every day at the same times. The seasons of the year occur each year on schedule. O Has gravity ever stopped being gravity? Look at your body. It is full of genetic code. Just like computers it takes a code writer to write code. God is around us in mathematics, biology and chemistry.
First, Jehovah's Witnesses are not Christians. They are a heresy and what they teach is a lie. But that's for another discussion. As far as there being a God, I don't see how one can not believe. God is all around us. Look at the earth or the universe. Evolutionist claim the earth was formed at random yet the earth is full of order. The sun goes up and down every day at the same times. The seasons of the year occur each year on schedule. O Has gravity ever stopped being gravity? Look at your body. It is full of genetic code. Just like computers it takes a code writer to write code. God is around us in mathematics, biology and chemistry.

Speaking if genetic code why is some dab considered junk DNA
First, Jehovah's Witnesses are not Christians. They are a heresy and what they teach is a lie. But that's for another discussion. As far as there being a God, I don't see how one can not believe. God is all around us. Look at the earth or the universe. Evolutionist claim the earth was formed at random yet the earth is full of order. The sun goes up and down every day at the same times. The seasons of the year occur each year on schedule. O Has gravity ever stopped being gravity? Look at your body. It is full of genetic code. Just like computers it takes a code writer to write code. God is around us in mathematics, biology and chemistry.

Thanks for responding
"Order" is a relative term. Are we in order? We have children born already with illness or deformities. We have people killing each other. Nations bombing nations for literally no reason other than "god". People starving while others are rich.

Where's the "order" you're speaking of?

If god wanted order he would of made his people equal. He would of made sure everyone was fed and clothed. He would of made sure we were born without sickness.

Unless you can say god made some people with the sole intent of killing them. Innocent children being born into war torn parts of the world while others are born rich.

I fail to see the order

*waits for*

"Bible said this would happen"

WRONG, none of this is new, this has been happening since the dawn of man.

Christianity does a good job of painting a pretty picture for its people and leaving out EVERYTHING else.
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Why can't we all have different religions... and love eachother?
Nobody should care about your religion, worry about their favorite football team, or movie.
Have a war over their favorite snack or summin
Why can't we all have different religions... and love eachother?
Nobody should care about your religion, worry about their favorite football team, or movie.
Have a war over their favorite snack or summin

Inferiority complex that's indicative of the people who created Christianity
Why do you always say, "There must be a God. Look at the stars, moon, and sun, etc...." I mean looking at that stuff tells us there must be a God? I don't understand that logic. Because we can't explain where it came from and how it came about means there HAS to be a God?
I wanted to share this. I was watching Ancient Aliens last night and the topic was Satan. It spoke about how the Mayans, Incas, and Aztecs all created statues of the Fallen Angel of Light and Wisdom. It is essentially what each culture/belief systems views as "Satan."

It was said that Satan was an extra-terrestrial being that basically took the science, math, and knowledge from the Gods and shared them with humans.

One of the speakers asked why is it that Satan is viewed as a bad guy when he was in fact here to help mankind? And what if, just what if, he was the good guy and God was the opposite.

It was an interesting show. I am sure you can catch it some other time.
No, what he's asking is this:

Tons of Christians hold tyne opinion that homosexual men get HIV, because that's their punishment from 'god' (since homosexuality is forbidden in the bible).

Well, since homosexuality is forbidden and these Christians have convinced theirself that homosexual men are punished w/ HIV why aren't homosexual women punished w/ something?

I could answer it, but let's hear what you've got.
My answer to that (and I'm not going to act like I KNOW this is the answer) would be this...

God didn't create sex with the idea that it should be created through the rectum. The anus is literally not constructed to have an erect penis go through it...if you compare a vagina vs an anus, you'll realize a vagina is meant to stretch and not tear as easy as an anus, when it tears, it will bleed, thus giving HIV.

Women aren't "punished" because men are the ones having the majority of anal sex.
I wanted to share this. I was watching Ancient Aliens last night and the topic was Satan. It spoke about how the Mayans, Incas, and Aztecs all created statues of the Fallen Angel of Light and Wisdom. It is essentially what each culture/belief systems views as "Satan."

It was said that Satan was an extra-terrestrial being that basically took the science, math, and knowledge from the Gods and shared them with humans.

One of the speakers asked why is it that Satan is viewed as a bad guy when he was in fact here to help mankind? And what if, just what if, he was the good guy and God was the opposite.

It was an interesting show. I am sure you can catch it some other time.

Yo I got some literature on stuff like that if you're genuinely interested.

Not trying to offend anyone but the bible was constructed with the premise of keeping people blind deaf dumb. Hence pushing for knowledge to be the original sin. The snake is nothing too fear but rather revere.

And question, how can a snake be the devil but yet be used as a miracle in the exodus narrative?

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